All things Star Trek: Geeks Unite!

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CashMan;4567593 said:
Why? It was a new direction for an old Trek series, for a new generation. If you go and rewatch TOS, it really was not that good of a series, it was just the 1st of its kind.

Because it was blasphemy! He knew nothing of Star Trek and is an admitted Star Wars fan. I hope he is set upon by a horny Jem'Hadar!
CliffnMesquite;4568316 said:
Because it was blasphemy! He knew nothing of Star Trek and is an admitted Star Wars fan. I hope he is set upon by a horny Jem'Hadar!

Ya, but didn't he bring in 3 Trek fans, including Damon Lindoff(sp?)?
CashMan;4568333 said:
Ya, but didn't he bring in 3 Trek fans, including Damon Lindoff(sp?)?

It was an exciting film. But so was Die Hard. But neither was Star Trek.
If imbuilding a house. I'll bring in an general contractor. A architect, and a plumber. But the plan is mine.
Who would win in a battle between the Jem'Hadar and...

...Species 8472???

Even if Borg Nanoprobes were not in their weapons arsenal, I think that the Jem'Hadar would eventually win. They are reLENTless...
CliffnMesquite;4568415 said:
It was an exciting film. But so was Die Hard. But neither was Star Trek.
If imbuilding a house. I'll bring in an general contractor. A architect, and a plumber. But the plan is mine.

The plan wasn't his. The movie was written by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, two HUGE Star Trek fans that have seen and read anything there is to do with Star Trek. They even cited three specific works that inspired their Star Trek script.

Out of the five producers, which they call "The Supreme Court" and do everything together, only one, Bryan Burk, is not a self-admitted Star Trek fan.

And Abrams watched Star Trek, he just said he wasn't that die hard of a fan. He had other sci-fi franchises that he liked better. But he has said than in his research for the film, he became a huge Trek fan because he now understood what it was all about.

It's the little things in the movie and little winks and nods that make me believe that it is in good hands by people that care about Trek.
  • Spock in school using the same type of computer he did in Star Trek IV
  • The musical stings of Alexander Courage's original theme.
  • The sound effects
  • When Spock gives Scotty his code for transwarp beaming, it was an obvious nod to Scotty giving away the formula for transparent aluminum in Star Trek IV.
  • There's a bottle of Saurian Brandy in the bar
  • Kirk's pack says NCC-1701-D
  • A tribble in Scotty's office
  • Admiral James Komack--who appeared in TOS-- is in the panel of admirals.
  • In the background of the Narada, the Vulcan lander from First Contact and the Romulan Bird of Prey from TOS can be seen, and that's something that Abrams himself included.
  • Abrams filmed Vulcan at Vasquez Rocks, famous for TOS being filmed there (I kind of equate this to Rob Ryan opening the season in the Flex Defense)
  • Spock talks about Kolinahr! How obscure is that?!
  • Spock tells his mother "fine is not acceptable", in Star Trek IV after not being able to answer the question "how do you feel?" early in the film, at the end Spock asked Sarek to tell Amanda "I feel fine"
  • During Kobayashi Maru simulator Kirk eats an apple, an homage to the Genesis cave scene in Star Trek II when Kirk at apple while telling story about how he beat the Kobayashi Maru
  • Majel Barrett Roddenberry does the computer voice!
  • The red shirt dies
  • Sulu and fencing
  • Spock’s line "If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" is the same line Spock speaks in Star Trek VI
  • Kirk is stranded on Delta Vega, the same planet name from the second TOS pilot episode, "Where No Man has Gone Before"
  • "I have been and always shall be your friend."
  • Admiral Archer's beagle
  • Pike's uniform in the end is the same Admiral's uniform Kirk wore in TMP
It's sad that you can't find it in yourself to like this movie. If this move was made by people that didn't care about Star Trek, most or none of these things would not have been in there. And there are a bunch of things in there that could have only been done by Abrams. I implore you to try and have an open mind and like this movie. It saved the franchise. What else would you have rather had done? Another Nemesis? (Which was directed by Stuart Baird, who said he couldn't care a lick about Star Trek and hated it.) Anything else would have killed this franchise. Embrace the fact that Abrams was given the keys to the franchise. He's saved it and has maintained its spirit.

