All charges dropped vs Lucky Whitehead, warrant rescinded, cops had wrong guy

I think they need to let this one just go away organically. What is done is done.
I think it's very unfair to Whitehead or his teammates to cut him based on a mistaken identity issue. I understand that he's not the best character on the team but for chemistry sake bring the dude back and allow him to compete on the field. It's only been one day. Jason needs to recognize that he jumped the gun on this one, albeit he had a reason to be trigger happy with all the other transgressions, it wasn't Whitehead's fault some random dude was an impostor.
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He wasn't cut for being arrested. He was cut for not informing the team and causing the team even more embarassment after the dognapping or whatever.

He may or may not be brought back, but it wont be anytime soon.

I assume you saw the social media reply from the "alleged" perp.....just can't make some of this stuff up folks

Lucky just failed... Plain and simple
Duuuuuuuude lol WOOOOOW LOL

Honestly, I'd sue the crap outta that police department... They just cost him 600,000 dollars + any incentives
Jason needs to recognize that he jumped the gun on this one, albeit he had a reason to be trigger happy with all the other transgressions, it wasn't Whitehead's fault some random dude was an impostor.

But Lucky wasn't cut for just this, he was cut because he had worn out his welcome with a bunch of things before this. Missed meetings, hanging out with the wrong crowd, etc. If you are Dez Bryant with All Pro talent at premium position you get a lot of chances. If you are a fringe player with almost no shot at a roster spot, you burn through your chances very quickly.
Sucks for Lucky but this sort of thing happens a lot. And law enforcement always gets to just walk away with an "oops". And thanks to our Supreme Court, citizens can't sue the government for slander
Employment in Texas is at-will, so you can be fired from your job for any reason, except for discriminatory reasons.

There are always exceptions when you have a contract. Plus if they gave this as the reason then it isn't at will and won't stand up in court. Knowing Jerry and Jason they used the incident as a violation of the contract, well the incident never occurred. They owe Lucky $$$ is what I'm saying.
As YR suggested all day yesterday, this was a very real possibility.

It's also the case that Lucky put himself in a position to be cut, and there's nothing whatsoever embarrassing for the Cowboys in all of this. The players all knew it was coming, and they knew it was the culmination of decisions Lucky had made that earned him an inactivation and had the team spending draft picks on replacements for his role in the return game.

As for you fans who dumped on him, dumped on the team for not dumping him, and then are now dumping on the team for dumping him, SMH. Talk about a collective clown-act.
Oh well. Switzer needed the snaps anyways. Sucks for him, but I'm not sweating cutting a guy who needed to be cut already anyways.

We can't afford to just start cutting guys when we haven't even played a preseason game yet. What If Switzer tears his ACL or something? What if Lucky is just better than him in preseason? I hate giving guys jobs just based on if they're a draft pick and that's exactly what the Cowboys are doing.
What a crazy story.

I realized they never actually arrested him when he kept insisting this was a fake story, a case of mistaken identity. Someone just gave his info when they got the citation. Cost him his job.

A family member would have had to be the culprit, because who else would have had Lucky Whitehead's legal name and birthdate memorized?

The team must have been aware he could get cleared, but didn't want to wait. This is embarrassing, not that I miss him. I bet they at least bring him back to compete.

When he was cut almost EVERYONE in the the "got cut" thread was happy that FINALLY the DC are making a statement. Even in the media, everyone was explaining how the DC had to finally do something (Willy Mcgennis and Brad sham last night on NFLN)

Now, 24 hour later, everybody is pointing the finger at the DC and accusing them of cutting the wrong guy and how they embarrassed themselves. Come on people .... It was incident after incident, and he was unlucky that his situation was the straw the broke the camel's back.

It's a weird situation, I agree, but I am not going to blame the team. I was applauding them for what they did and I am going to continue. Good luck to LW, and I love the move even more now. Players now know the DC don;t care if you are innocent or guilty, the moment we hear something embarrassing to the organization, you are outta here...


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