Am I the only who does not care about MNF in New Orleans??

miamicowboy21 said:
It's amazing how the saints can get 180 million to reconstruct the superdome, but it takes 3 days to get assistance to people who lives were turned upside down, and were forced to live in unsanitary conditions. I hope people never forget how the government neglected those people. That's still the real issue.

And that sir or ma'am is the post of the day.

something we should all be thinking about tonight.
mickgreen58 said:
Im sure you are mad, but dont use that to slant what I said. I never said I didnt care and I never said you didnt have a right complain about.


New Orleans murder rate is 10 times the national average it is a hell hole city with a corrupt police department and local government that are no better than a common thieves (this is not just Nagins but NO politics which has been corrupt for many years), no one want to say these things because they would be called insensitive or politically incorrect however I'm not running for office but in the meantime getting NO thugs in Houston has been a major problem for those of us who live here and now have to deal with new orleans gang problem to go along with our own problems. As mentioned our crime rate has gone up 26% but our population did not go up 26%.
mickgreen58 said:
Im sure you are mad, but dont use that to slant what I said. I never said I didnt care and I never said you didnt have a right complain about.

So what is your point? It's okay that crime has gone up by 25% because the crime rate was high before? By the way you prove the point for Houstonians by stating a large influx of increases the crime. The influx of people came from NO and the crime rate increased.
I don't care too much about the game itself.

I am looking forward to seeing the Falcons offense. Vick has a unique skill set. Good to see that his coaches and are trying to tailor an offense that fits him (instead of trying to force him into a strictly traditional offense).

It'll be interesting to see if Reggie Bush can break one. It is also interesting to see Payton's offense in action - it's basically the same as the 2005 Cowboys playbook.

I don't live in New Orleans and have been there only a dozen times or so. It won't be an emotional event for me.

Sometimes I listen to WWL talk radio (New Orleans' clear channel AM 870 radio station) at night, though, and there is no doubt that tonight is a huge deal to many of the people who live there - bigger than the football game itself.

It is being taken as a sign that some progress has been made, that some things can and are returning to normal, that something happy is finally happening in the city, and many find hope and encouragement in that.
I got an idea!

Why don't you people that live in Houston where the thugs from New Orleans came from...just move to New Orleans now that the thugs are in Houston?
Tuna Helper said:
Well, New Orleans is only 60 miles from my house, so the subject hits close to home. I don't necessarily believe that the money spent on the stadium could have been spent in better ways. Louisiana politicians would simply line their own pockets with it if given the opportunity. In addition, the money was not outrageous ($30 mil).

Those that I know that lost their homes have had no problems with the insurance companies. Some have chosen to start their new lives elsewhere. I guess I don't understand the problems that many are facing in getting their homes back, especially if they had insurance through a reputable company. Did they not have insurance? I would never buy a home without insurance.

:bow: :bow: :bow:

nothing has made me more angry than the mayor (who inexplicably gets re-elected :( ) and the governor blaming the Federal Gov....
If you're a leader, don't blame everyone else, esp with something that was as predictable as a CAT 5 Hurricane with a 5-day notice.
Maybe what the money needed to be used for was to build walls around the city to keep the nonsense contained...
As for football, its a real shame because the Saints probably would've been moved had it not been such a politically sensitive issue. And I don't know if I could be any more tired of the media trying to play the Katrina card to hype up a sporting event...its just a game...meanwhile there are real people dealing with real basic survival problems...doubt they care about one football game in a season of 16+ for a team that never wins, in a city that barely supports it anyway.
And unless Payton is a much better coach than i thought (in which case we are fools for letting him get away) Atlanta is going to destroy New Orleans, no pun intended.
5Stars said:
I got an idea!

Why don't you people that live in Houston where the thugs from New Orleans came from...just move to New Orleans now that the thugs are in Houston?
:laugh2: :bow:
5Stars said:
I got an idea!

Why don't you people that live in Houston where the thugs from New Orleans came from...just move to New Orleans now that the thugs are in Houston?

Better than that people of New Orleans can go back, it is not under water any longer.
i'm looking forward to it just because i think the Saints returning to play at the Superdome will really give the city of New Orleans something to really look forward to when it has been an obvious real tough time for a lot of people from there. hopefully they win and i think they will pull of the upset
Doomsday101 said:
Better than that people of New Orleans can go back, it is not under water any longer.

The thugs won't go back because there is more to steal in Houston.

Besides, the stuff that the thugs can steal in New Orleans is all muddy and waterlogged and stuff...
5Stars said:
The thugs won't go back because there is more to steal in Houston.

Besides, the stuff that the thugs can steal in New Orleans is all muddy and waterlogged and stuff...

