An interesting question to ask...

Let's see....I was born in Temple, Texas (So by birth I was ordained a Cowboy fan) and got my first (Huffy methinks) Dallas Cowboy uniform with that jacked up face mask when I was 4. That would be in 1967. I remember crying while sitting on the edge of my parent's bed when O'Brien kicked the Superbowl winning field goal for the Colts. I remember being the last team to beat the Dolphins in the next SuperBowl for a bit of redemption and also being the last team to beat them prior to them starting their unbeaten season. I remember the heart shattering emotions of "The Catch". I remember 1-15. Shall I go bandwagon here....Blue and Silver True and True...
Since the game really arrived in the UK.

1985 is my earliest memory....the Rams in the playoffs I think. The strike shortened season, and the 1-15 are my clearest early memories.

Still remember some fantastic names - Cornell Burbage, Broderick Sargeant....... unfortunately were not fantastic players!!
Been a diehard since 1977 when I was 8.
I have vague memories from that season, but I clearly remember rooting for the 'Boys in SB XII. Butch Johnson's diving TD catch against the Broncos was sweet!

I remember some of my friends who claimed to be Cowboys fans later jumping to the Eagles or 49ers and then Bears. But I never waivered, even through the 3-13 season in Landry's final year, or the 1-15 season in Jimmy's first year, or during the Campo era. For me, I've bleed silver and blue from the beginning and I couldn't ever imagine not rooting for the Cowboys.
I've been a reader of this site for a longtime but never posted however I wanted to get in on this one. :)

I've been a true die hard fan many years, born in 61! I'm 44 now and can remember watching the thrill of Bob Hayes racing down the field and my big brother telling me he is the fastest man in the world. Watching Dandy Don, Staubach the list goes on! I remember many games where I thought the boys were out of it and Staubach would bring them back in the last seconds hitting Drew Pearson and company.
Then to my dismay Landry being fired for the whole off season I didn't know how it would be to watch the boys if it would be the same. But once the games started even with a 1-15 start with Jimmy Johnson I was still hooked and will always be a fan. I've lived in many different parts of the country, I have never rooted for anyone else unless it was who ever played the Commanders, or Eagles..etc. I now live in the Dallas area and love being able to listen to the local talk radio and local news about the boys.

Go Cowboys!!
I'm 29 and have been a fan since the game w/ the "CATCH" Dwight Clark and Everson Walls. My first game I ever went to was in 1988 in Philly. My father and I stayed at the hotel w/ the team. Got an autograph and picture w/ Michael Irvin( rookie year and was a nobody). Met Tom Landry, Gil Brandt, Doug Cosbie, Steve Pelluir, Kelvin Martin, Randy White, Bill Bates, Ron Fellows, Billy Owens, Mike Saxon and many more. Been through 3-13, 1-15, and 3 superbowl wins and hopefully many more to come.
Loyal fan and have bled blue and silver since the 1977 season, cried the night Jackie Smith dropped the TD in Super Bowl XIII in 1978. To me Roger the Dodger is and will always be "The Man".
Present! Fan before 1990 sir! However, I agree with the person who said bandwagoneers are welcome if they stuck through the Jerry Jones learning years. Boy howdy were those painful. :banghead:
Fan since the late 60's. There were some tough years in the late 80's.
I was born and raised in the DC area and have been a Dallas fan since birth(1978), my dad is a die hard Skins fan, but I sided with my older brother with the Boys. One of my fondest memories growin up was the faces of my dad and all his friends as our lowly 1-15 team took it to em at RFK. My brother and I still to this day laugh at that. Can't wait to knock all these playoff hopes I hear Skins fans talkin about right outta the box, with a much deserved butt kicking.
Ceasaleo88 said:
I was born and raised in the DC area and have been a Dallas fan since birth(1978), my dad is a die hard Skins fan, but I sided with my older brother with the Boys. One of my fondest memories growin up was the faces of my dad and all his friends as our lowly 1-15 team took it to em at RFK. My brother and I still to this day laugh at that. Can't wait to knock all these playoff hopes I hear Skins fans talkin about right outta the box, with a much deserved butt kicking.

