Aikman still believes in Prescott


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Aikman is business man now. And Jerry is the top businessman.
You figure it out.


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Umm...nevermind. I guess you missed that memo that she died like 10 years ago.

I don't follow the players lives as much as you guys but I do remember hearing that. If she were still alive I'm assuming her and Troy would be in the minority of people who still believe in him.


Star Power
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Umm…Aikman doesn’t believe in how the organization is run. Isn’t that bigger issue than believing in someone who’s failed to even get 100 yards in the first half of the last four of five playoff games he’s been the QB in?


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Uh Ooh Troy went from heroe to zero with some posters here... that Strong arm of the law poster just got ripped up.


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12,863 Troy being former QB. He probably understands the mentals issues Dak might be having. Get those straightened out, better results.

Don't feel Troy coughs that up, without some initial belief.


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And water is wet. I don’t expect any of the former QBs to come out and say anything negative about the choker, and that includes the previous choker.

CT Dal Fan

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About Peyton Manning....while miles ahead of Dak he did not reach a conference championship until year six.

And in that postseason run Manning also had two games with a passer rating under 40.

Just proof that a total team effort is what wins games no matter how good (or bad) your quarterback is. I know this will be dismissed as a Dak apologist post (it is not), but it does prove that teams need more.

Hate on Dak is warranted after the Packers game. But what Dak's biggest detractors don't want to admit is the Cowboys would have lost that game no matter what the QB play was like. That's how terrible the entire team (yes, Dak included, don't attack me) was.


Cowboys Diehard
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It seems admirable to me that someone who has been through the slings and arrows of being a QB can sympathize with Dak. It's certainly difficult for any QB to deal with the pressures that being a Dallas Cowboys QB has to face on a daily basis. Maybe Troy has a valid point, here, but Dak will be expected to show better control of his performances as a QB in the future. Dealing with pressure will always be a major part of the job.
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It seems admirable to me that someone who has been through the slings and arrows of being a QB can sympathize with Dak. It's certainly difficult for any QB to deal with the pressures that being a Dallas Cowboys QB has to face on a daily basis. Maybe Troy has a valid point, here.
Troy was a smart solid voice as a SB winning QB, then he said something good about he is just an idiot.


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What else would you expect him to say, he's going to need material to dog the Cowboys about when he does their games next year and Prescot is the perfect candidate to target when the tires start to loose air.............................


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It seems admirable to me that someone who has been through the slings and arrows of being a QB can sympathize with Dak. It's certainly difficult for any QB to deal with the pressures that being a Dallas Cowboys QB has to face on a daily basis. Maybe Troy has a valid point, here, but Dak will be expected to show better control of his performances as a QB in the future. Dealing with pressure will always be a major part of the job.
Id have no problem at 40 mil/year.


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I still believe in Dak also... But I also still believe in Santa Claus- the Easter Bunny-Big Foot-Fairey's- Mermaids-Congress-and one day Dallas will win another Super Bowl....


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Sure, QBs only get better after 9 years...


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Can we bring Troy in as GM or coach? He seems like someone who might be able to change the culture back to the 90s.


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Bring Kitna back as quarterback coach!!! What do we have to lose, Jerry?????


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Aikman showing that he has no business trying to be a gm as a life goal.


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The biggest issue as I see it with Dak is that in all the playoff losses before this last one, he came out and said the same thing, essentially "I have to play better, we need better execution" etc.

After this last loss what did he say? "I sucked".

World of difference there. Now the question has to be will Dak use that to push himself even harder, seek help from outside the Cowboys organization or something else to improve his game, or will this loss make him so down on himself that he will quit trying to get better, or do some off the wall things out of desperation to get better? Which will probably result in his playing even worse.

It is true that few quarterbacks continue to get better after being in the league and starters for 6-7-8 years. But then again few quarterbacks come from the 6th and 7th rounds of the draft and become SB winners. But some have done it.

After last year many here said, "Dak won't get any better, he's done" and then he went out and has some of his highest stats ever. Didn't do better in the playoffs, in fact did worse than last year. But he did do better in other areas, in other words he improved. We saw him light up the Bucs in the playoffs last year and like in several games this year he played as good as any qb can. He's shown he has the physical tools and the game play ability to be great. Why can't he do that in the playoffs, other than the fact that he's playing much better teams? Gotta be some reason. As far as his "panicking" in those games, an 8-year veteran qb has seen just about every situation one can. So, it can't be a surprise to him. People usually panic when faced with unexpected or new stressful situations, not the same old same old.

Personally, I'd let him just play out this year and then release him. Much more chance he doesn't get over the playoff game hump than he does get over the hump. But I can see why Jerry might extend him, it's not like Dak has huge problems other than big game poor performances, so he can focus on that aspect. Not like Aikman in his first couple of years where he had a LOT to work on, not the least of which was getting used to the speed of the NFL game.
If he is kept, extended or whatever, like I've said many times, I'll just watch and see what happens.


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The biggest issue as I see it with Dak is that in all the playoff losses before this last one, he came out and said the same thing, essentially "I have to play better, we need better execution" etc.

After this last loss what did he say? "I sucked".

World of difference there. Now the question has to be will Dak use that to push himself even harder, seek help from outside the Cowboys organization or something else to improve his game, or will this loss make him so down on himself that he will quit trying to get better, or do some off the wall things out of desperation to get better? Which will probably result in his playing even worse.

It is true that few quarterbacks continue to get better after being in the league and starters for 6-7-8 years. But then again few quarterbacks come from the 6th and 7th rounds of the draft and become SB winners. But some have done it.

After last year many here said, "Dak won't get any better, he's done" and then he went out and has some of his highest stats ever. Didn't do better in the playoffs, in fact did worse than last year. But he did do better in other areas, in other words he improved. We saw him light up the Bucs in the playoffs last year and like in several games this year he played as good as any qb can. He's shown he has the physical tools and the game play ability to be great. Why can't he do that in the playoffs, other than the fact that he's playing much better teams? Gotta be some reason. As far as his "panicking" in those games, an 8-year veteran qb has seen just about every situation one can. So, it can't be a surprise to him. People usually panic when faced with unexpected or new stressful situations, not the same old same old.

Personally, I'd let him just play out this year and then release him. Much more chance he doesn't get over the playoff game hump than he does get over the hump. But I can see why Jerry might extend him, it's not like Dak has huge problems other than big game poor performances, so he can focus on that aspect. Not like Aikman in his first couple of years where he had a LOT to work on, not the least of which was getting used to the speed of the NFL game.
If he is kept, extended or whatever, like I've said many times, I'll just watch and see what happens.
Because he’s inconsistent. I think we saw that in a few games this year during the regular season. The Arizona game jumps right to the forefront of my mind. Also, another neat little tid bit is that the combined defensive DVOA of teams Dak has faced this year was ranked 31st.