Adam Schefter on Mike and Mike

Keep in mind Schefter is routinely on Philly sports radio being best buds with those scumbags with a heavy pro Eagles, anti Cowboys diatribe.

Bleep him. He's a weasel.

It's always good to self reflect RS

I'm proud of you! recognizing your faults! :thumbup:
o_O Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf - IS - Baghdad Bob.

They are the same person. Real name vs Internet pseudo-name
Then why didn't you just say Baghdad Bob...........................rolls of the tongue.
The focus of Schefter's dialogue on Mike and Mike was the threatened Jerry Jones law suit against the NFL.

Fundamentally, Schefter opined that the law suit was nothing more than a power grab - Jerry Jones wants to take over the NFL. There was no mention of the Zeke Elliott case nor any mention of the recent Tom Stokes article "connecting the dots".

I'm paraphrasing here, but the consensus was Jerry had no basis for the lawsuit, didn't have much support amongst other owners, was out of line and that Goodell would ultimately get an extension.

Normally, I am a big supporter of M&M, but in this case, their discourse seemed baised and shortsighted.
I was listening to Mike and Mike a couple of days ago and Greenberg even questioned why the NFL would go after its most darling franchise for something so controversial when they already have numerous of other issues.
I was listening to Mike and Mike a couple of days ago and Greenberg even questioned why the NFL would go after its most darling franchise for something so controversial when they already have numerous of other issues.

Because it is not it's "preferred" darling franchise. The league wants a different "America's Team". It's ABD. Anybody But Dallas.

Isn't it clear to all that there is a defnitive agenda against the Cowboys by now?

From the media on down. Just overflowing with Cowboys hate for YEARS. So much so that it has permeated into officiating and actual game outcomes on the fly.

This is the reality that the Cowboys face.
I think the fans should get together and March at NFL & ESPN headquarters in NYC and demand Goodell step down. All we need is someone to pay us for the day and provide some nice signs. I'll bring the megaphones for the chants.
NFL War of attrition. The NFL started it, and Jerry is only firing back. This IMO is good for the fans (forcing the powerful to level the playing field) in the same way this whole Harvey Weinstein thing will end up being a positive for the less powerful people in all walks of professional life.

Viva la revolucion!
Were we listening to the same broadcast? :huh:

He said Jerry wouldn't win and Goodell would get his extension, both of which are probably true. At the end of the day, players and owners of other teams aren't losing their minds over Zeke's case. As much as we'd like to see a groundswell of support, most don't see it as their problem. It's simply our problem.
It’s popular to demonize Jerry. What’s unique is that he doesn’t give a........
Absolutely true..... but Rog is a powertripping powerhungry personality.
Nothing will stop him if he is pissed. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Dallas lose the draft next year, a lot of “random” drug tests on superstar cowboys players, more than normal penalties called against Dallas and for opponents.

Outside of losing the draft, he did this to Seattle in 2012, 2013 when Sherman beat his drug test on a technicality. Expect blowback is what I’m tryIng to say, cause Rog can be a very vicious *******!
The focus of Schefter's dialogue on Mike and Mike was the threatened Jerry Jones law suit against the NFL.

Fundamentally, Schefter opined that the law suit was nothing more than a power grab - Jerry Jones wants to take over the NFL. There was no mention of the Zeke Elliott case nor any mention of the recent Tom Stokes article "connecting the dots".

I'm paraphrasing here, but the consensus was Jerry had no basis for the lawsuit, didn't have much support amongst other owners, was out of line and that Goodell would ultimately get an extension.

Normally, I am a big supporter of M&M, but in this case, their discourse seemed baised and shortsighted.

Northeast blowhards.
Keep in mind Schefter is routinely on Philly sports radio being best buds with those scumbags with a heavy pro Eagles, anti Cowboys diatribe.

Bleep him. He's a weasel.

Honestly...I can't believe people have already forgot the blood bath that occured @ :espn:...the firing off dozens of conservites....

And now...people are surprised to hear ESPN bashing the Cowboys?

Liberials control the media...and are gonna try and tell you what to think and believe .It's only gonna get worse people...the line is being drawn in the sand...What side are you on? Choose wisely..:popcorn:

I just hope Jerry sticks to his word...and sees this fight to the very bitter end.

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