
WV Cowboy said:
Shows what you know, ... LOL, just kidding.

I guess we just disagree, and that's cool.

But he was wrong on both counts. We didn't commit a bunch of penalties again, and LT didn't start busting out and have a big day that hurt us.

So it sounds like he wanted that to be the case, but it clearly wasn't.
Let me tell you why I see nothing wrong. In the pre season we did committ penalties in bunches. As soon as we made one I wondered if the floodgates were open. It's natural.

Same with LT running. I acknowledge him as a great RB. Probably the best in the NFL. Once he gets confidence I expect him to start building on it. Same as Emmitt did.

The things Troy said in those instances are no different than what my own thoughts are capable of. I think he's just doing a good job.
Good posting, parcellswaterboy.

I agree about Aikman. He's always been extra critical of us, and I'm not sure why. This is one reason I liked Collinsworth in the booth -- because he actually provided some balance and IMO stuck up for our players and team more than Troy did.

And I'm not one who imagines that every media member is biased against the Cowboys. In fact, Moose is just the opposite. I could almost see where Skins fans would be irritated with him, because he almost seems to root for us. :)
Juke99 said:
Ya know, I have to say this...I get a huge kick out of people complaining about media bias against the Cowboys. No other fans so consistently ***** and moan about how no one loves us; which is one of the reasons why no one loves us. Existential paradox.

From Al Michaels, now, to TROY AIKMAN? Puhleeze.

I watched the game. Twice. I heard no bias against the Cowboys from Aikman. And the second time I watched the game, I did so with this in mind.

Does a guy have to wear a Cowboy's jersey on the broadcast for you guys to be happy? Is it too much to handle when a broadcasters gives an objective point of view?

And then, to top it off, out come all the Oliver Stone theories as to why Aikman is biased against the Cowboys. Ya know, because we all know Troy Aikman so well we can speak about what he's thinking and the reason he does things.



To each is own I guess but man alive I feel the same way you do.

If some of these announcers are not on the cowboys jock then someone is always complaining that they are anti-cowboys or something.

So many sensitive people :D

How is this for bias (and a good laugh) Len Pastabelly dislikes the skins so much he actually called them the Deadskins in one of his writeups.

Now I could see guys in here having fits and weeping if they had someone doing something similar to the boys since they already have fits about what they see as bias against the cowboys.

Sometimes there is legit bias....other times it is a case of someone not being on the cowboys jocks while people think they should be.


On the next Dr Phil...Over sensitive paranoid cowboys fans who claim everyone is bias against their team.

:p: :D
Hostile said:
Let me tell you why I see nothing wrong. In the pre season we did committ penalties in bunches. As soon as we made one I wondered if the floodgates were open. It's natural.

Same with LT running. I acknowledge him as a great RB. Probably the best in the NFL. Once he gets confidence I expect him to start building on it. Same as Emmitt did.

The things Troy said in those instances are no different than what my own thoughts are capable of. I think he's just doing a good job.
I could understand him saying those things if we made 2-3 penalties, but not one.
Or if LT had 2 or 3 big runs in a row, not one.

"One" does not predict a trend, good or bad.

Like I said, we can just disagree, I don't care enough about this to procede.
I see some agree with you and some with me.
parcellswaterboy said:

and just like some fathers, there sons are never quite as good as they were. As far as Aikman is concerned, nobody could follow in his footsteps and my take on him is that he doesn't want players like Bledsoe to tarnish his image as the Ultra Dallas Cowboy QB.

Aikman's ego shows thru..and not in a good way here.

Aikman needs to mature in his reporting. I think his ego as a QB for us brought us many great games and championships. But the same ego is beginning to show as being a bit arrogant, something he had to repress as a player.

I haven't liked him particualrly as an announcer and if the Cowboys improve this year and we have to listen to Aikman be our announcer for those games as featured game announcer, I'm going to puke.

But I'll be happy if that happens, too, as it means Aikman will have to eat his words some about this team and how crappy they are. I'll be listening closely for the veiled retractions from him about what he's said this off-season about us as time goes on.

It's then he'll be revealed as just another mediot, like I suspect he's become.

On the other hand, you've got other former players like Irvin, who yesterday in his pregame got taken to task for saying Dallas would win the game if Bledsoe would throw for 25 or fewer passes.

Also, Steve Young said Dallas with Bledsoe could become tough to beat if they had a running game and pass protection and strongly defended his arguement with Tom Jackson. This coming from a former 9'er player who certainly doesn't love the Dallas Cowboys.

But who has matured as an announcer and can see and report more un-biasedly.

Both predictions by Irvin and Young came true more or less and were deciding factors in our outcome.

So I think that shows where there are some in the booth who aren't just being blind to the possibilities of Dallas being better and there are those in the media being blind.

I'll let you guys fill in the names.


On the other hand, you've got other former players like Irvin, who yesterday in his pregame got taken to task for saying Dallas would win the game if Bledsoe would throw for 25 or fewer passes(This is how the Cowboys won when Aikman was the QB, that is why Irvin said it).
WV Cowboy said:
I could understand him saying those things if we made 2-3 penalties, but not one.
Or if LT had 2 or 3 big runs in a row, not one.

"One" does not predict a trend, good or bad.

Like I said, we can just disagree, I don't care enough about this to procede.
I see some agree with you and some with me.
That's what makes it a horse race, differing views. If we all agreed, no one would care.

As for stopping a decent discussion I hope you won't. Question, given the fact that Aikman studies the game and has to speak immediately as something happens what would you have him say? I mean if he has noticed trends such as mounting penalties and LT being a great back should he remain silent until something else happens or should he do his level best to make it interesting for the listeners?

I think he's doing his level best to call it both ways and by saying what he did he opens the door for the play by play guy to have meaningful discussion. Such as mounting penalties and the greatness of LT.

Every word these guys say is scrutinized. These things seem rather mild to be associated with bias, and way too mild to give BA's assertion of "bitterness" any weight at all. JMO.
BrAinPaiNt said:

To each is own I guess but man alive I feel the same way you do.

If some of these announcers are not on the cowboys jock then someone is always complaining that they are anti-cowboys or something.

So many sensitive people :D

How is this for bias (and a good laugh) Len Pastabelly dislikes the skins so much he actually called them the Deadskins in one of his writeups.

Now I could see guys in here having fits and weeping if they had someone doing something similar to the boys since they already have fits about what they see as bias against the cowboys.

Sometimes there is legit bias....other times it is a case of someone not being on the cowboys jocks while people think they should be.


On the next Dr Phil...Over sensitive paranoid cowboys fans who claim everyone is bias against their team.

:p: :D

E tu Brute...

First Troy you. :( :D
Hostile said:
That's what makes it a horse race, differing views. If we all agreed, no one would care.

As for stopping a decent discussion I hope you won't. Question, given the fact that Aikman studies the game and has to speak immediately as something happens what would you have him say? I mean if he has noticed trends such as mounting penalties and LT being a great back should he remain silent until soemthing else happens or should he do his level best to make it interesting for the listeners?

I think he's doing his level best to call it both ways and by saying what he did he opens the door for the play by play guy to have meaningful discussion. Such as mounting penalties and the greatness of LT.

Every word these guys say is scrutinized. These things seem rather mild to be associated with bias, and way too mild to give BA's asserion of bitterness any weight at all. JMO.

I was thinking about this. Can you imagine being on TV for 3 1/2 hours...talking most of the time and NOT saying something that's gonna tick someone off.

Geez, I can imagine...I'd barely make it past, "Hi, we're coming to you from San Diego..."
Reality said:
I think he's trying a little too hard some times to not come across as a Cowboys homer. I think a lot of former players who become announcers do this .. Theisman is the only exception I can think of :)

Troy is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I think he's easily becoming the best color analyst in the Pro Level.

Troy and Joe Buck have great chemistry. Fox have the best of both worlds. A great combo and youth.
Chocolate Lab said:
Good posting, parcellswaterboy.

I agree about Aikman. He's always been extra critical of us, and I'm not sure why. This is one reason I liked Collinsworth in the booth -- because he actually provided some balance and IMO stuck up for our players and team more than Troy did.

And I'm not one who imagines that every media member is biased against the Cowboys. In fact, Moose is just the opposite. I could almost see where Skins fans would be irritated with him, because he almost seems to root for us. :)

Boy, if you think Troy is critical of the Cowboys, you should listen to our coach !

We won and his is still pissed that we made so many mistakes :)
are ya'll so sure it was aikman who said it? i sometimes can't tell him and joe buck apart. maybe it was buck who said it. at any rate though i wasn't listening to them i was wrapped up in the game!!
Hostile said:
That's what makes it a horse race, differing views. If we all agreed, no one would care.

As for stopping a decent discussion I hope you won't. Question, given the fact that Aikman studies the game and has to speak immediately as something happens what would you have him say? I mean if he has noticed trends such as mounting penalties and LT being a great back should he remain silent until something else happens or should he do his level best to make it interesting for the listeners?

