News: Aldon Smith Reinstated


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I don't understand what you're saying here at all.

Anyway, I'll just restate my point here. Every single time we sign a head case, Cowboys fans talk themselves up about how this player is going to change their ways, and I've just seen this song and dance too many times to believe it any more. Rolando McClain will be a changed man inside the Cowboys' structure, Greg Hardy is innocent and his woman is a lying money grubber, Randy Gregory will get the resources he needs from Jerry... I'm sorry, but problems of this magnitude virtually never go away.

Aldon Smith is a violent, low-functioning alcoholic; that's just a fact like the sky is blue. Just scrolling through his Wikipedia page, he's been hit with at least 16 separate charges in the last eight years, including five DUIs. His last DUI was just under a year ago - and y'all are claiming "he's turned his life around"? I get it, as fans that's what we want to think, but I see absolutely no signs to prove it.

The best case scenario here is that we get a couple of rotational snaps out of him at DE before he cops another alcohol charge in winter 2020 or 2021 - just like he has for every year in the past eight.

These headcases are a long shot but hey Charles Haley was one and it turned out for us. I have a good feeling Smith will tear it up on the field. If we can get a 70% Aldon and stays clean we win.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
That's what I'm thinking too. Gregory may have had 6 sacks as a part-time pass rusher, but that's as good as it got with him. Aldon Smith was an absolute terror.

And unlike Gregory, Smith wasn't a liability or a target of opponent running games the way Gregory was. He and Crawford were a huge part of the Rams running over the Cowboys to the tune of 273 yards.

I think Smith brings the physicality and strength to hold up against the run as well.
While I agree with you completely, I think adding Gregory to the letting the coaches see them both in pre-season will finally give you your 8 million dollar lottery ticket you have been playing for the last year and a half. Bye bye Crawford, hello cap room!


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He did less but he’s been given a lot of chances. Every time he’s reinstated he falls right back off the wagon. It’s not like the suspensions have taught him a lesson. Smith had to wait a long time to be given a second chance. Gregory was given a second chance and screwed that up.
I won’t disagree here. I’m not certain if it’s because of his medical issues or because he likes gettin high . I suspect the latter but you are correct


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
While I agree with you completely, I think adding Gregory to the letting the coaches see them both in pre-season will finally give you your 8 million dollar lottery ticket you have been playing for the last year and a half. Bye bye Crawford, hello cap room!



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Smith is in great shape as attested to by Jay Glazer as he is part of the organization that is working with former military. Noted it is not football shape but physically he is probably in better shape than most of the current DL. I think he was reinstated before Gregory due to his decision to turn his life around and the large number of testimonies that were provided by the organization(can't remember the name right now) that he has been working with to help others and especially former military personnel that needed the mental support. Has Gregory shown any of this devotion to turning his self around?


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Just saw this on Bleacher Report: Maybe Gregory happens today.

Per Todd Archer of ESPN, Randy Gregory filed for reinstatement back on March 22nd. Once a player files for reinstatement, Roger Goodell has 60 days to rule on the reinstatement case. Doing the math, that 60 days would be up today, March 21st and Roger Goodell should make a ruling on Gregory’s reinstatement case today.


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I don't understand what you're saying here at all.

Anyway, I'll just restate my point here. Every single time we sign a head case, Cowboys fans talk themselves up about how this player is going to change their ways, and I've just seen this song and dance too many times to believe it any more. Rolando McClain will be a changed man inside the Cowboys' structure, Greg Hardy is innocent and his woman is a lying money grubber, Randy Gregory will get the resources he needs from Jerry... I'm sorry, but problems of this magnitude virtually never go away.

Aldon Smith is a violent, low-functioning alcoholic; that's just a fact like the sky is blue. Just scrolling through his Wikipedia page, he's been hit with at least 16 separate charges in the last eight years, including five DUIs. His last DUI was just under a year ago - and y'all are claiming "he's turned his life around"? I get it, as fans that's what we want to think, but I see absolutely no signs to prove it.

The best case scenario here is that we get a couple of rotational snaps out of him at DE before he cops another alcohol charge in winter 2020 or 2021 - just like he has for every year in the past eight.
Lol. You must have never seen an addict that changed their life around for the better. It sucks because it really is a great thing.


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No! Only Aldon Smith allowed back in the league. Mara worked out a compromise with Goodell in exchange for all the red jelly beans Mara was stuck with because COVID ruined his Easter.
Well maybe if Goodell had not suspended Zeke when his lead investigator told him he had no case you would have a point!


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long time to be away. His conditioning has to be shot.
Gregory was 2 years removed and was pretty decent when he came back in his last stint. You guys make it seem like the guy turned into Thor in Endgame or something. The guy has been working his butt off and is in great shape. If he makes it thru training camp his conditioning will be on par with Everyone else who completes camp.


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Can't wait to see what he can do!


As a recovering addict he’s saying all the right things. I hope he really has turned his life around. Booze is very hard substance to overcome. Very happy that was not my substance of choice. Good ok this young man for trying and persevering. I just hope he can stay clean and play well.


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I am not as excited about this as many seem to be. he has been away from football for 4 years.....I don't care how great you are, or were, being away that long, you lose a lot. I don't care how good you look in your underware, lifting, running, etc. the game is reactive to players, its mental readiness, not just saying I am ready, but your mind being football ready, seeing things, reacting, natural football reflexes, etc.

he is a long shot, that doesn't cost us anything. if nothing else, feel good story for the camp. if he makes the team, it would be a big leap and big surprise. if he plays any snaps, that's far fetched. if he gets a single sack he has done great.

again, he might have been great 4 years ago...but 4 years is a career for many football players......he has been away for way way too long to be effective in any manner. if we are hoping he is coming in and going to man the RDE and contribute even as a platoon group, then RDE is in deeper dire situation that we are willing to admit


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Gregory was 2 years removed and was pretty decent when he came back in his last stint. You guys make it seem like the guy turned into Thor in Endgame or something. The guy has been working his butt off and is in great shape. If he makes it thru training camp his conditioning will be on par with Everyone else who completes camp.
you are hoping for way way way too much....and the only reason Gregory started and he was average at best, was because we had nobody was called desperation......and just because Gregory did it, doesn't mean he can, given he has been away for 4 years...….not many make a comeback after 4 years. I can't think of a single player and the list is short for those who make it back after 2 years....I don't even count on Gregory being any good, given he has spent more time away from football than actually playing football