Ambar Garcia needs to go

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I agree. Took me by surprise as I just started listening again at the beginning of the season. I used to like The Break better now I like Talking Cowboys.

Btw, what's up with the constant shuffle? Do they just refresh it every year? What happened to Nate or that one dood from a few years ago, Dennis Scott IIRC?
I agree. Took me by surprise as I just started listening again at the beginning of the season. I used to like The Break better now I like Talking Cowboys.

Btw, what's up with the constant shuffle? Do they just refresh it every year? What happened to Nate or that one dood from a few years ago, Dennis Scott IIRC?

they had been the same for a while. broaddus, nick and derek on the break. only change was taylor stern in place of lindsay draper.

nate was on talking cowboys with mickey and rob. but now he’s on a new show called “hanging with with the boys”. don’t know who the host is though ?
I agree. Took me by surprise as I just started listening again at the beginning of the season. I used to like The Break better now I like Talking Cowboys.

Btw, what's up with the constant shuffle? Do they just refresh it every year? What happened to Nate or that one dood from a few years ago, Dennis Scott IIRC?
The other guy was Steve Dennis and he just played the role (I hope) of uneducated idiot. He tended to voice the opinions of bandwagon fans who don't really know football or life. He was quiet;y fired after one painful year.

I think Ambar is the worst addition they've had since Dennis. The Break was easily my favorite option, but I'm a fan of Eagleton and Eatman, so there is that. Taylor Stern has improved quite a bit since she started, but on her worst day she was never as bad as Ambar. I assume she just will last the season since they only seem to makes changes in the offseason, but at the very least, I hope they can adjust her volume. Her constant loud and pointless interruptions are really hurting the Break. I promised myself I'd give her time, but each episode is just painful now. These load declarations that make zero sense just gets very tiresome and it's affecting the other people on the show.
I don't really dislike Broaddus. He plays a role. They need an 'expert' and he does know his stuff. He's just bombastic and loud. But that's part of what they're doing, keeping the mix of the personalities they have interesting.

I actually like all the shows, and think for what it is, the Cowboys media group is one of the best in the league, overall. It could always be better, but they're repurposing people from their print and online staff and figuring out how to field a ton of content (in terms of hours/week) during the season. And the fact that fans complain about most of the people on the show more or less equally (not exactly, but whatever), is a pretty good sign that they're hitting most of the bases.
Fair enough. Talkin' Cowboy's had me bored ******** last year, the times I did tune in. I can handle people that can barely string two words together if they are gonna spit knowledge (Newton), but for the most part, none of the guys apart from Broaddus have too much to say that really peaks my interest. Cowboy's Break is similar this year, although it's not as bad as Talkin' Cowboys last year. I can't really watch things like Cover 4 at all. It's too much of a love in, with garbage rhetoric. I'm too partial to objective analysis. I understand it's for the casual fan though, which is the majority of the fanbase.
i used to really like listening to The Break on the Cowboys website but it had become to0 painful to follow. Ambar Garcia has no business being on that show. She has limited football knowledge and is a babbling fool that is not articulate in an way.

I like the dynamic of having a woman on the show but have someone that knows the game - even understanding the basics would help - and can speak clearly.

There are woman out there that know the game, are well spoken and can speak Spanish.

I can't listen to this show anymore.

What is your take people?
Perhaps you are on the wrong track here.

Maybe you don't spak Spanish or something.

I understand her fine and she's a chatterbox.

Perhaps you are on the wrong track here.

Maybe you don't spak Spanish or something.

I understand her fine and she's a chatterbox.

In fairness it's more than obvious that the person you quoted is talking about English since that's what the shows are in. No need to be purposely obtuse even though I disagree with the person you quoted on some of the things they said about her like being articulate. That's just an internet thing people try to belittle people ime that people don't say to people face to face unless they want to fight or something
It's about eye candy. The women on Skip Bayless show and Stephen A Smiths show can barely get a word in edge wise and when they do its not anything tangible.
To be fair, Joy doesn't get cut off nearly as much as Molly. Joy picks her spots and is eloquent, whereas Molly just wants to hear herself speak, in the name of "rah rah hear me roar" nonsense. Her getting constantly cutoff by Max and Stephen A is great.

Joy is a gem, should never be uttered in the same breath as Molly. Strong-willed, yet not agenda-driven. And she's drop dead friggin' gorgeous.
Fair enough. Talkin' Cowboy's had me bored ****less last year, the times I did tune in. I can handle people that can barely string two words together if they are gonna spit knowledge (Newton), but for the most part, none of the guys apart from Broaddus have too much to say that really peaks my interest. Cowboy's Break is similar this year, although it's not as bad as Talkin' Cowboys last year. I can't really watch things like Cover 4 at all. It's too much of a love in, with garbage rhetoric. I'm too partial to objective analysis. I understand it's for the casual fan though, which is the majority of the fanbase.

I had regular long drives, so I queued the episodes up and used them to pass the time. That's probably why I liked them.
For all the talk of perfect setups in terms of hosts for a Cowboys radio show, I think they should be attempting to get a guy like Dane Brugler on full time, as opposed to just the draft shows. Guy with real football knowledge without the self importance of Broaddus. Great to listen to.
i used to really like listening to The Break on the Cowboys website but it had become to0 painful to follow. Ambar Garcia has no business being on that show. She has limited football knowledge and is a babbling fool that is not articulate in an way.

I like the dynamic of having a woman on the show but have someone that knows the game - even understanding the basics would help - and can speak clearly.

There are woman out there that know the game, are well spoken and can speak Spanish.

I can't listen to this show anymore.

What is your take people?

Yes, she does need to go - straight to into my arms. She speaks English just fine for my tastes. :D
Those shows are a little sexist when it comes to hiring women and men. Men can be out of shape (Broaddus), old (Mickey & Broaddus), doesn't matter what they look like. But the women on the show have to be in their 20s, and are there for their looks. Don't have to have any knowledge/history of the team, much less NFL football in general. I only listen to Talking Cowboys for Mickey, Rob and Broaddus. TStern has gotten a little better with her subject matter. But whenever Mickey, Rob, or Broaddus start breaking down the game, the details, she rarely gives anything original. All she does is wisecrack whenever Mickey talks, or sits there and says "Yes", whenever they start breaking down stuff. But hey, when it comes to talking about social media or taking a phone call, wow, she is great.

As for the Break, David Helman & Nick Eatman bore me too much, can't listen to it more than a few minutes. I heard that girl you are talking about the 1st time she was introduced to the show, but ya, doesn't suprise me on why she is there. To get viewers to watch.
Can she make a sandwich?
Micky deserves more hate in this thread. He really thinks he's smarter than all the fans. He often says "everyone says or everyone thinks" referring to fans. In reality 20 fans out of 10 million said it to him on twitters and he thinks that's the majority opinion or the consensus and only he knows better.

His constant talking down to the audience is laughable and Taylor calls him on it often. When on the wrong audio equipment, like training camp, he can flat out burst ear drums. I can't believe a semi pro broadcaster like him that's been doing it for 75 years hasn't learned better microphone technique.
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