An interesting question to ask...

BrAinPaiNt said:
Was pretty young...too young to even know what was going on.

But it was either the year the Manster was a rook or the year after that.

Not much as changed since then ;)
I was born in '70s, and the my first memory of football was created when I saw the star. Born and raised 100 miles southwest of Atlanta, I must have been mighty luckky that I didn't see a Falcon first....otherwise I would have had a lifetime of heartache and despair....I now live in Atlanta and it is almost comical - the locals are holding their collective breaths for a back-to-back winning season. I proudly made it through the 1-15 season and held my head high. We Cowboy fans were rewarded with 3 superbowl titles to follow. To this day, my favorite phrase is still "How 'bout them Cowboys!!!?"
A fan since the first grade. About 33 years or so now and counting through good and bad.
66 or 67 ... pro football was a lot different back then, and so was the TV coverage, or lack of it.

There was maybe one game on Sunday, and no highlight shows.

I loved Chuck Howley and the :star: on his helmet.
Fan since about 77. That's as far back as I can remember.
I have been a fan since their innaugural season in 1960 (I was seven at the time. I was born and raised in Denton, about 25 miles from Dallas).
Yeagermeister said:
Not much as changed since then ;)

And that is why I love you...because we have so much in common...and your wife does sexy photoshops. :eek: ;)
BrAinPaiNt said:
And that is why I love you...because we have so much in common...and your wife does sexy photoshops. :eek: ;)
WHOA!!!! I don't swing that way but yeah the Mrs is very good with Photoshops :D
I have been a Cowboys fan for as long as I can remember, and being 43 years old that is quite awhile, LOL. My first memories of the Boys go back to Staubach and Landry. I was always the "cowboys" at any game that involved football, from recess to electric football and everthing in between. I even had my own cowboys uniform, I still have the helmet with the star. Never once have I ever had a moment when I was not a Fan. OK I admit when Jones fired Landry I cancelled my subscription to the Dallas Cowboys Weekly in protest, but I still never missed a game when they were on. I have seen my friends through the years change their allegiance to teams, but never me. They all know that I am now and always a Cowboys fan.. Go Cowboys!!, and Go Kentucky Wildcats!!
HTownCowboysFan said:
How many of y'all have been a fan of this team - and THIS team only - prior to, oh let's say, 1990?

An interesting dynamic methinks to see how many of "us" are long-timers (such as moi), bandwagon jumpers since the days of Jimmy, Jerry, and the 'boys, or those who are becoming new fans.


I have been a fan since I knew what football was.

I was born in 1970, and began to like and understand football when I was about 6 years old.

I was born in Irving TX, but moved from there when I was a little kid.

For me even as a child the Dallas Cowboys was always my connection to my birth place.

Tony Dorsett was my hero as a kid growing up, and my Father and I always watched the Cowboy games together.

The Cowboys are in my blood, and always have been.
Well I can't give an exact year but it was early 80s. 6-7 years old. Never liked another team. Sat through the 1-15 season, and the laggering seasons leading up to that. Saw the rise and fall of the greatest Dynasty ever in the 90's. Pulled myself through the 5-15 seasons. And still here ready for more of whatever they throw my direction to cheer for! My blood is silver and I'd spill it to prove it.
In 1971 when I was 6, My brother who lives in Ft Worth took me on a tour of Texas Stadium, I was hooked when I saw the Star at midfield!. I blame him for all the Money I've spent since on Tickets, Merchandise, etc.. the :suxskins: :skins: :dissskin: 1st season I really remember was 72.
Born 1959

Fan since maybe I was old enough to realize what football was.

As little kid In In East Tennessee, living in a rural area we didn't have cable TV back in those days. We only got 2 channels by antenna but my first exposure to the Cowboys was on a snowy black and white tv when I was a kid.

I remember watching a team called the Raiders as well, who had a good QB named Darryl Lamonica but I was totally captivated by the team with the Star and a classy coach named Tom Landry.

I am proud to say I was the first Cowboy fan in my family, and as a result now all of my family and another generation is following Americas Team.

I saw all the great moments. Our first Superbowl win. The hail mary. the mad bomber. Doomsday. right up to this current team. I made my first ever trip to Texas last year and got to stand on the star. AWESOME!!!

So yeah, you youngin's stay out of my yard too. :D
Born in 1970, first game I can remember was the first Pittsburgh Super Bowl in Jan. '76. Been a fan since.
born in '72.

Been a fan as long as I can remember, probably starting in like 77'-78'. Been up and down and all around. But wouldn't change anything. The best franchise in pro sports, bar none.

December 31, 1967.....I was 9 years old, watching the ICE BOWL.....Dallas vs. GB.....watching an old black and white monitor in the den of a farm house with 3 uncles who were smoking and sipping on whiskey. I fell in love with the underdogs and have been a loyal fan for 39 years.

*** Which, by the way, doesn't mean I have to drink the kool-aid or apologise for criticising the team when they deserve it.
been a fan since 1969, i was 10 years old. remember pulling for the boys against the colts in the super bowl. Staubach was and still is my favorite all time player.

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