Am I the only who does not care about MNF in New Orleans??

Tuna Helper said:
Join the club. I have been tuning out Theismann for years. Especially after the "Norman Einstein" comment.


His buddy Kornheiser in the booth is not any better, I almost with Paul Maguire’s was back with ESPN. Did I really say that? :lmao: Oh well football with the volume turned down is better than no football at all. :laugh2:
Doomsday101 said:
His buddy Kornheiser in the booth is not any better, I almost with Paul Maguire’s was back with ESPN. Did I really say that? :lmao: Oh well football with the volume turned down is better than no football at all. :laugh2:
Who? Korn-holer?

Never heard of him.
Hostile said:
It's football, therefore I care about the game.

I can tune out the hype, just like I tune out Theisman.

Theisman: "It's great to be here in New Orleans amidst the renewal of a city ... the triumph of the human spirit is everywhere, replacing the debris that used to be everywhere (chuckles) ... Katrina was a Lawrence Taylor type of Hurricane. The whole city just snapped. I rode a bicycle through the French Quarter yesterday, and while I'm no Lance Alworth, I rode a long ways. I went deep into the bowels of this city and got to really interact with these poor people and saw how they have fought back the way I used to as a player for Joe Gibbs and the Washington Commanders. It made me feel like a real human to be able to see these people up close and really take in their total despair. I even held a little African-American baby. They loved me. It doesn't take a genius like Norman Einstein to figure out that this beautiful city was as mangled as my leg once was, but like me, it can come back and will be as obnoxious as ever."

Tirico: "OK, well back to the game ...
Hostile said:
Who? Korn-holer?

Never heard of him.

For some sick reason ESPN thought putting a half ars sports writer was a good ideal. The guy is worthless and has little to say about the game going on in progress, he is always in left field talking about every thing besides football. Only thing worse was ABC MNF with Dennis Miller, we all got to enjoy lame jokes instead of anything pretaining to the game of football. As most know ABC ownes ESPN and who ever is calling the shots in the sports department should get his sorry butt fired!!!!
If Payton's team beats Atlanta you have to consider them as this year's equivalent of the 2005 Tampa Bay Bucs.
Chief said:
Theisman: "It's great to be here in New Orleans amidst the renewal of a city ... the triumph of the human spirit is everywhere, replacing the debris that used to be everywhere (chuckles) ... Katrina was a Lawrence Taylor type of Hurricane. The whole city just snapped. I rode a bicycle through the French Quarter yesterday, and while I'm no Lance Alworth, I rode a long ways. I went deep into the bowels of this city and got to really interact with these poor people and saw how they have fought back the way I used to as a player for Joe Gibbs and the Washington Commanders. It made me feel like a real human to be able to see these people up close and really take in their total despair. I even held a little African-American baby. They loved me. It doesn't take a genius like Norman Einstein to figure out that this beautiful city was as mangled as my leg once was, but like me, it can come back and will be as obnoxious as ever."

Tirico: "OK, well back to the game ...

This is classic:lmao:
Chief said:
Theisman: "It's great to be here in New Orleans amidst the renewal of a city ... the triumph of the human spirit is everywhere, replacing the debris that used to be everywhere (chuckles) ... Katrina was a Lawrence Taylor type of Hurricane. The whole city just snapped. I rode a bicycle through the French Quarter yesterday, and while I'm no Lance Alworth, I rode a long ways. I went deep into the bowels of this city and got to really interact with these poor people and saw how they have fought back the way I used to as a player for Joe Gibbs and the Washington Commanders. It made me feel like a real human to be able to see these people up close and really take in their total despair. I even held a little African-American baby. They loved me. It doesn't take a genius like Norman Einstein to figure out that this beautiful city was as mangled as my leg once was, but like me, it can come back and will be as obnoxious as ever."

Tirico: "OK, well back to the game ...
Tuna Helper said:
It is true that New Orleans had a significant poverty-stricken population prior to Katrina; however, the news media seriously overblew the issue when it covered the tragedy.

Whatever helps you sleep at night Tuna.

I truly respect your view -- you aren't just turning a blind eye on the poor, you are looking right at them and screaming "I don't see you" -- that takes some real, well, something.
if this game helps those people concentrate on something other than their misery for a few hours, then more power to them.
Exactly. I can't blame anyone for not seeing the big deal, but you've to NO and the area or at least followed the situation you do know this is a huge deal... Watch the game, the crowd and returning Saints players will show you how much it means with their emotions tonight...
I wonder if they will interview that guy carting off all the Heineken?
abersonc said:
Whatever helps you sleep at night Tuna.

