After Jerry's rant how can you do anything but root against this team

He doesn't care if you root against them. Rooting against them makes him more money. Stop rooting for or against the Cowboys. Just stop caring, stop watching stop spending money. When it hits his pocketbook then he will change. Until then there is no reason to for him to do anything different.
Sell your season tickets; make some money for yourself. It really can’t be fun attending the games now.
Oh, more than that. We need to ask any Eagles, Patriots, or Giants fans we know how to be as brutal to the team and Jerry as they are to their teams. We need to learn how to be as tough as they are. Players respect toughness. I think part of the reason the stadium has such a country club atmosphere is because we don't bring nearly the energy necessary to games. Can you imagine Roseman having an offseason like Jerry? Can you imagine the Giants quitting in the first quarter? Can you imagine Washington routinely getting pasted? Can you imagine the Patriots or Steelers looking we have? That wouldn't fly in ANY of those cities, so why do we let it fly here? Why is the idea so good for us to quit? Screw that! Let's remember what division we're in and learn from our rival fanbases. Jerry doesn't like criticism, so let's go full New York on him.
As if opinions move the needle over the almighty dollar. The only way to punish Jerry is to stop paying him.
We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.
Bottom out baby.
It's gotta get worse before it gets better.
He also signed Pac-Man Jones, drafted Kelvin Joseph in the second round, signed Tank Johnson, signed Tyrone Williams (or was it White? He was a former GB corner) who was a wife beater, Sam Williams doesn't seem like a saint to me, Duane Goodrich definitely wasn't a saint, so if you're a garbage human being then you're on his radar. I know I'm missing some people.
The Chiefs have plenty of criminals.
I love this team.

After Jerry's comments yesterday threatening to fire radio hosts because they asked him questions he didn't like, I hope he never sees another post season. I want that rotten old bourbon soaked, moral corpse of a human to sit in his box and watch his utter failure play out on the field year after year until the corpse stops moving and they throw some dirt on it.

I also want to see us win a SB.

So yeah...real pickle.
Been rooting against them for the last few weeks, the games aren't even fun to watch as they used to be
I had the opportunity to go to the Giants Thursday night game and I declined it. I have no interest in seeing them play live. Which is something I never thought I would say
I am 100% all in on this team losing every game from here on out until real change is made. Long term, getting humbled in a big way this year is the best thing for this franchise.

Jerry needs to be punished for the horrible job he is doing. It needs to become so ridiculously obvious that the team he built absolutely sucks that even he might be able to admit that there needs to be change.
Sad for fans but very true.
I love this team.

After Jerry's comments yesterday threatening to fire radio hosts because they asked him questions he didn't like, I hope he never sees another post season. I want that rotten old bourbon soaked, moral corpse of a human to sit in his box and watch his utter failure play out on the field year after year until the corpse stops moving and they throw some dirt on it.

I also want to see us win a SB.

So yeah...real pickle.
No problem Jerry will croak soon enough. The pressures of this season may end up giving him a stroke this year
The ironic thing about all of this is how it has robbed fans of other teams of their fun in trash talking Cowboys fans about their misery.

What trash can they talk that would make us feel worse than the team's performance and the GM do?

We even now agree with many of their trash talking points about the Cowboys.

I wouldn't wish this hell on any other fan base. It is the worst football thing in the world to know and accept that your team will never again compete for anything special as long as it is held hostage by the family that owns it.
He's been pretty salty lately........this is his third snappy remark over the last few weeks. Honestly, I wonder if he's starting to see some pressure from people he cares about, like family and/or friends. I have a hard time believing Jerry cares enough about what 3 beat writers think to coz the meltdown we see. I think this was a carryover from something or someone else and he took it out on them.
Either way, he deserves it..........
Watching Henry tear it up is causing a mental burden. This 2 are linked together this year
As a fan you dont have to root against them The Cowboys will implode all on their own and We all will be back here gripping about it. its FUBAR!

"After Jerry's rant how can you do anything but root against this team"

Why in the world would a Cowboy fan root against the Cowboys? Sounds like a pretty crappy fan to me
Read the comments for the answer
I'd never root against them like this. They're my team.

But in that last game I enjoyed what the opponent was doing and hoped they keep going. For the first time ever. Not because I wanted us to lose. But once it was clear they would, I wanted it to be wholesome. So that the whole team would think hard about it for the next two weeks. San Fran next, whew. Let's see how Mr. runner up MVP solves that.
Problem is the whole team was laughing it up on the sidelines . . . led by Micah
I'll never root against this team despite the dysfunctional idiots that are running it.
Why root for them to lose?

Cant draft a new franchise qb

Cant change the GM.

Won't hire a young innovative or tough minded Head Coach

Won't bring in blue chip Free Agents that are in their prime.

O-17 or meaninful changes coming
All we have left is watching Jerry squirm after loses

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