Your father raised two fine sons in spite of his errant team allegience... :D
The first I remember taking an interest in football was when I was about 10, that was 1978 and my Uncle Ralph was the biggest fan of the Cowboys. I idolized my uncle and thought if he was a Cowboy fan, then I was going to be just like him and be a Cowboys fan. I remember the first time we lost to the skins in the NFC Championship, I cried like a little kid and to this day my aunt still gives me grief over crying over the Dallas Cowboys losing.

Been a fan ever since and I ain't going nowhere no matter what this team does.
HTownCowboysFan said:
How many of y'all have been a fan of this team - and THIS team only - prior to, oh let's say, 1990?

An interesting dynamic methinks to see how many of "us" are long-timers (such as moi), bandwagon jumpers since the days of Jimmy, Jerry, and the 'boys, or those who are becoming new fans.


I've been a fan since 1963, but I felt sick to my stomach when we first hired Jimmy, I'm a Sooner fan, but Jimmy won me over. As for Parcells, I'm still waiting for him to get his act together and show me he can do it without Belichek.
kycowboyfan said:
OK I admit when Jones fired Landry I cancelled my subscription to the Dallas Cowboys Weekly in protest, but I still never missed a game when they were on.

That's funny because I was the opposite. While I lived and died with the Cowboys starting in '77 and loved Landry, I actually re-subscribed to the Dallas Cowboys Weekly as soon as I heard Landry was fired and Jimmy was hired.

I first subscribed to it in '85 when I was in high school and I received it for 2 years. We started going downhill bigtime the second half of the '86 season and into '87, so while I never missed a game, the price had gone up on the subscription and as a high school kid I didn't renew it.

I didn't like the way the Landry firing occurred, but as soon as the change was made it gave me hope again and I immediately subscribed to the DCW again. I would have rather Landry retired at the end of the '88 season or at least if there had been some type of mutual agreement, but either way, I knew we had gotten stagnant and needed a major change.
I was raised watching the boys, but didn't really start paying attention until the 1980 playoffs when we lost to the Eagles in the NFC championship game.

I remember getting an electronic football game (the kind with the plastic men, not the head to head handheld games that went duh do duh duh duh do or whatever when you scored) that year which was Dallas vs Pittsburgh, and always had fun kicking Steeler butt with it.

I was frustrated by how close we came and the chamionship game losses to follow, but my fandom never wavered. I was hooked.

The team getting older, Landry getting fired, the 1-15 season, they were all bad moments, but they just made the early to mid-90's run we had all the sweeter.

I'm really excited about the team now because I finally feel like our arrow is pointed up again instead of down or sideways. We're not there yet, but I really believe we are putting the pieces in place to contend again.

As for bandwagoners, well, if we're winning and get new fans from it, fine. No problem. But I don't respect the people who change teams every year. For instance, I saw a lot of guys wearing Dallas gear mid-90's, then it changed to Packer's gear, then Bronco's gear, etc...

I don't respect that at all. I'm not a fan of wishy-washy people who are so easily swayed by changing trends.
I've been a die-hard fan since 1969. I was 6 years old. The Cowboys played in their first-ever Super Bowl. Even though they lost, I was hooked. One thing that got me on board was the coolness of the Cowboys having "the world's fastest human", Bob Hayes playing for them. That was just too awesome for my 6 year old self! Since then, I have watched every single game they've ever played, and lived and died with them through everything that's happened. There's no other team I could even think about rooting for.
I've been a fan all my life - ever since I knew what football was. My favorite player was Charlie Waters.
Suffered through Danny White's choke jobs,
Phil Pozderck (sp?) losing the game vs. NYG;
Tony Hill being caught from behind on a post route in the NFC Championship vs. SF - w/o which we would never have to endure all the "catch" b.s.;
Gary Hogeboom / Steve Pelluer and
the joy of watching Jimmy get his 1st W in the same stadium Tom got his last - RFK; the domination of the SB 'Skins on Monday Night;
The greatest decade in NFL hsitory - the 90's
and with the invention of Sunday Ticket - I can now enjoy every game . . .

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