An Aggie Joke Wrote Itself Again

Cythim;4339362 said:
What is most sad is he is TAMU on these forums. He brags when he has nothing to brag on, he bashes needlessly, and he pretends to be the one taking the high road when he is the one dragging another school through the mud. The envy is so obvious to everyone but him. I love him, he brings meaning to Baylor games.
Yawn, this was a simple article that never should've garnered more than good natured ribbing, instead it's six pages of aggie defensiveness and subsequent retort and needling.
Cythim;4339343 said:
I become a good sport, right. I've said this a few times on these boards and you always ignore it to continue your bashing. You are intellectually dishonest and only care to bash TAMU or thump your Baylor chest. Actually talking sports without insult or pride is beyond you.
Dishonest? Please show the dishonesty, you may not like what I've said but nothing has been untruthful.
Aikbach;4339396 said:
Yawn, this was a simple article that never should've garnered more than good natured ribbing, instead it's six pages of aggie defensiveness and subsequent retort and needling.

It went 6 pages because everyone is laughing at your pathetic attempts at taking jabs at TAMU. There is nothing in the article worth ribbing over. Oh no, TAMU only earned $2.9 million for a non-conference game. You are making fun of a school for profiting from a non-conference game instead of paying North Texas for a win, go you!
Aikbach;4339402 said:
Dishonest? Please show the dishonesty, you may not like what I've said but nothing has been untruthful.

The premise of the article is that TAMU is cancelling the game in Dallas because of money when the real reason is recruiting. Cowboys Stadium and Arkansas still want the game in Dallas but TAMU would rather host the game every other year so they can invite recruits to watch. This entire thread is based on dishonest reporting.
Cythim;4339524 said:
The premise of the article is that TAMU is cancelling the game in Dallas because of money when the real reason is recruiting. Cowboys Stadium and Arkansas still want the game in Dallas but TAMU would rather host the game every other year so they can invite recruits to watch. This entire thread is based on dishonest reporting.
The entire thread is you griping about being picked on. So you claim the article is dishonest and therefore launch the ad hominem attack that I have no intellectual integrity because you dislike the journalism, nice gymnastics.
Cythim;4339521 said:
It went 6 pages because everyone is laughing at your pathetic attempts at taking jabs at TAMU. There is nothing in the article worth ribbing over. Oh no, TAMU only earned $2.9 million for a non-conference game. You are making fun of a school for profiting from a non-conference game instead of paying North Texas for a win, go you!
Hmmm, nope, just not so, most people have giggled at the article and moved on, only the defensive aggies have felt assaulted.

You could've let the article come and go instead you got on your typical 'everyone is jealous of us" soap box and incited some real laughs.
Aikbach;4339578 said:
Hmmm, nope, just not so, most people have giggled at the article and moved on, only the defensive aggies have felt assaulted.

You could've let the article come and go instead you got on your typical 'everyone is jealous of us" soap box and incited some real laughs.

Yeah, except Brainpaint and many of the others who are laughing at you are not Aggies.
Cythim;4339611 said:
Yeah, except Brainpaint and many of the others who are laughing at you are not Aggies.
Don't recollect any laughs, just a lack of understanding about the cultural institution of aggie jokes, once explained they moved on.

You should too.
Aikbach;4339575 said:
The entire thread is you griping about being picked on. So you claim the article is dishonest and therefore launch the ad hominem attack that I have no intellectual integrity because you dislike the journalism, nice gymnastics.

You read an article and ran with a lie without bothering to check up on it because you liked what it had to say. You are either intellectually dishonest or simply lack intelligence.
Aikbach;4339617 said:
Don't recollect any laughs, just a lack of understanding about the cultural institution of aggie jokes, once explained they moved on.

You should too.

They moved on when they realized you are just a troll.
Cythim;4339633 said:
They moved on when they realized you are just a troll.
Hmmm, ad hominem attacks don't really pertain to the reality of the article or anything else pointed out about your feeble university, you're stretching, but sadly justifying the criticism.
Cythim;4339632 said:
You read an article and ran with a lie without bothering to check up on it because you liked what it had to say. You are either intellectually dishonest or simply lack intelligence.
Another ad hominem attack in lieu of not disproving anything sited of A&M in this thread, best you move beyond calling people that point out these uncomfortable truths names.
Aikbach;4339692 said:
Hmmm, ad hominem attacks don't really pertain to the reality of the article or anything else pointed out about your feeble university, you're stretching, but sadly justifying the criticism.

Aikbach;4339697 said:
Another ad hominem attack in lieu of not disproving anything sited of A&M in this thread, best you move beyond calling people that point out these uncomfortable truths names.

Cythim;4340333 said:
Wow you are butt hurt let it go, you have no sense of humor nor irony what so ever, you must be clothed in membrane instead of skin.
ologan;4338517 said:
All one has to do is look at the bottom of your posts....Your BIAS is showing!
of course I'm bias against aggies, I'm a Longhorn fan. duh
jimmy40;4343886 said:
of course I'm bias against aggies, I'm a Longhorn fan. duh
no aggie thread can be without this.


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