Anti-soccer blog post

Thank you. I'm already so sick of this soccer hype from the ESPN monopoly.

I tried to watch that game Saturday, and it was just horrible. I hope America continues to shun this lousy game the way we have as long as I can remember, which goes back to the 70s when I was a kid.

And yes, I played the game, and enjoyed it a lot. But that was when I was 12.

I can respect people who are true fans of the game. I just hope we don't succumb to the ESPN TV and radio non-stop hype machine telling us how we *should* like this game because the rest of the world does.
Doomsday;3432271 said:
You have to be a little off to watch a game that can go on for 90 plus minutes and yeild a 0-0 score and no winner.
That would be hockey too then.
Have to admit that my attention span is not too great anymore.
DFWJC;3432845 said:
That would be hockey too then.
Have to admit that my attention span is not too great anymore.

Why do people still think this is true?

There is more scoring in Hockey than in football people! Just because the goals aren't worth 6 points, it doesn't mean they aren't scoring a lot.

My Washington Capitals averaged 3.8 goals per game this year. That'd be the NFL equivalent of scoring about 27 points per game assuming the extra point.
tomson75;3432879 said:
Why do people still think this is true?

There is more scoring in Hockey than in football people! Just because the goals aren't worth 6 points, it doesn't mean they aren't scoring a lot.

My Washington Capitals averaged 3.8 goals per game this year. That'd be the NFL equivalent of scoring about 27 points per game assuming the extra point.

Wasn't there a rule change in hockey a few years back that helped lead to more scoring?
ZeroClub;3432719 said:
The Brits just aren't happy period ... about this game.

I regularly listen to BBC Radio 5. They had a sports phone-in show for hours after the game and most callers were in a state of shock and obvious emotional trauma. So much for keeping a stiff upper lip...

Some jokes on my local teams forum following Saturday's game.

Shows that were not all suicidal :)

If only John Terry had lived next door to Robert Green's missus...

Why is Robert Green like ITV HD? They both switch off at the crucial moment.

What does Robert Green do after winning the World Cup? Drops his controller.

At least that's one British spillage the Americans won't be moaning about...

What's the difference between Robert Green and Justin Bieber? Robert Green knows how to drop his balls.

Kermit was right: It's not easy being Green.

The England lads had a get-together after the game and bought Robert Green a drink to commiserate. He spilled it.

Steven Gerrard said: "The whole team is behind Rob Green." With hindsight, that's a good place to stand.

Robert Green's bringing out his own South African trumpet. It's known as a boo-boozela

Robert Green - a joke even Americans can understand.

Yesterday at London Zoo one of the staff let a a Central American monkey slip out of his grasp. So Robert Green's not the only English keeper to drop a Howler.

My computer's got the Robert Green virus. It can't save anything.

Just bought a Robert Green condom. Extra slippery and you're guaranteed not to catch anything.

I'm Robert Green and cleaning Windows is my next idea...

All these Rob Green jokes are getting out of hand. In fact they're crossing the line...

And the best England v USA joke which doesn't feature Robert Green is.. .

It was a clever move to bring Shaun Wright-Phillips on. For 15 minutes the Americans were stunned, thinking Gary Coleman had come back to life.
Doomsday101;3432883 said:
Wasn't there a rule change in hockey a few years back that helped lead to more scoring?

Yes. Several, in fact. The most effective being the removal of the 2 line pass rule.

People that claim there is no scoring in hockey are misinformed (to put it politely). It's not uncommon to see games score in double digits now.
tomson75;3432953 said:
Yes. Several, in fact. The most effective being the removal of the 2 line pass rule.

People that claim there is no scoring in hockey are misinformed (to put it politely). It's not uncommon to see games score in double digits now.

I agree. I don't watch too much hockey but try to watch the stars when they are being shown here in Houston. It seemed to me the scoring has increased and made hockey a bit more exciting. I'm sure for the hockey purest the game has always been great.

As for soccer then only time I bother to watch it is in the Olympics or world cup, outside of that there are other sports I enjoy watching more than soccer.
tomson75;3432953 said:
Yes. Several, in fact. The most effective being the removal of the 2 line pass rule.

People that claim there is no scoring in hockey are misinformed (to put it politely). It's not uncommon to see games score in double digits now.

Goalies shouldn't be able to use their hands.
DFWJC;3432845 said:
That would be hockey too then.
Have to admit that my attention span is not too great anymore.

Playoff hockey is one of the best sports to watch in person, over time playoff hockey is as intense as it gets. Plus as stated above they opened the game up a bit a few years back so you rarely see a 0-0 game any more.
If people would bother to learn a thing or two they would understand that this first week is going to be full of draws and defensive play because of everything teams are contending with. The next two rounds will be better because some teams are already in a must win situation. If you can stick around for the knockout stage that is when you will get the best soccer of all.

And why all this hype about scoring? It is just a biproduct of the game that is actually being played.
Doomsday101;3432589 said:
What is the deal with the time? Why can't they have a time clock that shows when the game is over instead the officials just blowing the whistle when the game is done but as a viewer or player you don't know exactly when that will be.

So you don't end the game on a break away or a scoring opportunity.

The game is hard to appreciate without having played it at a competitive level. I'm totally fine with watching a 7-3 football game, and totally fine with World Cup Soccer. And you only tie in group play. The lack in scoring only makes every goal that much more important.
although i disagree with you guys, thank you for starting a different thread and not spaming the world cup one with hate, i really appreciate it
ABQcowboyJR;3433245 said:
So you don't end the game on a break away or a scoring opportunity.

The game is hard to appreciate without having played it at a competitive level. I'm totally fine with watching a 7-3 football game, and totally fine with World Cup Soccer. And you only tie in group play. The lack in scoring only makes every goal that much more important.

Sorry it makes no sense for no one except the refs to know how much time is left in a game. You run out of time then you run out of time
Most of the comments in this thread are excellent. The pro-soccer ones suck.
Doomsday101;3433468 said:
Sorry it makes no sense for no one except the refs to know how much time is left in a game. You run out of time then you run out of time

The fourth official shows how much time is to be added and it is usually no more than 5 minutes. The game is stopped once the added time is up and the ball is played into a neutral position. Soccer has one of the most fascinating finishes in all of sports. There is no kneeling, fouling, calling timeouts or finishing under caution. I would put hockey #1, soccer #2 and baseball #3. Your complaint on this matter is trivial.
Doomsday101;3433468 said:
Sorry it makes no sense for no one except the refs to know how much time is left in a game. You run out of time then you run out of time

a half lasts 45 minutes. time is added on for when the game is stopped for injuries, substitutions or time wasting at the referees discretion. why does it make no sense? because thats what you're used to? in american football there isn't any "if you run out of time you run out of time." so long as you get the play away before the clock runs down you finish the play much like a soccer ref won't blow for time if a team is in a potential goalscoring position.
Cythim;3433555 said:
The fourth official shows how much time is to be added and it is usually no more than 5 minutes. The game is stopped once the added time is up and the ball is played into a neutral position. Soccer has one of the most fascinating finishes in all of sports. There is no kneeling, fouling, calling timeouts or finishing under caution. I would put hockey #1, soccer #2 and baseball #3. Your complaint on this matter is trivial.

Trival to you the people calling the game have no clear cut ideal when the game is over the viewer doesn't. In the end soccer does not have to encourage those who watch soccer to tune in you guys will anyways newer viewer less likely it is a boring as hell game to start with

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