All cases involving Alexandra Davis' paternity claims against Jerry Jones have been dropped


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Say whatever you want, but why the hell would that lady sign that contract in the first place? At least he took care of her financially. We all know deadbeat dads, making babies left and right and then disappearing.
Not excusing Jones in any way, but why act so surprised.

America's Cowboy

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Say whatever you want, but why the hell would that lady sign that contract in the first place? At least he took care of her financially. We all know deadbeat dads, making babies left and right and then disappearing.
Not excusing Jones in any way, but why act so surprised.
Coach, she probably has always wanted to get to know her father and included in his family. No one truly understands that need unless one grows up in the same situation.


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Coach, she probably has always wanted to get to know her father and included in his family. No one truly understands that need unless one grows up in the same situation.
I'm sure deadbeat fads have kids that would want to meet their dad. Again, why would this lady sign this contract. She's as much to blame as he is


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I'm sure deadbeat fads have kids that would want to meet their dad. Again, why would this lady sign this contract. She's as much to blame as he is
I think the mom signed that agreement and then the daughter started making demands when that money ran out and she became an adult… Seems like an ugly situation for both sides.

An audible groan came from the gallery behind Jones’ legal team when Babcock told jurors Davis asked for an additional $20 million, and sought a contract of her own, telling Jones, “I don’t care what agreement was made with my mom.”


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Say whatever you want, but why the hell would that lady sign that contract in the first place? At least he took care of her financially. We all know deadbeat dads, making babies left and right and then disappearing.
Not excusing Jones in any way, but why act so surprised.
Really? Because it sure sounds like it. But then, that is what you do.


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And hating on your owner is what you do....keep putting money in his pocket. Lol! You guys are hilarious
I haven't put a nickel in his pocket in decades. You must be be proud be his chief apologist though, or you must be on his payroll because I cant think of another poster (maybe one) who slobbers all over the old fart the way you do.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Anyone want to ask again why the media doesn’t call him out?
Likely fear. Fear of Jerry Jones blacklisting them and/or their media outlets. Fear of losing access to him. Jones is a soundbite gold mine. Very few will take that risk.

Jones is confronted by the media outside the courthouse during the first 4:04 minutes of the video. Just another example of media demonstrating how Softball Questioning 101 is done:
