My passion for the NFL has significantly lessened, probably in part because of responsibilities. I don't have the time to invest I once did. But there is more to the story.
I'm tired of holding my breath following nearly every great play to see if there is a flag, or worse, if video review will reverse. I'm tired of learning that for the first 55 years or so of my life I apparently had no idea how to tell whether a pass had been caught. I'm tired of seeing the catch rule and other rules interpreted differently depending on the day of the week or whether the moon is in its 7th hour.
I'm tired of poor execution. The athletes are better than ever -- bigger, stronger, faster. But free agency and new rules regarding practice have led to sloppy play.
Free agency has robbed the game of some of its romance. And I surely think players should have the right to be free agents. This one isn't a question of right or wrong. But a lot of us old guys miss the days when players were Cowboys for most of their careers, and when you could name the offensive and defensive lineups without bothering to look at a roster. When it was Lilly and Cole and Andrie and Pugh and Howley and Edwards and Jordan and on and on... I miss those days, though I understand conditions weren't fair to the players.
I will admit I miss the big hits. Again I understand the concussion issue and the need for safer play, particularly as the players get faster, bigger and stronger. But I miss the big hits.
I deplore the political intrusion. I follow political issues quite closely and have my personal philosophy and opinions. But I watch the NFL in part because I am looking for pure entertainment and respite from 24/7 political and social controversy. This is complicated. I understand that players have the right express themselves, but the infusion of politics has lessened my enthusiasm because it has eliminated the respite.
I abhor the system of player discipline and how it has materially affected competitive balance -- often when players have no fair hearing.
I miss reading interesting articles about the games, strategy, etc. I tire of reading articles about salaries, player discipline issues, politics, etc. I don't think the quality of modern sportswriting is good at all, and I love quality sportswriting.
I dislike the NFL machine, which I think has become more perverse and expansive since Goodell became commissioner. I tire of the non-stop PR machine. I wish the NFL could be just slightly humble now and then.
I don't care for the game as I once did. Perhaps the NFL doesn't give a hoot. Surely my dollars and time are insignificant. And I don't claim to speak for anyone else. But it saddens me. I grew up in Texas -- loved to play, loved to watch, loved to read -- loved the game.
But as the old song goes -- that was yesterday, and yesterday's gone.