I truly respect your view -- you aren't just turning a blind eye on the poor, you are looking right at them and screaming "I don't see you" -- that takes some real, well, something.
I don't think that's true at all. New Orleans had a large population of people on welfare--most big cities do. New Orleans also has one of the most corrupt governments in the US, coupled with the corrupt incompetence in the Governor's office. Add it all up, & the area, sadly, was a sitting duck for not being able to respond when a disaster was bearing down on it (school buses underwater, etc.). Then, top with Federal bureaucratic (NOT Republican, but bureaucratic) policies guaranteed to ensure that nothing actually gets done afterwards (FEMA trailers sitting in the mud, leasing Carnival ships for the dispossessed but not requiring them to live there & then double-paying them to live elsewhere). It got hyped, however, because the media wanted to make political hay & turn it into a "Bush hates black people" binge. ESPN this morning was running an extensive interview with Spike Lee saying that very same thing. Why? What purpose does that serve other than DNC spin? THAT'S the hype we're getting tired of. Meanwhile, many other parts of Louisiana & Missippi & Alabama have been completely overlooked. They certainly don't get all the chest-thumping from Spike Lee & others, because it's not politically convenient. And I really get tired of all the bleating from the pseudo-liberals (like the tiresome gang on "Sports Reporters") who you know don't do a d*** thing to help out. Oh, they may throw a couple of bucks to the Red Cross, pat themselves furiously on the back, nod self-righteously at Spike while at a DNC fund-raiser--but they don't do a friggin' thing to help those folks dispossed by Katrina. They certainly don't want them in THEIR neighborhoods (I speak as someone who lives in a predominantly minority neighborhood in Washington DC, where the "liberals" wouldn't move in if they had to--"too dangerous".) Foist them off on Houston, then continue to cluck about evil Bush. I have no doubt the MNF crew will drown us in their treacle tonight, & harumph indignantly about Bush--but they're not doing a thing themselves for residents actually dispossed (hey, Kornheiser wouldn't come within miles of my neighborhood, guaranteed).

And then of course what never gets reported, because the pseudo-liberals don't think it's convenient, is the crime increase in Houston, & the misuse of millions of dollars actually given to New Orleans residents to help them restart their lives (instead spent on trips to Vegas, trips to the Super Bowl, season tickets for the Saints, etc.). Let's see Spike Lee, ESPN, & the gang on MNF talk about THAT. Let's see you talk about that. (And I'm sure you're a complete saint in your life, giving away all your money & possessions, to enable you to criticize Tuna.)
It is a football game and therefore I am intersted. On top of that, you have 2 undefeated teams playing (even though the schedule may have been light but you play who is in front of you).

I have also heard people from Houston and here in Dallas blaming people from NO for crime. Though they were committing crimes (which is kind of expected when you get a huge influx of people), I think it has been blown way out of .

Sorry there was alot of crime in Dallas and Houston way before Katrina..
calico said:
I know I come off as heartless...but I really don't give a damn.
calico said:
I think they could have spent their money in better ways than just the stadium so that maybe people can get their lives back there.

I have never given a flying flip about the Saints, but damn.
mickgreen58 said:
It is a football game and therefore I am intersted. On top of that, you have 2 undefeated teams playing (even though the schedule may have been light but you play who is in front of you).

I have also heard people from Houston and here in Dallas blaming people from NO for crime. Though they were committing crimes (which is kind of expected when you get a huge influx of people), I think it has been blown way out of .

Sorry there was alot of crime in Dallas and Houston way before Katrina..

With a 26% increase in violent crimes sorry as a resident of Houston I and many others have more than our right to complain about this as it has a direct effect on those who live here. While it is no big deal to you not everyone feels that way.
Chief said:
Theisman: "It's great to be here in New Orleans amidst the renewal of a city ... the triumph of the human spirit is everywhere, replacing the debris that used to be everywhere (chuckles) ... Katrina was a Lawrence Taylor type of Hurricane. The whole city just snapped. I rode a bicycle through the French Quarter yesterday, and while I'm no Lance Alworth, I rode a long ways. I went deep into the bowels of this city and got to really interact with these poor people and saw how they have fought back the way I used to as a player for Joe Gibbs and the Washington Commanders. It made me feel like a real human to be able to see these people up close and really take in their total despair. I even held a little African-American baby. They loved me. It doesn't take a genius like Norman Einstein to figure out that this beautiful city was as mangled as my leg once was, but like me, it can come back and will be as obnoxious as ever."

