Ambar Garcia needs to go

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There's plenty of Latinas here too brother. Come on down. I need to check out that LA night life. See what's up.
Bro, I got a guest room for ya anytime. I know the city, haven't been as active in the night life since before I started dating my ex-gf, Vanessa (the psycho Brazilian), but I know all the spots, and they know me :)
i used to really like listening to The Break on the Cowboys website but it had become to0 painful to follow. Ambar Garcia has no business being on that show. She has limited football knowledge and is a babbling fool that is not articulate in an way.

I like the dynamic of having a woman on the show but have someone that knows the game - even understanding the basics would help - and can speak clearly.

There are woman out there that know the game, are well spoken and can speak Spanish.

I can't listen to this show anymore.

What is your take people?
yent 911--I absolutely do not agree with your assessment...i really like Ambar Garcia because she does not drink the cool-aid or play politics but speaks what she thinks and she does not pretend to high football IQ but makes some good observations in my humble opinion
There's probably a bit of selection bias going on, as these positions won't pay well, and you're going to get a variety of interns who want to be in front of a camera to begin with. It's a tv show, and they want it to be accessible. They're probably trying to build audience with both women and hispanics, and they've had Ambar available to give in-language interviews for the hispanic audience for however-long now. I have no problem with any of that in principle.

She doesn't know squat about football, but the format of the program doesn't require that. In fact, having a foil there that the football guys can play to is probably a good thing for the show's audience in general. Not everybody listening it a die hard like we all are, and there aren't enough of us to make up a healthy audience. You need somebody to attract and entertain the sorts of casual fans whose acumen stops at blaming the HC and the QB whenever any problem crops up.

That said, anybody listening to Ambar present her 'argument' for Dak's performance in the first half v. the second half over the early start to his career understands that this is a person who's not qualified to have an opinion worth sharing with a large audience of listeners. I'd be about as happy if she just made farting noises the whole time it was her time to talk so that the other hosts wouldn't feel compelled to waste time smoothing things over when she's done. She may get a lot better in time. Taylor Stern certainly has. But she's got a long way to go.
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There's probably a bit of selection bias going on, as these positions won't pay well, and you're going to get a variety of interns who want to be in front of a camera to begin with. It's a tv show, and they want it to be accessible. They're probably trying to build audience with both women and hispanics, and they've had Ambar available to give in-language interviews for the hispanic audience for however-long now. I have no problem with any of that in principle.

She doesn't now squat about football, but the format of the program doesn't require that. In fact, having a foil there that the football guys can play to is probably a good thing for the show's audience in general. Not everybody listening it a die hard like we all are, and there aren't enough of us to make up a healthy audience. You need somebody to attract and entertain the sorts of casual fans whose acumen stops at blaming the HC and the QB whenever any problem crops up.

That said, anybody listening to Ambar present her 'argument' for Dak's performance in the first half v. the second half over the early start to his career understands that this is a person who's not qualified to have an opinion worth sharing with a large audience of listeners. I'd be about as happy if she just made farting noises the whole time it was her time to talk so that the other hosts wouldn't feel compelled to waste time smoothing things over when she's done. She may get a lot better in time. Taylor Stern certainly has. But she's got a long way to go.
You could've just said, "she's hot" :D

Jk, my brother :) Good stuff, Idgit. Everyone here that supports her, it seems, is saying to wait and give her time to grow into it (as you, yourself, touched on towards the end). No one is flying to her defense and saying she's Sturm.

Personally, I've never heard her. But daggon, look at her :D
Stop the bickering, misogyny, racism and political remarks and anything else that is unnecessary or we'll close the thread. You may not post pics of people in brief bathing suits etc. And no call outs and personal attacks either. Cut the crap people. We expect better.
Those shows are a little sexist when it comes to hiring women and men. Men can be out of shape (Broaddus), old (Mickey & Broaddus), doesn't matter what they look like. But the women on the show have to be in their 20s, and are there for their looks. Don't have to have any knowledge/history of the team, much less NFL football in general. I only listen to Talking Cowboys for Mickey, Rob and Broaddus. TStern has gotten a little better with her subject matter. But whenever Mickey, Rob, or Broaddus start breaking down the game, the details, she rarely gives anything original. All she does is wisecrack whenever Mickey talks, or sits there and says "Yes", whenever they start breaking down stuff. But hey, when it comes to talking about social media or taking a phone call, wow, she is great.

As for the Break, David Helman & Nick Eatman bore me too much, can't listen to it more than a few minutes. I heard that girl you are talking about the 1st time she was introduced to the show, but ya, doesn't suprise me on why she is there. To get viewers to watch.

