Ambar Garcia needs to go

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Ambar is eye candy for those who choose to watch the show online rather than just downloading the audio version. If your priority is football then skip the "Break" and go to "Talkn' Cowboys".
I see why they hired her.

For 1 it's football and the target audience is going to be a little sexist. So be it.

2. She speaks another language that a lot of Cowboy fans speak so she offers a dynamic to the website for people who don't speak English.

3. Like you said.. She is early 20's.. Let her grow into this role.. We all get better with more repetitions. They are investing in this girl with hopes that she does get better which she will.

4. It's just for a website anyways. It's not like this is National news. I don't get why it's such a big deal for some of you. She pipes in occasionally and it doesn't ruin anything. Shes ok in my book.

I just have realistic expectations and some of her critics want her to be Bill Parcells on that show.

Let her grow into a roll in the background as she gains some confidence and learns the game. Wow she is painful to listen to and ruins the show. Nate in her spot would be perfect. Taylor has come a long way and I appreciate the effort and attention she has put into her job - she is better for it.

As I said as the OP - I like the female dynamic but they need to be well spoken - at least keep the rhythm of the show moving forward smoothly - and have a solid knowledge of the game. Ambar is clueless. It would be like me being in Europe and being on a show talking about Real Madrid - clueless and have no business. She is learning the game and getting used to communicating in a dynamic which she has no knowledge of at the viewer/listeners expense.
Some guys have to obsess over woman online, cause they have no game. Understandable!

I prefer my women to be in person. Plus, I get my fill of bad Cowboys comments on here.
So if she's was more versed in football she still wouldn't be one of "your women" because she's online?
i used to really like listening to The Break on the Cowboys website but it had become to0 painful to follow. Ambar Garcia has no business being on that show. She has limited football knowledge and is a babbling fool that is not articulate in an way.

I like the dynamic of having a woman on the show but have someone that knows the game - even understanding the basics would help - and can speak clearly.

There are woman out there that know the game, are well spoken and can speak Spanish.

I can't listen to this show anymore.

What is your take people?

Fair is fair, bloke.
You went on and on about how she is not articulate. The kettle calling the pot black. The chestnuts protesting to the embers and all that rot...
I counted 13 grammatical/punctuation errors in yer post.
Normally, I let those things go, old fellow, but since you are evaluating her, I thought that fair is fair.
My hope is that you are not a teacher, but operate a bait stand. Gadzooks! That reminds me! I need 5 plastic minnow crossers, a trout lure and a box of wigglers. Everybody go try the 1/2-inch wall-eye snoop riders. The FB game warden/dog catcher confiscated my equipment when I took off running from the Carrollton Stubby Kaye Memorial Creek. A fast runner am I!
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Hey I have a joke:
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says "Say, Sarah Jessica Parker, why the long face!" ... Wait
A horse walks into the bar and Sarah Jessica Parker is the rider and the ugly bartender says, "Hey, Mr. Ed, you are looking rather saggy up there ..."

Trouty, let me get back to my London Times Girls and Gags issue ... I mangled the joke horribly. My cheeks are red -- that is, my facial cheeks ....oh, bother ....
I live in Hollywood, brudda. :D Where actress's dreams come to die, and they end up waitressing at my favorite restaraunts. :)

I'm not saying she's ScarJo, she's just hot as heck to me. What can I say, I'm a sucker for Hispanic's :)

With all due respect, Loc, my boi :dance:
There's plenty of Latinas here too brother. Come on down. I need to check out that LA night life. See what's up.
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