
Reality said:
I think he's trying a little too hard some times to not come across as a Cowboys homer. I think a lot of former players who become announcers do this .. Theisman is the only exception I can think of :)

Your absolutely right. Shouldn't put too much into Aikmans comments. He's kinda has to beat em up a little.
Reality said:
I think he's trying a little too hard some times to not come across as a Cowboys homer. I think a lot of former players who become announcers do this .. Theisman is the only exception I can think of :)

It's got to be something about either being a Commanders fan or former player, but the unabashed (and nonsensical) level of their homerism easily supercedes that of anyone connected to any other team.
Hostile said:
Ultimate Fighting Championship?

Is the Iceman in toruble?

But he's not the Iceman, he said so.;)

Where's toruble, is it in the middle east?

If it is wouldn't Iceman melt?
I'll be honest, I've been somewhat surprised at the negative comments that have come from former players about these current Cowboys. There are several possible reasons though:

1. They are trying to protect their credibility and maintain balance. They don't want to sound like Cowboys homers.
2. They don't like Bill. This is, after all, a guy who coached their bitter rivals in the early days. Additionally, he's actually brought some of their old rivals into Cowboys camp to help out these players.
3. They are bitter about leaving Dallas. This is doubtful to me because of how Jerry usually takes care of his guys. But they could be a little annoyed at how some of their friends may have been treated by Parcells.

Regardless, I do know one thing for sure - I don't much like Joe Buck.
dest said:
I feel that Aikman is critical of the Cowboys, in the same way that fathers can be critical of their sons. Do they love them? Yea, but they always expect the absolute best from them. He also doesn't want to be considered a hack homer like Theisman.


and just like some fathers, there sons are never quite as good as they were. As far as Aikman is concerned, nobody could follow in his footsteps and my take on him is that he doesn't want players like Bledsoe to tarnish his image as the Ultra Dallas Cowboy QB.

Aikman's ego shows thru..and not in a good way here.

Aikman needs to mature in his reporting. I think his ego as a QB for us brought us many great games and championships. But the same ego is beginning to show as being a bit arrogant, something he had to repress as a player.

I haven't liked him particualrly as an announcer and if the Cowboys improve this year and we have to listen to Aikman be our announcer for those games as featured game announcer, I'm going to puke.

But I'll be happy if that happens, too, as it means Aikman will have to eat his words some about this team and how crappy they are. I'll be listening closely for the veiled retractions from him about what he's said this off-season about us as time goes on.

It's then he'll be revealed as just another mediot, like I suspect he's become.

On the other hand, you've got other former players like Irvin, who yesterday in his pregame got taken to task for saying Dallas would win the game if Bledsoe would throw for 25 or fewer passes.

Also, Steve Young said Dallas with Bledsoe could become tough to beat if they had a running game and pass protection and strongly defended his arguement with Tom Jackson. This coming from a former 9'er player who certainly doesn't love the Dallas Cowboys.

But who has matured as an announcer and can see and report more un-biasedly.

Both predictions by Irvin and Young came true more or less and were deciding factors in our outcome.

So I think that shows where there are some in the booth who aren't just being blind to the possibilities of Dallas being better and there are those in the media being blind.

I'll let you guys fill in the names.

ddh33 said:
Regardless, I do know one thing for sure - I don't much like Joe Buck.

Joe Buck is the Abbott of the Abbott and Costello era.

The straight man that makes Aikman look good.

Blahhh !!

I have thought many times that he was really getting on the Cowboys. I think he wasn't happy how it all went down toward the end in Dallas. Sorry Aikman, I watched your last season. You weren't very good.
My wife said the same thing. I've always thought this.

I thing he tries to OVER-COMPENSATE and really it makes him look like a hater.

OOPS I didn't read the rest of the thread, it looks like this thought is already out there and agreed on.

I told my wife before the game that I don't like Aikman to do our games and she couldn't understand why...she does now.
Reality said:
I think he's trying a little too hard some times to not come across as a Cowboys homer. I think a lot of former players who become announcers do this .. Theisman is the only exception I can think of :)

LOL, exactly what I was thinking.
I don't know what you guys are talking about. Aikman seems perfectly fine in commentary, and tries to give an unbiased slant to everything because that is his job. Even though he wasn't able to show it, I know he was happy the Cowboys won.
SultanOfSix said:
I don't know what you guys are talking about. Aikman seems perfectly fine in commentary, and tries to give an unbiased slant to everything because that is his job. Even though he wasn't able to show it, I know he was happy the Cowboys won.


Even at the expense of proving himself wrong by a wide margin about the quality of the team in it's first game..?

I don't think so. Gone are the days were Aikman has to pretend that it's the Cowboys first and Aikman second.

That's what we are getting now. Aikman first, Cowboys about 10 furlongs behind.

I think Aikman is jealous of what has happened where Jerrah finally went out and hired a quality coach in Parcells where he wouldn't do it during Aikman's tenure post-Jimmie..

..and his even madder to see Jones spending wildly on players now when he didn't do it before when Aikman was there to put better players on the field for Parcells when he wouldn't do it for Aikman with a string of blip coaches like Switzer/Gailey/Campo in the post-SB years.

There is bitterness with Aikman. He wasn't happy yesterday we won.

