I agree with every post on here so far. I would have loved for him to retire a Cowboy but money got in the way. As the old saying goes, "It takes two to tango.". We didn't have a choice but to do something with his contract, concerning his age and injury history, in order to get under the cap. This was the perfect opportunity for him to go to a superbowl contender. Ware had to be wiling to redo his contract and he wasn't. My personal opinion is that Ware is going to make us wish we able to keep him ... for about 4 games. He will be an absolute beast and then will try to play with neck stingers. That quad is going to go again and I bet you he has back issues surface in a big way this year. He's been fighting them for a couple of years and they have a way of tapping you on the shoulder and saying, "you're not ignoring me anymore.".
We all loved Ware as a player and had great respect for the man but the truth is that he wanted a chance to get a SB and Jerry gave it to him. I'm pretty sure it was a handshake-wink deal.