Am I the only who does not care about MNF in New Orleans??

4 pages of know one carring...hmmm...
Cowboy Junkie said:
The problem was not with the Federal government but the state...
The state of La had to ask for assistance before they can receive it...

Knowing first hand of people dealling with the tradety , they had more than enough to make a better life but how they choose to use these vehicles is another story and the only reason they had to wait is because the local government in New Orleans is Piss Poor...

Interesting spin, especially since Gov Blanco asked for help and received a state of emergency proclamation on 8-26-2005 - that proclamation authorized help. Oh yeah, Katrina struck on 8-29-2005. Time for a new argument.
I'm ready to see how stupid Houston really was for their draft pick, and how the heck the Falcons manage to run so well.
abersonc said:
Interesting spin, especially since Gov Blanco asked for help and received a state of emergency proclamation on 8-26-2005 - that proclamation authorized help. Oh yeah, Katrina struck on 8-29-2005. Time for a new argument.

What did the LA govt. do with the funding that amounted to the 75% cost indicated in the press release? I believe the brunt of the blame lies with the state level govt. They are the ones who mismanaged the funds received. They are the ones who turned a blind eye to the poorly designed levee system.

The fed. govt. dropped the ball by allowing FEMA to become so disorganized and thus inept. But you're eager to blame the President here. Why? Is the President responsible for emergency agency oversight? Hell, he doesn't oversee his own Homeland Security Agency.
godofwar said:
What did the LA govt. do with the funding that amounted to the 75% cost indicated in the press release? I believe the brunt of the blame lies with the state level govt. They are the ones who mismanaged the funds received. They are the ones who turned a blind eye to the poorly designed levee system.

The fed. govt. dropped the ball by allowing FEMA to become so disorganized and thus inept. But you're eager to blame the President here. Why? Is the President responsible for emergency agency oversight? Hell, he doesn't oversee his own Homeland Security Agency.

A good question however to ask is why does FEMA exist if it isn't to respond immediately and effectively to disasters like this -- especially ones with several days warning. Plus you might ask who appointed the unqualified guy who let FEMA become so screwed up. Being personally responsible for oversight is not expected -- appointing people who are competent should be expected.
It's amazing how the saints can get 180 million to reconstruct the superdome, but it takes 3 days to get assistance to people who lives were turned upside down, and were forced to live in unsanitary conditions. I hope people never forget how the government neglected those people. That's still the real issue.
As said earlier: Post of the day.
abersonc said:
Being personally responsible for oversight is not expected -- appointing people who are competent should be expected.

Absolutely. However, name me one President who didn't have a political appoiontee of one kind or another harangued by the masses for some ineptitude, perceived or not. I'll pay you $50 if you can find one.

In a previous post, you stated your agenda of "change" in the midterm elections. My only question is, why weren't you as ardent about the media criticizing the state, parish, and municipal leaders of Louisisana, as you were about them criticizing the President?
abersonc said:
Interesting spin, especially since Gov Blanco asked for help and received a state of emergency proclamation on 8-26-2005 - that proclamation authorized help. Oh yeah, Katrina struck on 8-29-2005. Time for a new argument.

Presidant Bush declared a state of emergency and sent some funds through FEMA but State of Emergencies are declared often and mostly without evacuation..
The President had no way to know that evacuation was needed without NewOrleans authorities and here is where they failed most...

I think most of the argument from city officials from N.O. is that they could not get help there soon anough and people were left behind...
I believe New Orleans Government said and will say whatever to get off the hook..

As for help after the fact NewOrleans has had plenty of help and far beyond.
godofwar said:
Absolutely. However, name me one President who didn't have a political appoiontee of one kind or another harangued by the masses for some ineptitude, perceived or not. I'll pay you $50 if you can find one.

In a previous post, you stated your agenda of "change" in the midterm elections. My only question is, why weren't you as ardent about the media criticizing the state, parish, and municipal leaders of Louisisana, as you were about them criticizing the President?

Because ultimately we are talking about a disaster that required serious federal intervention - no parish, municipality, or even state had the resources to deal with this. FEMA is the agency responsible for dealing with disasters of this nature. They are the only agency in the country who has the specific goal of dealing with these emergencies and the only one with the resources necessary for dealing with such a large scale disaster. Local and state leaders are to blame -- but disaster preparation is not their only job. The agency who has emergency management as its sole mission and mandate screwed up big time. That's their only job. And they failed.