I highly recommend the documentary Trek Nation to any Star Trek fan. It's by Rod Roddenberry, Gene's son, and it is about Gene. It is fantastic. In it he interviews JJ Abrams while he was making the movie, and you realize that Abrams really is trying to do the franchise right.

I'll leave you with a quote from Gene himself.

"I'd like to be here when it [comes] back -- I'd like to see bright new talent do really exciting things... I feel that we’ve got such good people in Hollywood, and will in future as well, that I would be happy to have a Star Trek come on in 15 or 20 years where people say, 'Now that is good! That makes Roddenberry look like nothing!' And that would please me!"
CowboyMike;4568754 said:
The plan wasn't his. The movie was written by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, two HUGE Star Trek fans that have seen and read anything there is to do with Star Trek. They even cited three specific works that inspired their Star Trek script.

Out of the five producers, which they call "The Supreme Court" and do everything together, only one, Bryan Burk, is not a self-admitted Star Trek fan.

And Abrams watched Star Trek, he just said he wasn't that die hard of a fan. He had other sci-fi franchises that he liked better. But he has said than in his research for the film, he became a huge Trek fan because he now understood what it was all about.

It's the little things in the movie and little winks and nods that make me believe that it is in good hands by people that care about Trek.
  • Spock in school using the same type of computer he did in Star Trek IV
  • The musical stings of Alexander Courage's original theme.
  • The sound effects
  • When Spock gives Scotty his code for transwarp beaming, it was an obvious nod to Scotty giving away the formula for transparent aluminum in Star Trek IV.
  • There's a bottle of Saurian Brandy in the bar
  • Kirk's pack says NCC-1701-D
  • A tribble in Scotty's office
  • Admiral James Komack--who appeared in TOS-- is in the panel of admirals.
  • In the background of the Narada, the Vulcan lander from First Contact and the Romulan Bird of Prey from TOS can be seen, and that's something that Abrams himself included.
  • Abrams filmed Vulcan at Vasquez Rocks, famous for TOS being filmed there (I kind of equate this to Rob Ryan opening the season in the Flex Defense)
  • Spock talks about Kolinahr! How obscure is that?!
  • Spock tells his mother "fine is not acceptable", in Star Trek IV after not being able to answer the question "how do you feel?" early in the film, at the end Spock asked Sarek to tell Amanda "I feel fine"
  • During Kobayashi Maru simulator Kirk eats an apple, an homage to the Genesis cave scene in Star Trek II when Kirk at apple while telling story about how he beat the Kobayashi Maru
  • Majel Barrett Roddenberry does the computer voice!
  • The red shirt dies
  • Sulu and fencing
  • Spock’s line "If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" is the same line Spock speaks in Star Trek VI
  • Kirk is stranded on Delta Vega, the same planet name from the second TOS pilot episode, "Where No Man has Gone Before"
  • "I have been and always shall be your friend."
  • Admiral Archer's beagle
  • Pike's uniform in the end is the same Admiral's uniform Kirk wore in TMP
It's sad that you can't find it in yourself to like this movie. If this move was made by people that didn't care about Star Trek, most or none of these things would not have been in there. And there are a bunch of things in there that could have only been done by Abrams. I implore you to try and have an open mind and like this movie. It saved the franchise. What else would you have rather had done? Another Nemesis? (Which was directed by Stuart Baird, who said he couldn't care a lick about Star Trek and hated it.) Anything else would have killed this franchise. Embrace the fact that Abrams was given the keys to the franchise. He's saved it and has maintained its spirit.

I highly recommend the documentary Trek Nation to any Star Trek fan. It's by Rod Roddenberry, Gene's son, and it is about Gene. It is fantastic. In it he interviews JJ Abrams while he was making the movie, and you realize that Abrams really is trying to do the franchise right.

I'll leave you with a quote from Gene himself.

"I'd like to be here when it [comes] back -- I'd like to see bright new talent do really exciting things... I feel that we’ve got such good people in Hollywood, and will in future as well, that I would be happy to have a Star Trek come on in 15 or 20 years where people say, 'Now that is good! That makes Roddenberry look like nothing!' And that would please me!"
All probably true. And I hope it inspires a whole new Next Generation of fans, and spawns more movies and series for years to come. But it won't be Star Trek.
CliffnMesquite;4568758 said:
All probably true. And I hope it inspires a whole new Next Generation of fans, and spawns more movies and series for years to come. But it won't be Star Trek.