I think he's doing his level best to call it both ways and by saying what he did he opens the door for the play by play guy to have meaningful discussion. Such as mounting penalties and the greatness of LT.

Every word these guys say is scrutinized. These things seem rather mild to be associated with bias, and way too mild to give BA's assertion of "bitterness" any weight at all. JMO.

I may have, but I don't think I mentioned bias or bitterness. I don't think that's the case.

You ask what I would have him say, ... I would tell him to shut up sometimes and not say anything.

I don't need them to tell me anything about the game itself, I am watching the game, I already saw what happened.

I know the Cowboys had 5 penalties in a row early in the game, .. just because they make one in the third qtr doesn't mean they will make 5 more in a row, but he is like, "here they go again."

Tell me what I can't see.

I don't want to hear what they think will happen, or what they hope will happen, I want them to tell me what IS happening.

Tell me how far the offense has to go, because I can't always see the sticks.

Tell me if the player who just got injured is walking around or being helped to the lockerroom.

Tell me what the coach said yesterday when you interviewed him.

Tell me there is a flag down field, when the camera we saw is on the LOS.

His problem may be that he doesn't want to appear to be a Cowboys homer, so he plays devils advocate.
WV Cowboy said:
I may have, but I don't think I mentioned bias or bitterness. I don't think that's the case.

You ask what I would have him say, ... I would tell him to shut up sometimes and not say anything.

I don't need them to tell me anything about the game itself, I am watching the game, I already saw what happened.

I know the Cowboys had 5 penalties in a row early in the game, .. just because they make one in the third qtr doesn't mean they will make 5 more in a row, but he is like, "here they go again."

Tell me what I can't see.

I don't want to hear what they think will happen, or what they hope will happen, I want them to tell me what IS happening.

Tell me how far the offense has to go, because I can't always see the sticks.

Tell me if the player who just got injured is walking around or being helped to the lockerroom.

Tell me what the coach said yesterday when you interviewed him.

Tell me there is a flag down field, when the camera we saw is on the LOS.

His problem may be that he doesn't want to appear to be a Cowboys homer, so he plays devils advocate.
Not picking a fight, but could you do that 100% of the time as the action is happening?

Even the graphics they add don't always tell the whole story. Ever wish you could see the play clock, game clock, down and distance at the same time? I do all the time.

The only way to avoid disliking something these guys say is to turn the sound off and just watch without any commentary. It's simply impossible. Especially live.
stokee said:
It seem to me after listening to the game that he was pulling for the Chargers.


Whenever an announcer has ties to a team they are calling the game for, they normally decide to be overly critical of them as opposed to praising them to sound unbiased.

No doubt Aikman was pulling for the Dallas Cowboys, he has no reason not too.

- Mike G.
Hostile said:
Not picking a fight, but could you do that 100% of the time as the action is happening?

Even the graphics they add don't always tell the whole story. Ever wish you could see the play clock, game clock, down and distance at the same time? I do all the time.

The only way to avoid disliking something these guys say is to turn the sound off and just watch without any commentary. It's simply impossible. Especially live.
You and I watched the same game, listended to the same commentary, ... but came away with different opinions of the announcers.

Like I said earlier, some agree with you, some with me.

Bring on the Commanders.
Juke99 said:
Ya know, I have to say this...I get a huge kick out of people complaining about media bias against the Cowboys. No other fans so consistently ***** and moan about how no one loves us; which is one of the reasons why no one loves us. Existential paradox.

From Al Michaels, now, to TROY AIKMAN? Puhleeze.

I watched the game. Twice. I heard no bias against the Cowboys from Aikman. And the second time I watched the game, I did so with this in mind.

Does a guy have to wear a Cowboy's jersey on the broadcast for you guys to be happy? Is it too much to handle when a broadcasters gives an objective point of view?

And then, to top it off, out come all the Oliver Stone theories as to why Aikman is biased against the Cowboys. Ya know, because we all know Troy Aikman so well we can speak about what he's thinking and the reason he does things.


Great post Juke!

I did not hear Aikman say anything that was not true, or at least could be easily argued was true.

Honestly, I really could care less what the media thinks, or if they are biased. Who cares.

90 percent of the time they are wrong about most things anyway.

I would rather win games and stick it to them anyway. It makes it much more enjoyable.

The only exception to me is the Hall of Fame! I do care about that, and it has been a travesty.
Hostile said:
I mean if he has noticed trends such as mounting penalties...

I for one am glad that Aikman helps the refs keep a very close eye on penalties for mounting. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't like that kind of behavior in a football game.

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