Tirico: "OK, well back to the game ...

Okay, now make his voice get out of my head because I hear him now thanks to you.

Chief, Chief, hey you gotta make the voices stop. Chief...........

He's offline.

Kittymama said:
I don't think that's true at all. New Orleans had a large population of people on welfare--most big cities do. New Orleans also has one of the most corrupt governments in the US, coupled with the corrupt incompetence in the Governor's office. Add it all up, & the area, sadly, was a sitting duck for not being able to respond when a disaster was bearing down on it (school buses underwater, etc.). Then, top with Federal bureaucratic (NOT Republican, but bureaucratic) policies guaranteed to ensure that nothing actually gets done afterwards (FEMA trailers sitting in the mud, leasing Carnival ships for the dispossessed but not requiring them to live there & then double-paying them to live elsewhere). It got hyped, however, because the media wanted to make political hay & turn it into a "Bush hates black people" binge. ESPN this morning was running an extensive interview with Spike Lee saying that very same thing. Why? What purpose does that serve other than DNC spin? THAT'S the hype we're getting tired of. Meanwhile, many other parts of Louisiana & Missippi & Alabama have been completely overlooked. They certainly don't get all the chest-thumping from Spike Lee & others, because it's not politically convenient. And I really get tired of all the bleating from the pseudo-liberals (like the tiresome gang on "Sports Reporters") who you know don't do a d*** thing to help out. Oh, they may throw a couple of bucks to the Red Cross, pat themselves furiously on the back, nod self-righteously at Spike while at a DNC fund-raiser--but they don't do a friggin' thing to help those folks dispossed by Katrina. They certainly don't want them in THEIR neighborhoods (I speak as someone who lives in a predominantly minority neighborhood in Washington DC, where the "liberals" wouldn't move in if they had to--"too dangerous".) Foist them off on Houston, then continue to cluck about evil Bush. I have no doubt the MNF crew will drown us in their treacle tonight, & harumph indignantly about Bush--but they're not doing a thing themselves for residents actually dispossed (hey, Kornheiser wouldn't come within miles of my neighborhood, guaranteed).

And then of course what never gets reported, because the pseudo-liberals don't think it's convenient, is the crime increase in Houston, & the misuse of millions of dollars actually given to New Orleans residents to help them restart their lives (instead spent on trips to Vegas, trips to the Super Bowl, season tickets for the Saints, etc.). Let's see Spike Lee, ESPN, & the gang on MNF talk about THAT. Let's see you talk about that. (And I'm sure you're a complete saint in your life, giving away all your money & possessions, to enable you to criticize Tuna.)

and how is this "spin" you talk about any different than how any issue gets "spun"? The Katrina coverage represented the first time since 2001 that the media actually started criticizing the gov't, and specifically, the president. Then the complaints of "too much" and "overboard" go up. I know a whole bunch of folks who agree with me haven't had enough -- what we have had enough of is situations that the media refuses to touch or gives the gov't a pass on. It is a shame that some of the money is being misused -- although those are very salient and upsetting examples, they certainly do not represent the majority of the cases we are talking about - if you need to point to the odd or extreme case to make a point then you don't really have one.

I'll leave it at that. If you are fed up I strongly encourage you to raise your voice early November -- I know me and my "psuedo-liberal" friends are ready to kick some serious midterm election butt -- so y'all better be ready for a change.
It's amazing how the saints can get 180 million to reconstruct the superdome, but it takes 3 days to get assistance to people who lives were turned upside down, and were forced to live in unsanitary conditions. I hope people never forget how the government neglected those people. That's still the real issue.
Doomsday101 said:
With a 26% increase in violent crimes sorry as a resident of Houston I and many others have more than our right to complain about this as it has a direct effect on those who live here. While it is no big deal to you not everyone feels that way.

Im sure you are mad, but dont use that to slant what I said. I never said I didnt care and I never said you didnt have a right complain about.


The city's murder rate was already increasing before Hurricane Katrina
hit on August 29, city officials say, and was worsened by a staffing
shortage in the police department.

City Council member Ada Edwards cautioned that the evacuees should not
be used as scapegoats.

"We did have criminals that came here from New Orleans, but we had
criminals before," Edwards said.
Am I the only who does not care about MNF in New Orleans??


I can care less. It's just another football game to me.

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