And why do you think it is not Star Trek?
CowboyMike;4568759 said:
And why do you think it is not Star Trek?

Last time I looked Vulcan was still there, and the Enterprise wasn't a bloated Albatross. The movie is an abomination. A spit in the face to Fifty years of Star Trek canon and history all wiped out by Two hours of fantastically entertaining
Trash. This is my opinion and it's not going to change.
CowboyMike;4568754 said:
The plan wasn't his. The movie was written by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, two HUGE Star Trek fans that have seen and read anything there is to do with Star Trek. They even cited three specific works that inspired their Star Trek script.

Out of the five producers, which they call "The Supreme Court" and do everything together, only one, Bryan Burk, is not a self-admitted Star Trek fan.

And Abrams watched Star Trek, he just said he wasn't that die hard of a fan. He had other sci-fi franchises that he liked better. But he has said than in his research for the film, he became a huge Trek fan because he now understood what it was all about.

It's the little things in the movie and little winks and nods that make me believe that it is in good hands by people that care about Trek.
  • Spock in school using the same type of computer he did in Star Trek IV
  • The musical stings of Alexander Courage's original theme.
  • The sound effects
  • When Spock gives Scotty his code for transwarp beaming, it was an obvious nod to Scotty giving away the formula for transparent aluminum in Star Trek IV.
  • There's a bottle of Saurian Brandy in the bar
  • Kirk's pack says NCC-1701-D
  • A tribble in Scotty's office
  • Admiral James Komack--who appeared in TOS-- is in the panel of admirals.
  • In the background of the Narada, the Vulcan lander from First Contact and the Romulan Bird of Prey from TOS can be seen, and that's something that Abrams himself included.
  • Abrams filmed Vulcan at Vasquez Rocks, famous for TOS being filmed there (I kind of equate this to Rob Ryan opening the season in the Flex Defense)
  • Spock talks about Kolinahr! How obscure is that?!
  • Spock tells his mother "fine is not acceptable", in Star Trek IV after not being able to answer the question "how do you feel?" early in the film, at the end Spock asked Sarek to tell Amanda "I feel fine"
  • During Kobayashi Maru simulator Kirk eats an apple, an homage to the Genesis cave scene in Star Trek II when Kirk at apple while telling story about how he beat the Kobayashi Maru
  • Majel Barrett Roddenberry does the computer voice!
  • The red shirt dies
  • Sulu and fencing
  • Spock’s line "If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" is the same line Spock speaks in Star Trek VI
  • Kirk is stranded on Delta Vega, the same planet name from the second TOS pilot episode, "Where No Man has Gone Before"
  • "I have been and always shall be your friend."
  • Admiral Archer's beagle
  • Pike's uniform in the end is the same Admiral's uniform Kirk wore in TMP
It's sad that you can't find it in yourself to like this movie. If this move was made by people that didn't care about Star Trek, most or none of these things would not have been in there. And there are a bunch of things in there that could have only been done by Abrams. I implore you to try and have an open mind and like this movie. It saved the franchise. What else would you have rather had done? Another Nemesis? (Which was directed by Stuart Baird, who said he couldn't care a lick about Star Trek and hated it.) Anything else would have killed this franchise. Embrace the fact that Abrams was given the keys to the franchise. He's saved it and has maintained its spirit.

I highly recommend the documentary Trek Nation to any Star Trek fan. It's by Rod Roddenberry, Gene's son, and it is about Gene. It is fantastic. In it he interviews JJ Abrams while he was making the movie, and you realize that Abrams really is trying to do the franchise right.

I'll leave you with a quote from Gene himself.

"I'd like to be here when it [comes] back -- I'd like to see bright new talent do really exciting things... I feel that we’ve got such good people in Hollywood, and will in future as well, that I would be happy to have a Star Trek come on in 15 or 20 years where people say, 'Now that is good! That makes Roddenberry look like nothing!' And that would please me!"

Nice post. :thumbup:
I've actually never seen any of them, but do plan on tackling the original series here soon and working my way from there. Only 700+ episodes and movies to go...
Alumni2k11;4569914 said:
I've actually never seen any of them, but do plan on tackling the original series here soon and working my way from there. Only 700+ episodes and movies to go...
I envy you. :)

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