After Jerry's rant how can you do anything but root against this team

We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.
I don't root against the team, it was Jerry that screwed all the people in the organization over, Jerry is the one that put them in position to fail. The only realistic hope is that something bad and serious enough about Jerry comes out that forces him to sell the team.
Cant do it man. Been a fan for 40+ years. It's like a disease. Cant shake it. If I could quit caring, I would've done it over 10 years ago.
I know it want happen. But it'll be so great to see the team mutiny on Jerry. I'd like that almost as much as a win.
Jerry went on Radio and went off?


It ain’t always sweet Mr. Jones….the fans are tired and sick of the nonsense
He’s Rich Drunk Dumb Jerry Jones. He’s rich… he drinks… he says and does dumb things!
When Dak was re-signed, this team was doomed not only for this season, but for years to come. It's getting really hard to root for the Cowboys.
This is Jerry's mess not Dak. Stop deflecting blame from the architect of the past 28 seasons.
What if losing is truly what is best for the team long term in order to potentially get the GM to fire himself?

I hate that it has come to this, but I didn’t make that choice. The front office did.

Sometimes everything needs to fall apart in order to rebuild something that is fundamentally broken. Trying to hold up this house of cards is counter productive.
This. They won’t win enough to be a contender. The best way for them to be a contender is tear it all down. Rooting for them to win is being surprised about the Lions game and believing this is a good roster. It’s not and the only way to be good is to tear it all down and change the way they do business
We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.

Problem solved.
Sell the team should be the message. He has done so much damage to the brand. The league should take them over.
That actually is the opposite which is Jerry’s problem. Financially it’s the most profitable brand in the world. He puts commercial interests above all on field pursuits.
Nothing happened in or after 2000-2002, the Cowboys became irrelevant the minute Jimmy walked.
The Cowboys value went up huge because Parcells came in and his success got people to vote for the new stadium in Arlington which has greatly added to the teams value and relevancy. But now the stadium is 15 years old and no more new shiny toys to add relevance.
We all know Jerry is a narcissist. He is also a dispicable human based off the lawsuits he’s involved with regarding his affairs. And he’s the man who signed Greg Hardy.

Now he wants to bully radio hosts who question the moves he DOESNT make (because he’s not the day to day GM anymore which is never brought up).

the only way out of this hole is for the organization to bottom out ala 2000-02 and force them to make real changes in order to be relevant again.

Honestly, this is why I have a thread saying that it's time we as fans learn from Eagles fans and Giants fans. Maybe it's time we remember we are in the NFC East and act like it. The way Jerry went off on the media today and Sunday tells me that criticism bothers him. We treat this team with kid gloves compared to Philly and New York. You think this crap from him and the team would fly in Philly? How about New York or even Washington? Of course not! If we were the Philadelphia Cowboys and he went on Philadelphia radio and pulled that kind of stunt, he'd get run out of Philly no matter how much money he has. You think Giants fans would put up with a team that quits in the first quarter? You think Washington fans would put up with an owner who didn't do anything in free agency and then acts shocked? Hell no!!!

So, maybe it's time as Cowboys fans that we remember we're in the NFC East. Maybe it's time, since we can see how bad our team is and the fact that this was building for years, that we realise desperate times call for desperate measures. I think it's time we ask Philadelphia fans how to hold our team accountable the way they hold the Eagles accountable. Maybe it's time Dallas media calls New York media after Jerry's stunt and asks them how to professionally critique Jerry and make things as uncomfortable as possible. It's time we learn how to take the next and necessary steps as fans. It might be uncomfortable for fans in Texas, but those of us who live/vacation in Ohio, PA, NJ, NY, Boston, or DC understand the passion that the fans here have. Maybe it's time we adopt that kind of passion. Maybe it's time we adopt some influences from our rivals. He showed that criticism bothers him. Let's do to him what Philadelphia would do if Lurie had the audacity to say what Jerry said in Philly.
i said i was rooting for 0-17 before he season even start

i saw this coming and u shoudl all be rooting for it too

jerry and stephen need a wake up call and they are getting it now i hope the cowboys keep losing and it get worse and worse for them

let it get real ugly that is the only chance to ever fix any thing and even then it is like 1% chance with dumb and dumber i mean jerry and stephen

As long as Jerry is getting babied by the media and fans, that won't fix it. I think part of the fix should be adopting some of the practices our division rivals use on their teams. It'd be a shock to the system for the Cowboys organisation if we start actually being honest and treating them the way our rivals treat their team. Imagine if our players heard from us a fraction of what Eagles players hear from their fans when they play badly. Think Giants fans would ever respect or cheer a team that quits? The quitting players would get run out of New York.
Jerry went on Radio and went off?


It ain’t always sweet Mr. Jones….the fans are tired and sick of the nonsense

And maybe it's time we as fans get louder. If he's sensitive to criticism, then maybe it's time to learn how to give him the Philadelphia treatment, if you know what I mean.
I'm a union man. A working man. I will never agree with Jerry abusing his power over one of his employees. That being said, I will still root for the team. He needs to step down though. He's a ridiculous ineffective GM, but he actually crossed a line into doing something evil this time, and he needs to apologize. He can go kick rocks. Unacceptable behavior.
We all need to send emails demanding he steps aside, steps down or sells the team.
Maybe we can all set his heart to go haywire.

Oh, more than that. We need to ask any Eagles, Patriots, or Giants fans we know how to be as brutal to the team and Jerry as they are to their teams. We need to learn how to be as tough as they are. Players respect toughness. I think part of the reason the stadium has such a country club atmosphere is because we don't bring nearly the energy necessary to games. Can you imagine Roseman having an offseason like Jerry? Can you imagine the Giants quitting in the first quarter? Can you imagine Washington routinely getting pasted? Can you imagine the Patriots or Steelers looking we have? That wouldn't fly in ANY of those cities, so why do we let it fly here? Why is the idea so good for us to quit? Screw that! Let's remember what division we're in and learn from our rival fanbases. Jerry doesn't like criticism, so let's go full New York on him.
i said i was rooting for 0-17 before he season even start

i saw this coming and u shoudl all be rooting for it too

jerry and stephen need a wake up call and they are getting it now i hope the cowboys keep losing and it get worse and worse for them

let it get real ugly that is the only chance to ever fix any thing and even then it is like 1% chance with dumb and dumber i mean jerry and stephen
Well, I think it's a little too late for that.
Oh, more than that. We need to ask any Eagles, Patriots, or Giants fans we know how to be as brutal to the team and Jerry as they are to their teams. We need to learn how to be as tough as they are. Players respect toughness. I think part of the reason the stadium has such a country club atmosphere is because we don't bring nearly the energy necessary to games. Can you imagine Roseman having an offseason like Jerry? Can you imagine the Giants quitting in the first quarter? Can you imagine Washington routinely getting pasted? Can you imagine the Patriots or Steelers looking we have? That wouldn't fly in ANY of those cities, so why do we let it fly here? Why is the idea so good for us to quit? Screw that! Let's remember what division we're in and learn from our rival fanbases. Jerry doesn't like criticism, so let's go full New York on him.
Believe it or not all they do is Booo the team and rant and rave on sports talk radio.
The media needs to start becoming more vocal imo. I hardly see articles where the writers hammer Jerry or the players. That what the East coast cities have over the Cowboys.

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