He was shuregrinned. Eating crow and being humbled by the play on the field.

The most important thing to any of these announcers in the booth is that they are right. Their contracts require it.

If they continually make poor predictions or poor commentary or show bias, they'll be released or demoted. They are always one comment away from the exit.

Just ask Jimmy the Greek or a few others that "tell it like it is" and are suddenly out the door.

Aikman would do well to be less of what he is and more what he should be.


parcellswaterboy, it appears you haven't followed Troy Aikman's career.

In everything he's done, from football to endorsements to commentating, he's always stated that he works hard and wants to be the best at what he does through diligent preparation and great knowledge of the subject.

He's said before that he prepares for commentating the way he prepared for a game and that's to try and make no mistakes, to call/play a good game, and to excel. In case you haven't noticed...he's on the #1 broadcasting team on FOX in 3 years. That's not too bad.

Sure, it's odd or awkward hearing the man, that lead our team for so long, highlighting mistakes or complementing the opposing team, but, Troy wants to be the best at what he does, and to do that he has to be completely unbiased to the point of being negative about the Cowboys in some cases. Some have mentioned Theisman's unwavering man-love for the Skins and that's why he's stuck with Maguire and Patrick on the worst broadcasting team in pro footballl, imo.

Just listen to Troy during the preseason Dallas radio broadcasts and you can hear that he still loves the Cowboys.
Ya know, I have to say this...I get a huge kick out of people complaining about media bias against the Cowboys. No other fans so consistently ***** and moan about how no one loves us; which is one of the reasons why no one loves us. Existential paradox.

From Al Michaels, now, to TROY AIKMAN? Puhleeze.

I watched the game. Twice. I heard no bias against the Cowboys from Aikman. And the second time I watched the game, I did so with this in mind.

Does a guy have to wear a Cowboy's jersey on the broadcast for you guys to be happy? Is it too much to handle when a broadcasters gives an objective point of view?

And then, to top it off, out come all the Oliver Stone theories as to why Aikman is biased against the Cowboys. Ya know, because we all know Troy Aikman so well we can speak about what he's thinking and the reason he does things.

parcellswaterboy said:

and just like some fathers, there sons are never quite as good as they were. As far as Aikman is concerned, nobody could follow in his footsteps and my take on him is that he doesn't want players like Bledsoe to tarnish his image as the Ultra Dallas Cowboy QB.

Aikman's ego shows thru..and not in a good way here.

Aikman needs to mature in his reporting. I think his ego as a QB for us brought us many great games and championships. But the same ego is beginning to show as being a bit arrogant, something he had to repress as a player.

I haven't liked him particualrly as an announcer and if the Cowboys improve this year and we have to listen to Aikman be our announcer for those games as featured game announcer, I'm going to puke.

But I'll be happy if that happens, too, as it means Aikman will have to eat his words some about this team and how crappy they are. I'll be listening closely for the veiled retractions from him about what he's said this off-season about us as time goes on.

It's then he'll be revealed as just another mediot, like I suspect he's become.

On the other hand, you've got other former players like Irvin, who yesterday in his pregame got taken to task for saying Dallas would win the game if Bledsoe would throw for 25 or fewer passes.

Also, Steve Young said Dallas with Bledsoe could become tough to beat if they had a running game and pass protection and strongly defended his arguement with Tom Jackson. This coming from a former 9'er player who certainly doesn't love the Dallas Cowboys.

But who has matured as an announcer and can see and report more un-biasedly.

Both predictions by Irvin and Young came true more or less and were deciding factors in our outcome.

So I think that shows where there are some in the booth who aren't just being blind to the possibilities of Dallas being better and there are those in the media being blind.

I'll let you guys fill in the names.


Some of you are beyond help.

Aikman is one of the best in the biz and he calls it like he sees it. This whole bitterness thing is a load of crap.
Hostile said:
Dude, did your Teddy Bear slap you today or something?

:laugh1: :bow:


Radar and his teddy bear came to mind :laugh2:
Badattitude said:
Those types of responses are getting old bro...why not take me to task - You really don't think Troy is bitter? You don't think he took the Switzer hiring as a slap? A man who basically shipped him out....after Jerome Brown snapped his leg?
Switzer didn't force him out.

Aikman left to go to a passing offense. He didn't want to run the option/wishbone/veer anymore. Aikman didn;t Switzer as coah here and neither did any other players because he left everyone alone. Now Gailey? That guy was hated.

Troy was a bit bitter after being forced to retire but now he knows it was probably the best move for him as well as the team. No one wanted to see him get another concussion and the career he has now shows what leaving with his head in tact allowed.

Troy has very specific ideas about the QB position and his thinking is geared towards that obviously. A lot of folks believe in living and yying with young, highly-thought of QBs. I am a defensive guy and think thats insane but its just a matter of perspective. I am sure mine is colored by Carter/Leaf/Hutch/Wright and however many other experiments we tried to find a good young QB.
troy aikman is just doing his job. everyone knows he wants the cowboys to win, and he probably wouldn't even deny it. but, he's doing his job. and he does it well. i love when he calls dallas games. and he never says anything that isn't dead-on, so what's the beef? he suppossed to hoot and holler everytime dallas gets a first down?

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