Political appointees are everywhere -- but if you give favors then you need to be responsible when the favor turns around and bites you. A political appointee in a position that actually requires qualifications? That's just plain stupid.
Cowboy Junkie said:
Presidant Bush declared a state of emergency and sent some funds through FEMA but State of Emergencies are declared often and mostly without evacuation..
The President had no way to know that evacuation was needed without NewOrleans authorities and here is where they failed most...

I think most of the argument from city officials from N.O. is that they could not get help there soon anough and people were left behind...
I believe New Orleans Government said and will say whatever to get off the hook..

As for help after the fact NewOrleans has had plenty of help and far beyond.

Do you honestly believe that the Federal Gov't is just sitting there waiting to hear from Ray Nagin as to whether there needs to be evacuation or not? If so, then the Federal Gov't needs to evaluate their information sources. You've got some of the best scientistic in the world working for you and able to make some pretty good projections as to what is going to happen. But you are going to wait to hear from the Mayor who has nowhere near the resources to evaluation the situation?

The president had no way of knowing? Come on. This was the largest natural disaster in the history of the U.S. - it was no secret that it was coming. So the Prez. decides he's just going to wait for a mayor or even a governor to tell him what is up? Am I really supposed to believe that?

Good god people, this country tried to impeach a president for having a little on the side. Yet folks are willing to let this slide? Wow. Just wow.
calico said:
I know I come off as heartless...but I really don't give a damn. I am just thankful that the old SNF crew is not calling the game because it would be unwatchable. I am just tired of all they hype of this proclaimed "mini-superbowl" :ralph:

I think they could have spent their money in better ways than just the stadium so that maybe people can get their lives back there.

Cool think about not caring about the game in New Orleans don't have to watch the game, the pre game shows or read articles about it.

On a side note I agree money could have been better spent in other areas.

What really irks me is the owner of the Saints is such a scum that if he had his way that team would not even be there, chances are they still would not be there if the NFL did not pony up to fix the stadium.
abersonc said:
Because ultimately we are talking about a disaster that required serious federal intervention - no parish, municipality, or even state had the resources to deal with this. FEMA is the agency responsible for dealing with disasters of this nature. They are the only agency in the country who has the specific goal of dealing with these emergencies and the only one with the resources necessary for dealing with such a large scale disaster. Local and state leaders are to blame -- but disaster preparation is not their only job. The agency who has emergency management as its sole mission and mandate screwed up big time. That's their only job. And they failed.

Political appointees are everywhere -- but if you give favors then you need to be responsible when the favor turns around and bites you. A political appointee in a position that actually requires qualifications? That's just plain stupid.

Those state and local officials who you're quick to let slide were the ones who were supposed to use given funds and resources. They were the ones who knew of unsafe levees and inadequate pumps. They were the ones who planned poorly for the emergency.

While, again admttedly, FEMA was inept in it's duties, the blame does not lie solely with them. Pointing only at the top is a politicized move, and you've already stated your agenda there.

Unfortunately for NO, they may be in store for another disaster similar to Katrina because they have the same officials in place as last year. These officials seem too busy covering there own backsides, and laying blame to want to revamp their infrastructure. We'll see in the near future if they really want to protect their citizens, or if they just want to protect their pockets.
abersonc said:
Do you honestly believe that the Federal Gov't is just sitting there waiting to hear from Ray Nagin as to whether there needs to be evacuation or not? If so, then the Federal Gov't needs to evaluate their information sources. You've got some of the best scientistic in the world working for you and able to make some pretty good projections as to what is going to happen. But you are going to wait to hear from the Mayor who has nowhere near the resources to evaluation the situation?

The president had no way of knowing? Come on. This was the largest natural disaster in the history of the U.S. - it was no secret that it was coming. So the Prez. decides he's just going to wait for a mayor or even a governor to tell him what is up? Am I really supposed to believe that?

Good god people, this country tried to impeach a president for having a little on the side. Yet folks are willing to let this slide? Wow. Just wow.

Well...there is always hope...and right now today as it is...if everyone realizes that stih happens and you better be ready for it when it does...?

But, it will get just takes time! It's frustrating on both sides of this political BS because of frustration for human life...which is a GOOD thing!

However, if you REALLY THINK about it?

Things like this that frustrate us? Here is what I do...

I think about it.
I laugh about.
I cry about it.
Then forget about it.

People will do what they have to do...nothing gets done when people point fingers at's all good.

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