The one thing Taylor does add to the show that the others do not is getting information from the players directly, sometimes related to their injuries and playing status.
You could've just said, "she's hot" :D

Jk, my brother :) Good stuff, Idgit. Everyone here that supports her, it seems, is saying to wait and give her time to grow into it (as you, yourself, touched on towards the end). No one is flying to her defense and saying she's Sturm.

Personally, I've never heard her. But daggon, look at her :D

She's smoking. But I was trying to get at why they'd hire someone with her background apart from her being smoking hot. Being new to football, being female, and being hispanic are all reasons why they probably want her.

The one I liked best (IIRC) in recent memory is Lindsey Draper. She actually knows what she's talking about.

But, really, I mean, we all put up with Broaddus on those shows. Who's going to put up with Broaddus interrupting and talking over everybody and appealing to his scouting background constantly and name-dropping while coming to half-baked conclusions while looking like his head might pop off his body any minute and then complain about Ambar Garcia being there?
The one thing Taylor does add to the show that the others do not is getting information from the players directly, sometimes related to their injuries and playing status.

Yeah. You can kind of tell that she's a hustler behind the scenes and not afraid to approach people to get comments.

She used to drive me absolutely nuts with the cadence of her voice and being uncomfortable speaking (doing that thing where she'll keep talking and saying nothing because she didn't know when to wrap up a thought). And the fact that Broaddus would give her cue cards so that she could say things that he'd then answer was transparent and bugged me, too. But to her credit, she watched a ton of film with him and learned the game quickly. She even got up to speed on recent college history enough that she could reference players on teams 4-5 years prior. Pretty impressive in just a year or so when you think about it.
She's smoking. But I was trying to get at why they'd hire someone with her background apart from her being smoking hot. Being new to football, being female, and being hispanic are all reasons why they probably want her.

The one I liked best (IIRC) in recent memory is Lindsey Draper. She actually knows what she's talking about.

But, really, I mean, we all put up with Broaddus on those shows. Who's going to put up with Broaddus interrupting and talking over everybody and appealing to his scouting background constantly and name-dropping while coming to half-baked conclusions while looking like his head might pop off his body any minute and then complain about Ambar Garcia being there?
Everyone like to bag Broaddus, and the things you mention are valid, if IMO a bit exaggerated. But in spite of his flaws, he's the only one really worth listening to, at least for someone who isn't a casual fan. Hence the Break being the much better show last season, and Talkin' Cowboys being the better show this year. He's the only one with a relatively high level of football knowledge. Every caller that rings in wanting to ask proper football related questions always directs their question to him for this very reason.

99% of everything that comes out of everyone else's mouth is crap everyone with an iota of common sense already knows, stuff no one cares about, or things one could easily find out reading a news article or two on google. The insight into players minds is the 1%, however there really isn't that much of it that isn't already common knowledge.

Rather than talk about the females not belonging on the show, there should be more of a general discussion on why they don't get more people on with better football knowledge.
Everyone like to bag Broaddus, and the things you mention are valid, if IMO a bit exaggerated. But in spite of his flaws, he's the only one really worth listening to, at least for someone who isn't a casual fan. Hence the Break being the much better show last season, and Talkin' Cowboys being the better show this year. He's the only one with a relatively high level of football knowledge. Every caller that rings in wanting to ask proper football related questions always directs their question to him for this very reason.

99% of everything that comes out of everyone else's mouth is crap everyone with an iota of common sense already knows, stuff no one cares about, or things one could easily find out reading a news article or two on google. The insight into players minds is the 1%, however there really isn't that much of it that isn't already common knowledge.

Rather than talk about the females not belonging on the show, there should be more of a general discussion on why they don't get more people on with better football knowledge.

I don't really dislike Broaddus. He plays a role. They need an 'expert' and he does know his stuff. He's just bombastic and loud. But that's part of what they're doing, keeping the mix of the personalities they have interesting.

I actually like all the shows, and think for what it is, the Cowboys media group is one of the best in the league, overall. It could always be better, but they're repurposing people from their print and online staff and figuring out how to field a ton of content (in terms of hours/week) during the season. And the fact that fans complain about most of the people on the show more or less equally (not exactly, but whatever), is a pretty good sign that they're hitting most of the bases.
I didn't, but I do now.

You got shut down the same way dez Bryant was shut down by jack rabbit. The proof for anyone that cares is in this thread.

you can quote me again but you'll be talking to yourself.

Smell you later.
Ya know? I was on your side until you went and used that ultra stupid self-proclaimed jackrabbit nickname. Please don't perpetuate it.
Ya know? I was on your side until you went and used that ultra stupid self-proclaimed jackrabbit nickname. Please don't perpetuate it.

Plus if anyone should be called Jackrabbit it should be Antonio Cromartie
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