Anti-soccer blog post

CanadianCowboysFan;3435114 said:
No one who likes soccer here is putting down other sports but you are dissing the world's most popular game. Why?


If he doesn't care for the sport, and people ask why, what is he supposed to do? Praise it? How can he not diss it when he explains his feelings?
CanadianCowboysFan;3435121 said:
hey soccer got him a free education, better than having to pay for it.

The university didn't pay a penny of his tuition.
I am sure you get off nailing people you have 100lbs on and who have never played football. I still say you would never catch me on the field so who cares.

Trust me, if we were going to play both games, I would bet more than $5.00, that is baby money. Have to be at least 4 figures to make it worthwhile.

No one is stating soccer players are tougher than football players but I submit Beckham is in better shape than Andre Gurode, that Ronaldo is in better shape than Peyton Manning etc

Each sport has its plusses and minuses. I know you always dis any view with which you disagree and love to state you will never change your mind, as you state, that is your prerogative. You are free to be narrow minded.
bbgun;3435123 said:

If he doesn't care for the sport, and people ask why, what is he supposed to do? Praise it? How can he not diss it when he explains his feelings?

rhetorical question BB.
CanadianCowboysFan;3435126 said:
I am sure you get off nailing people you have 100lbs on and who have never played football. I still say you would never catch me on the field so who cares.

Trust me, if we were going to play both games, I would bet more than $5.00, that is baby money. Have to be at least 4 figures to make it worthwhile.

No one is stating soccer players are tougher than football players but I submit Beckham is in better shape than Andre Gurode, that Ronaldo is in better shape than Peyton Manning etc

Each sport has its plusses and minuses. I know you always dis any view with which you disagree and love to state you will never change your mind, as you state, that is your prerogative. You are free to be narrow minded.
4 figures is fine with me, and I would catch you. I knew you wouldn't take it for even 5 bucks.

I got off on hitting guys way bigger than me too. I loved to hear guys go Oomph. I loved to see them close their eyes to the pain. I played at 225 pounds I sent 300 pound guys flying.

I bet Tony Romo is a better all around athlete than Beckham or Ronaldo. I'd bet money on Tony in Basketball, golf, Football, and probably several other sports over both of them. I wouldn't be shocked if he hung with them in soccer. But I'd be real shocked if they could hang with him in Football.

I don't deny soccer players are fit. I just don't care and I never will.
Hostile;3434548 said:
Who here besides me hates soccer more than a kick in the pills?

It does not do much for me. Everyone's kids play it as a first sport. I know people say soccer athletes are in great shape, but they have nothing on professional hockey players who IMO, do it all.
Hostile;3435166 said:
4 figures is fine with me, and I would catch you. I knew you wouldn't take it for even 5 bucks.

I got off on hitting guys way bigger than me too. I loved to hear guys go Oomph. I loved to see them close their eyes to the pain. I played at 225 pounds I sent 300 pound guys flying.

I bet Tony Romo is a better all around athlete than Beckham or Ronaldo. I'd bet money on Tony in Basketball, golf, Football, and probably several other sports over both of them. I wouldn't be shocked if he hung with them in soccer. But I'd be real shocked if they could hang with him in Football.

I don't deny soccer players are fit. I just don't care and I never will.

Hey Hos, I know you probably won't watch this and obviously don't care but this guy is amazing, plays like a runningback, no diving, physical and elusive and trully magical.

Just to give a little perspective on the kind of athletes that play soccer today, it has nothing to do with conditioning, I hate that argument too, it is just pure skill.

Besides, the song is great and I watched your videos so fair is fair.

I don't like your example, Saltwatr.

It's obvious that soccer players don't have coconuts.
theogt;3435025 said:
No, this is not what I intended -- apologies for not being more clear. I described it as "wussified" because it lacks physical contact to the point that 6 year old girls can play the sport. And I dislike it, at least in part, because of that fact. I try to be efficient in my use of words. I thought the term "wussified" was sufficient to get this point across, but I suppose not.

Im sorry, but any sport can be played by a 6 years old girl... except the extreme ones. If you call "wussified" football (soccer) because it lacks physical contact you will have to put baseball in the sam escale, and the fact that in american football players use helmet and pads EVERYWHERE doesnt make it too manly, if you were a rugly or afl fan i would understand it, but not coming from a nfl fan.
bbgun;3434362 said:
Athleticism… in the USA the best athletes play 1) football 2) basketball 3) baseball 4) hockey 5) the rest (including soccer). Any sport where our 5th best athletes can match up on the world level with the best athletes from the other countries doesn’t say much for the athleticism and skill level of the game as a whole. Our 5th best athletes should rightly be getting their butts kicked. If they’re not, then the other guys aren’t that good either. Which takes you back to…luck or skill (see #2).

