What is it Hos, with some people and systematic QBs to me Phil Simms, didn't say those kinds of things that is just the Giants fans angry over what Romo, Witten, and Gramatica did to them screw them.
There is nothing wrong with that label "system qb" because it applies to every QB, in all fazes of organized football no matter how hard some media, and fans alike try and compare QBs statistics whose better than who blah blah blah.
The most important thing is the true skill of the QB, and it doesn't matter what talent the QB, has around him but the thing that gets me the most when fans, and media people blames the QB, for his success like the QB, asked the GM, of the team he plays for to draft or sign him.
In Romo's case there is now way he would've known that the Cowboys, would draft Witten, JJ, MB3, or signed T.G., or T.O. after that Tony, is no Nostradamus.
There has been this same debate about Troy Aikman, for years when fans, and media people said the same things about him and some of us know that he had the skills to play in any offense in the NFL, while he didn't have the mobility of Tony, he had superb pass accuracy an important prerequisite for any QB, and some people to this day still doesn't give him the credit he deserves when I watched Troy, he made me really appreciate the QB position alot more.
Tony, is a joy to watch he goes through his progressions much like Troy did in his prime and is accurate with the ball in the pocket, and on the run also so that stuff Strahan, was saying that Romo, isn't good in the pocket is ridiculous that 42 yd pass to Jason Witten, between two defenders was a thing of beauty not too many QBs, even with the strongest arm wouldn't attempt that kind of a pass to his left side like that.
Good points as always Hos.