As a true Texan not even thugs from New Orleans could drive me out. I just don't have the same sympathy as others do. I know New Orleans very well and did not think much of it even before the storm. Something is seriously wrong with anyone who would live in a city that is below sea level and surrounded by water on all sides. :laugh2:
Doomsday101 said:
As a true Texan not even thugs from New Orleans could drive me out. I just don't have the same sympathy as others do. I know New Orleans very well and did not think much of it even before the storm. Something is seriously wrong with anyone who would live in a city that is below sea level and surrounded by water on all sides. :laugh2:

But, I bet the seafood is GREAT!
miamicowboy21 said:
It's amazing how the saints can get 180 million to reconstruct the superdome, but it takes 3 days to get assistance to people who lives were turned upside down, and were forced to live in unsanitary conditions. I hope people never forget how the government neglected those people. That's still the real issue.

The problem was not with the Federal government but the state...
The state of La had to ask for assistance before they can receive it...

Knowing first hand of people dealling with the tradety , they had more than enough to make a better life but how they choose to use these vehicles is another story and the only reason they had to wait is because the local government in New Orleans is Piss Poor...
Cowboy Junkie said:
The problem was not with the Federal government but the state...
The state of La had to ask for assistance before they can receive it...

Knowing first hand of people dealling with the tradety , they had more than enough to make a better life but how they choose to use these vehicles is another story and the only reason they had to wait is because the local government in New Orleans is Piss Poor...
Oh, rest assured, there is plenty of blame to go around here - federal, state, and local government - democrats and republicans.
Chief said:
Theisman: "It's great to be here in New Orleans amidst the renewal of a city ... the triumph of the human spirit is everywhere, replacing the debris that used to be everywhere (chuckles) ... Katrina was a Lawrence Taylor type of Hurricane. The whole city just snapped. I rode a bicycle through the French Quarter yesterday, and while I'm no Lance Alworth, I rode a long ways. I went deep into the bowels of this city and got to really interact with these poor people and saw how they have fought back the way I used to as a player for Joe Gibbs and the Washington Commanders. It made me feel like a real human to be able to see these people up close and really take in their total despair. I even held a little African-American baby. They loved me. It doesn't take a genius like Norman Einstein to figure out that this beautiful city was as mangled as my leg once was, but like me, it can come back and will be as obnoxious as ever."

Tirico: "OK, well back to the game ...

ZeroClub said:
Oh, rest assured, there is plenty of blame to go around here - federal, state, and local government - democrats and republicans.

I blame the freaking hurricane!

Something happened in that area that really pizzed off Mother Nature!
mickgreen58 said:
It is a football game and therefore I am intersted. On top of that, you have 2 undefeated teams playing (even though the schedule may have been light but you play who is in front of you).

I have also heard people from Houston and here in Dallas blaming people from NO for crime. Though they were committing crimes (which is kind of expected when you get a huge influx of people), I think it has been blown way out of .

Sorry there was alot of crime in Dallas and Houston way before Katrina..

I have been in and out of Houston for years, and am, sadly, now a resident. There is a huge change in crime in certain areas where the katrina victims now reside. I have seen the change first hand. Violent crimes have been almost out of hand in certain areas as the Houston and NO gangs collide and the katrina victims turn to theft to live.

When I used to step out onto my girlfriends patio to enjoy a smoke and beer, I would see nothing out of the ordinary. When I step out now, I hear gun shots several times a week while her neighbor drug dealers go about their business.

I have almost been carjacked twice in that area and I would chalk it all up to the Katrina victims.
Thank the LORD she is moving out soon.
Chief said:
Theisman: "It's great to be here in New Orleans amidst the renewal of a city ... the triumph of the human spirit is everywhere, replacing the debris that used to be everywhere (chuckles) ... Katrina was a Lawrence Taylor type of Hurricane. The whole city just snapped. I rode a bicycle through the French Quarter yesterday, and while I'm no Lance Alworth, I rode a long ways. I went deep into the bowels of this city and got to really interact with these poor people and saw how they have fought back the way I used to as a player for Joe Gibbs and the Washington Commanders. It made me feel like a real human to be able to see these people up close and really take in their total despair. I even held a little African-American baby. They loved me. It doesn't take a genius like Norman Einstein to figure out that this beautiful city was as mangled as my leg once was, but like me, it can come back and will be as obnoxious as ever."

Tirico: "OK, well back to the game ...

Okay. That's funny. :bravo:
abersonc said:
The Katrina coverage represented the first time since 2001 that the media actually started criticizing the gov't, and specifically, the president.
calico said:
I have been in and out of Houston for years, and am, sadly, now a resident. There is a huge change in crime in certain areas where the katrina victims now reside. I have seen the change first hand. Violent crimes have been almost out of hand in certain areas as the Houston and NO gangs collide and the katrina victims turn to theft to live.

Maybe they should film some some footage of "The Survival of the Fittest"?

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