This is the only thing I would disagree with. There are some big guys in the NFL who are considered dancing bears, and they would get winded playing soccer.

Don't even think about a baseball player running around the field for 60 minutes, or however long a soccer match is.
tecolote;3435235 said:
Hey Hos, I know you probably won't watch this and obviously don't care but this guy is amazing, plays like a runningback, no diving, physical and elusive and trully magical.

Just to give a little perspective on the kind of athletes that play soccer today, it has nothing to do with conditioning, I hate that argument too, it is just pure skill.

Besides, the song is great and I watched your videos so fair is fair.


Plus, I love Tony as much as anyone here, and he is a hell of an athlete but there is NO WAY he can hang in there with Ronaldo at soccer.
tecolote;3435235 said:
Hey Hos, I know you probably won't watch this and obviously don't care but this guy is amazing, plays like a runningback, no diving, physical and elusive and trully magical.

Just to give a little perspective on the kind of athletes that play soccer today, it has nothing to do with conditioning, I hate that argument too, it is just pure skill.

Besides, the song is great and I watched your videos so fair is fair.


damn, that dude breaks so much ankles.
tecolote;3435235 said:
Hey Hos, I know you probably won't watch this and obviously don't care but this guy is amazing, plays like a runningback, no diving, physical and elusive and trully magical.

Just to give a little perspective on the kind of athletes that play soccer today, it has nothing to do with conditioning, I hate that argument too, it is just pure skill.

Besides, the song is great and I watched your videos so fair is fair.
For that reason I watched the video. I agree, I have always liked that song.

I do not deny these guys have skill. I never have. I do not deny they are fit. I just don't care.

I played soccer as a kid. I was an all star goalie. I didn't deserve the award. I got it because no one could score on us. All season, no one got a point. I think I blocked 3 shots all year. No way in hell I was the best goalie. I was just on a team with some guys who were too good for everyone else.

In other words I have seen how skilled some of these guys are.

Getting that award soured me on the game. I was in 5th grade and I already hated the game. I know the game. I understand the game. I just don't like the game. How could that committee care so little about their game that they thought I was the best goalie in that league? I will never understand that.

I don't like the pompous attitudes of soccer's greatest fans who look down on me for hating their game. Like someone else said, 90% of the world loves the game and that isn't good enough for soccer fans. You have to realize I am the guy who digs that people hate the Dallas Cowboys.

Soccer fans want 100% of the world to love and respect their game, and because of that arrogance I never will do either one. I will go to my grave hating the game of soccer. The biggest reason for that hate will always be the soccer fans. Similar to why I hate the Eagles...their fans.

That guy in the video could be my blood cousin and I would be proud as hell of him, but I'd never wear his jersey (which by the way all them are awful) and even if I were to go see him play live I would not enjoy the sport. I would be proud of him, but I don't like the game.

It isn't entertaining to me. It never has been. I appreciate the passion of the fans and I hope all on this forum who are soccer fans enjoy their world cup. I can't wait for it to be over and I won't watch a second of footage. I won't feel I have missed a thing.

I knew that soccer fans would come to this thread to protest us having a hate soccer thread. That's fine. I have said enough about soccer that I will not read the other thread. Not even for infractions. I will respect the love that they have for their game.

But I will say this loud and I will say this proud. I hate soccer. Neither you, nor anyone else, will ever get me to love the game. You'd have better luck trying to shove hot butter up an unchained, rabid wildcat's *** with a hot poker under a July Death Valley sun than to get me to praise the game or a player beyond I know they are skilled and fit.

My reaction to their skills and fitness...


It would appear my give a damn's busted.
Bob Sacamano;3435396 said:
Some people I know would call that attitude and behavior trolling. ;)
Only someone who doesn't understand the problem.

I'm not going into the World Cup thread to spread my bile. I am respecting the people who love the game. This thread however, is about spreading my bile for the sport. And I'm not doing it with petty one line posts of "soccer sucks" and "sacamanowned" and other such tripe.
Hostile;3435401 said:
Only someone who doesn't understand the problem.

I'm not going into the World Cup thread to spread my bile. I am respecting the people who love the game. This thread however, is about spreading my bile for the sport. And I'm not doing it with petty one line posts of "soccer sucks" and "sacamanowned" and other such tripe.

Yeah, nice talking with you.

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