Amobi Okoye Overcomes Coma & Encephalitis

I am rooting for him and hope he goes on to have a full and healthy life from this point on but I can't help thinking the whole situation is too risky for any team. I do fall on the side of trust the doctors that he is okay to play if they say so but they better be 100% convincing that he is healthy and this is not something that can be retriggered by playing football. Before I cut a young player to give him a spot on the roster, I'd better know it is highly unlikely that I will be dealing with him having lingering effects from this ordeal. I hope it all works out but I don't want to cut one of the promising young DL for him only to see him go on IR or retire by week 4.
I am rooting for him and hope he goes on to have a full and healthy life from this point on but I can't help thinking the whole situation is too risky for any team. I do fall on the side of trust the doctors that he is okay to play if they say so but they better be 100% convincing that he is healthy and this is not something that can be retriggered by playing football. Before I cut a young player to give him a spot on the roster, I'd better know it is highly unlikely that I will be dealing with him having lingering effects from this ordeal. I hope it all works out but I don't want to cut one of the promising young DL for him only to see him go on IR or retire by week 4.

A valid observation...but to carry things a step further. The player being referred to as a detriment to youth, as most like a great deal higher projection when he arrived into the NFL. Marry that fact with the heart and demonstrated courage of this play, Okoye, and he deserved more than a passing consideration of human/playing value.

A team during the off season, always considers immediate and longer termed projections prior to declaring a 53 man roster. Youth as a determining factor alone, is even more shallow as to the future. They still have to prove metal, to be developed further. As to injury history with Okoye, the team has developed and walked his path with him for over a year now. Just as with Jay Ratliff, they knew what they had...only with Ratliff, he had a sick heart. Okoye doesn't.
It's a little bit different. One, you can't lift weights or realistically do calisthenics in hospital. Two, Brent has actually been our of prison and training on cardio with other former NFL players for the last month.

Brent has been training in the Micheal Johnson speed training center here in Dallas. Andre Gurode works there and has been working extensively with Brent. Per Jessie Holley, Brent is in great shape and is as strong as ever.
I believe Jesse Holley has reported that Brent is working with Andre Gurode trying to get in physical shape.

It stands to reason that Dallas has more of firm grasp on Brent's physical status than Okoye.

In response to @CyberB0b though, I wouldn't be surprised if Brent could come in and beat Hayden right now. Yes, IMO Hayden is that bad.

Working with Gurode. What shape is he trying to get in? Round?
Brent has been training in the Micheal Johnson speed training center here in Dallas. Andre Gurode works there and has been working extensively with Brent. Per Jessie Holley, Brent is in great shape and is as strong as ever.

Has he started to chew glass yet?
Working with Gurode. What shape is he trying to get in? Round?

C'mon, the man has extensive applied experiences, but operates under principals at the Training Facility. Those are highly effective in the off seasons for both collegiate 'rooks' and veterans.
Alright, you voiced an opinion...on what, is up for question. But once entered into a discussion, please explain.

Umm, seems pretty obvious to me. The guy has a terrible neurological condition that playing football can't possibly help. He should retire.
Yeah, Broaddus had said that Amobi's issues were mental not physical, or something to that effect - I don't think he said he was crazy. Guess he meant that a different way than it came across.

I've often said the same about some of our members. :D
Umm, seems pretty obvious to me. The guy has a terrible neurological condition that playing football can't possibly help. He should retire.

Now that you bring out a non-applicable comparison...I think instead, you should retire from insulting human dignity on a board.
i presume he hasnt had any in like a year?

either way...dont think football helmet hits are the smart choice with a "potentially lethal" brain problem

It was potentially lethal at the time of his acute illness 2 years ago.

He is now completely recovered, and he is not at any more concussion risk than the average player.
i presume he hasnt had any in like a year?

either way...dont think football helmet hits are the smart choice with a "potentially lethal" brain problem

Yeah i wish him well but it is hard to believe that doctors are giving him the clearance to play.
I'm just so very happy he has gotten through this (at least for now) and can be "human" again and pursue his desires.
What a horrific ordeal for any person to deal with.

I hope he plays- not just for the team, but it's confirmation that he did it. This disease didn't beat him.
Not yet, and hopefully not ever again.

I applaud his strength and wherewithal to overcome and I certainly will be rooting for him.
It was potentially lethal at the time of his acute illness 2 years ago.

He is now completely recovered, and he is not at any more concussion risk than the average player.

hey if thats true...awesome. but id hate for the kid to risk his health...isnt worth it
I'm just so very happy he has gotten through this (at least for now) and can be "human" again and pursue his desires.
What a horrific ordeal for any person to deal with.

I hope he plays- not just for the team, but it's confirmation that he did it. This disease didn't beat him.
Not yet, and hopefully not ever again.

I applaud his strength and wherewithal to overcome and I certainly will be rooting for him.

I was serious, this is hero stuff in football.
I think some cowboys junior doctors need to learn what it means to be medically cleared.
Wonder what they got him taking. I know someone who just started on IVIG for an auto immune disease and it doesn't sound too fun. Every 2 weeks, 7-9 hour infusions, and would be longer for a person okoye's size. Also he's pretty wiped out the following day.

He's in uncharted territory playing football with this. Hope it works out for him.

His disease was acute, not chronic; he does not require continued aggressive medical therapy

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