All things Star Trek: Geeks Unite!

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MonsterD;4564006 said:
Ashley Judd stuffing her face and talking about her on Star Trek TNG. She was like 21 or 22 at the time.

Thanks for posting that. I have wondered for years how she landed that part on the show before her career took off. Good trivia. Loved the part where she talks about wardrobe. It's one of the things I've always like about all the Star Trek series and its female stars. :cunning:
DallasEast;4564001 said:
Has anyone watched Eureka on SyFy? Wil Wheaton has a recurring character on the show. He was a handsome young man on TNG, but he grew into an UGLY adult. I think he has made some appearances on The Big Bang Theory too. He really let himself go.

I follow him on G+. He looks the exact same except + a couple of years and he has a beard now.
OK, well, I've waited long enough. Lets get the Geekdom rolling here.

Best ship?

Hottest Star Trek Girl?
Yeagermeister;4563858 said:
I have liked all of them

It would be easier to list the ones I didn't like.....Dr. Bashir was about the only character I really disliked

I don't know them by name
I do not dislike him as much as I hated when they decided to remake his character into some genetically enhanced super-genius. It seemed totally unnecessary in my opinion.

Alexander Siddig is his English acting name. His uncle is Malcolm McDowell (I didn't know that until after the series had ended). If anyone wants to see his actual arabic name, you can google his acting name. I would have LOVED it if the show had added it to the show's credits each episode. It would have filled the screen! :laugh1:
Sam I Am;4564039 said:
I follow him on G+. He looks the exact same except + a couple of years and he has a beard now.
Really? Okay. We REALLY disagree. :laugh2:
ABQCOWBOY;4564042 said:
OK, well, I've waited long enough. Lets get the Geekdom rolling here.

Best ship?

Hottest Star Trek Girl?

Best ship? Bird of Prey!


Hottest girl? Of the top of my head I will go with Sub-Commander T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) when not in costume. :)

Most images are of her in a bikini, so I can't post them here. You can Google her though. :)
DallasEast;4564051 said:
Really? Okay. We REALLY disagree. :laugh2:

/shrug He isn't rail thin anymore, but you can see he isn't 16 and he has a beard.

ABQCOWBOY;4564042 said:
OK, well, I've waited long enough. Lets get the Geekdom rolling here.

Best ship?
TNG has the benefit of movies to sway my opinion.

The Enterprise G / NCC1701G
ABQCOWBOY;4564042 said:
Hottest Star Trek Girl?
T'Pol/Jolene Blalock. Yep, Jeri Ryan was as fine as wine, but Blalock fitted her uniform even better than Ryan--as incredible as that is.
CashMan;4563865 said:
Another good episode was a TNG one when the Enterprise met the old Enterprise and Tasha went back in time with it.

Yesterday's Enterprise.
Sam I Am;4564063 said:
Of the top of my head I will go with Sub-Commander T'Pol (Jolene Blalock) when not in costume. :)
Beat me to it. ;)
Sam I Am;4564068 said:
/shrug He isn't rail thin anymore, but you can see he isn't 16 and he has a beard.

Let's just say I respect your opinion. :)
DallasEast;4564070 said:
T'Pol/Jolene Blalock. Yep, Jeri Ryan was as fine as wine, but Blalock fitted her uniform even better than Ryan--as incredible as that is.

Gonna have to disagree there. Fit to form pretty much picked up their ball and went home after 7of 9 walked in.
ABQCOWBOY;4563941 said:
I guess I like the Original Star Trek. I like them all but the original is the one I remember with a certain nostalgia.

I always liked Kirk and Spoke, of course but I really liked Warf from NG and DS9, Quark and Data. Jadzia Dax, Lt. Rand from back in the day, Tipol, and of course, Seven of Nine were all smokinhot! Throw in Minuet as well. She only had a small role in one or two episodes but she was way gorgeous.

Favorite Episode is tough. I guess maybe "All Good Things."

I wish there was still a Star Trek Series on. I would still watch it.
Another character who had a small role (even though she appeared in more than one episode) that I thought was very attractive on screen was Dr. Leah Brahms. She was a holographic representation of a warp engine designer in one TNG episode and she returned for another episode as the actual scientist. I do not recall she her play anything outside the series though.
ABQCOWBOY;4564089 said:
Gonna have to disagree there. Fit to form pretty much picked up their ball and went home after 7of 9 walked in.
For me, the margin of difference is too small to argue over. :)
DallasEast;4564095 said:
Another character who had a small role (even though she appeared in more than one episode) that I thought was very attractive on screen was Dr. Leah Brahms. She was a holographic representation of a warp engine designer in one TNG episode and she returned for another episode as the actual scientist. I do not recall she her play anything outside the series though.

Susan Gibney. Yeah, she's got a certain look to her. She's come out in a few things. Lost, Night Rider, Becker, Crossing Jordan, CSI.
ABQCOWBOY;4564089 said:
Gonna have to disagree there. Fit to form pretty much picked up their ball and went home after 7of 9 walked in.

It seems Fit to form had a twin sister.


If you take T'Pol out of costume, she slams Jeri Ryan around like the Hulk does this guy. (that terrible hair cut)

Loved the introduction of The Q character(s) in the Trek Universe, but did anyone here besides me think he/they were made too omnipotent???
DallasEast;4564001 said:
Has anyone watched Eureka on SyFy? Wil Wheaton has a recurring character on the show. He was a handsome young man on TNG, but he grew into an UGLY adult. I think he has made some appearances on The Big Bang Theory too. He really let himself go.

This is an under statement! His acting on BBT, is atrocious!
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