Accountability 101 - RW Blames Romo for Everything... Vid added Post #73

Roy is as stupid as he looks.

We gave up a 1st, 3rd, and a 5th.

How much is Roy worth right now on the trade market?
People need to read the article without the false title.

He did not blame Romo ..... he blamed himself and Romo for not being on the same page.
Wow. That was just plain stupid. You just can't go out and publically say that. Way to make the situation even worse.
Avery;3056036 said:
"I'm the No. 1 receiver. But things are just going No. 2's way."

superpunk;3056044 said:
The lost art of the "No Comment."

No kidding.

Him saying this makes me think he's not very intelligent.

Jerry overpaid (big time) for a knock-kneed possession receiver.
At least TO's pissing and moaning had some merit cause he produced.

This is just laughable.

I really hope this quote was taken out of context but I can't imagine it would be.
zrinkill;3056120 said:
People need to read the article without the false title.

He did not blame Romo ..... he blamed himself and Romo for not being on the same page.

"He gets the ball thrown correctly his way," Williams said of Austin.

That's calling out Romo and putting it on him.
Why is any body surprised?

To those who did not see it coming weeks ago, I can only say, duh!
To this whole board, overreaction much? :rolleyes:

He's said already that the balls are not where they're supposed to be. It's not something we haven't seen already. It also has been said by him previously.

You guys are just overreacting to the silly and inappropriate attention seeking title.
This guy is quickly becoming the cancer I expected him to become. He should be invited into a meeting with Jerry, Wade and Garrett and explain himself.

I would start with a demotion to #4 WR/ST player until he readjusts his attitude. Once that is better, we should work him back in as a #3 WR so we don't have to worry about feeding him the ball anymore in the base offense which has been stalling our drives.

If he doesn't apologize, I would suspend him for the rest of the year and release him in the offseason. I don't want any cancers in the locker room. They have been appeased for far too long in this organization (Ellis, Pacman, Tank, TO and now RW).
Chief;3056127 said:
"He gets the ball thrown correctly his way," Williams said of Austin.

That's calling Romo and putting it on him.

"He gets the ball thrown correctly his way," Williams said of Austin. "I'm stretching and falling and doing everything. Everybody [else] who's been here's balls are there. Our footballs [from Romo to Williams] are everywhere right now."

Im not sure he is. If you look at the statement in whole it sounds more like he is saying that Romo and the receivers that he has chemistry are in sync and that he and Romo are not.

You would think he would know better then to say something like this, but I dont think he is trying to put the blame on Romo.
Ask him to explain what happen when the ball hit his hands yet he dropped it.

I don't blame him for all the non-catches when targeted. Romo has thrown several balls over his head or at his feet. You can't expect him to catch those balls, but if it hit you in the hands, thats your fault buddy.
Dumb thing to say. Very TO like.

Just say "it's not happening right now, and it will hopefully in the future."
"He gets the ball thrown correctly his way," Williams said of Austin. "I'm stretching and falling and doing everything. Everybody [else] who's been here's balls are there. Our footballs [from Romo to Williams] are everywhere right now."

:eek: Are you kidding me? He actually said this? I've been rooting for him, waiting for him to make us feel justified in making the trade, but we just can't have this type of divisiveness on the team again. I agree with the quote, but you can't say it publicly. At least he used the word "our" when explaining the situation. I wonder if this was taken out of context of he said it just like this. If anyone comes across a video, please post it.
Everytime Roy opens his mouth, I like him a little less. Geez.
NextGenBoys;3056081 said:
Roy may be speaking the truth, but you dont say that type of stuff. As sensitive as he is, he's going to have even more haters after yearing that, and even more media members are going to tear into him.

But the passes to him aren't on target.

I'm not worried at all though. We're moving the ball and winning games. Once he and Romo do start to connect, we're going to be VERY tough to beat.

We can move the ball and score points without the cancer - he has been a detriment rather than a positive to this team so far. His contribution could probably be replaced with Sam Hurd starting this Sunday.
theogt;3056101 said:
What an incredibly stupid thing for him to say, even if he's right.

He is a fricking cancer - it is just starting and it will get worse if not rectified.
GimmeTheBall!;3056128 said:
Why is any body surprised?

To those who did not see it coming weeks ago, I can only say, duh!

The Play Maker been calling this guy out longer than a few weeks. Maybe Al Davis has one more bad trade left in him.:laugh2:

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