Aikman still believes in Prescott


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Somebody has been spiking Troys drinks with Jerry's Kool aid


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They aren’t rallying around the status quo….they recognize how far the franchise has fallen and realize that in actuality this is the best stretch of football the organization has had since 95’, that’s a said fact but it’s the truth. They also recognize ifs hard winning 12 games and making the playoffs 3 years in a row.

I was fine with moving in from McCarthy but I also realize this was not an easy decision for Jerry at all.
Really is a tough position to be in. I like MM and have no issues with him, would also been okay if he was let go.


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Low standards beating on bad teams and flopping in the playoffs early every year. Just because that's better than a decade of Jason Garrett doesn't make it acceptable. But hey you're exactly what Jerry Jones wants fans who will accept the mediocrity
None of the fans want to accept mediocrity the problem is Jerry's team building principles Foster mediocrity.

And in actuality we are A step above mediocrity which in my mind would be a winning season but not necessarily the playoffs

Our team building principal designed by Jerry keeps Us relevant which means we have enough talent to make the playoffs but were three players and an elite coach away from going to a super bowl.
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I don't think Aikman wants to have a hot take. He is not Skip Bayless throwing jersey's in the trash.
He has to follow the status quo, there is a concept called the overton window.. I think it applies very nicely here.

There is a reason why teams end up paying 40 million to Cousins for years up years or why the Giants paid Daniel Jones 40 million a year. No team is bold enough to Zig while the league is zagging.
Moving off of Dak is the right move to make. We could get 80% of Dak if not more with a player like Minshew, to a lesser degree Tyrod Taylor, Baker, the Ravens backup. Yes there is a degree of performance degredation but no matter what you do Dak will not be a franchise QB. He will not ascend to the a top 5 QB level.
I will exclude Mahomes from the discussion because that makes no sense. I honestly cannot see him play at a Burrow, Hurts, Josh Allen, Lamar, level. It hasnt happened since he has been in the league.
So your plan is to purposely get worse at the most important position BY FAR in the sport?

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:


Taco Engineer
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None of the fans want to accept mediocrity the problem is Jerry's team building principles Foster mediocrity.

And in actuality we are A step above mediocrity which in my mind would be a winning season but not necessarily the playoffs

Our team building principal designed by Jerry keeps Us relevant which means we have enough talent to make the playoffs but were three players and an elite coach away from going to a super bowl.
Jerry won't change and that's why we can't succeed.


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Now all the guys who were Aikman fans 10 minutes ago are gonna turn on him lol.
Probably. I like Troy. I respect him. I think he knows football. He's not infallible. I strongly disagree with him about Dak. We'll see which side of history is right. Betting it's mine.


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Be real; if Troy disses Dak he cuts his own throat.
He has to do pre-game interviews with players every week, and if he disses Dak it would not allow him to do his job. Not only would Dak not give him an interview, but it could cost him access to the rest of the players.
I'm sure that one of the requirements of his job is that he NOT go public and trash ANY player.
It's not just Fox; the NFL probably has requirements for what network commentators can or cannot say publicly because it would hurt the NFL.
Even Chris Collinsworth went out of his way to take up for Todd Bowles when he went for two and made the Buccaneers go down by 8 points in the final minutes of the Lions/Bucs game. Collinsworth probably knew the point spread was 6.5 and by not kicking the extra point it ensure that the Bucs didn't beat the point spread.
The NFL will not allow anything to be said by a company that is in a position to hurt their standing with the public.


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Probably. I like Troy. I respect him. I think he knows football. He's not infallible. I strongly disagree with him about Dak. We'll see which side of history is right. Betting it's mine.
He’s wrong because he said he believes in a guy lol?


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I convinced a few second graders today that Godzilla is real and we didn't have helmets for floor hockey because we need them for Godzilla defense systems. Tomorrow I'll try and convince them Dak can get it done but it will be harder. Looking forward to the parent emails with subject line Godzilla
I Love Godzilla and I'm definitely not in the 2nd


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I'm not mad I expected them to flop. I'm just saying changes should be made after a debacle like that especially when it's 3 years in a row
Changes SHOULD be made but the change that NEEDS to be made will not be made so in year 29 we will run it back, after next year we will re arrange the chairs to appease fans..we will not be changing the Captain of the the titanic though so... pull up a seat, have a cold one on me...but know until they change the real problem with this franchise we will only be changing the name of the teams "QB Problem" and watching Cowboys Reruns....the answer to the problem is simple, the realization that the problem is unsolvable, now thats the one thing we just dont want to come to terms with...