Anti-soccer blog post

Doomsday101;3435509 said:
After talking with Hos for so long it is understandable why he would not like a sport played by nothing but kickers. :D
Right on the friggin' :money: Dooms.
Hostile;3435685 said:
All I did was counter his claim. Why not say you don't understand his claim first? Oh right, because hsi stance is pro-soccer and mine isn't. How damned convenient is that oversight?

you were saying you would knock him out on an american football field and insinuating that that made it a better sport than football. i'm asking why its relevant. you don't have boxing fans claiming their sport is better than tennis because the tennis player wouldn't last in a ring but its a consistant argument i see on here as to why american football is superior.
obviously i like both sports and prefer soccer but i really don't care if you like it or not in fact if you look through the thread i've not once criticised anyone for not liking the sport but rather pointed out when their reasons are flawed or they are just making outright false statements.
daschoo;3435712 said:
you were saying you would knock him out on an american football field and insinuating that that made it a better sport than football. i'm asking why its relevant. you don't have boxing fans claiming their sport is better than tennis because the tennis player wouldn't last in a ring but its a consistant argument i see on here as to why american football is superior.
obviously i like both sports and prefer soccer but i really don't care if you like it or not in fact if you look through the thread i've not once criticised anyone for not liking the sport but rather pointed out when their reasons are flawed or they are just making outright false statements.
You need to pay closer attention. He claimed I couldn't play soccer with a group of players and come out of it with self esteem. In fact he basically postulated that I would die because I am a big guy at 6'0" and 285 pounds.

I countered that with an invitation for him to come play tackle football with me and see if he can survive a game I am built to play.

Is the fog clearing now?
Hockey and Soccer, the two worst spectator sports ever. Period.
CanadianCowboysFan;3435097 said:
I dare you to try play a full game of soccer then.

Hostile;3435109 said:
I'll tell you what Ace. I will come to Canada and play a full game of soccer with you and all the wannabe Euro's who want to make me look foolish out there. I won't be in good enough shape and I won't deny that.

You then agree to come down here to Arizona afterward and I'll get some of my friends together and we'll play a little tackle football. If you last 1 quarter the way I can play I will be shocked. I got 5 bucks says I can make you cry on the very first series.

Hostile;3435733 said:
You need to pay closer attention. He claimed I couldn't play soccer with a group of players and come out of it with self esteem. In fact he basically postulated that I would die because I am a big guy at 6'0" and 285 pounds.

I countered that with an invitation for him to come play tackle football with me and see if he can survive a game I am built to play.

Is the fog clearing now?

yip, not much point in arguing with you really. you're only going to get defensive, exagerate the side of the argument that backs up your claim, downplay what you have said and then make a snide remark to the effect that i'm just not inteligent enough to understand you.

you don't like "soccer" i get that, i don't care. all i ask is that people when bashing the sport at least try and have some basis in reality for their opinions. if it bores you thats fine but theres no need to then turn round and make claims about anyone can play it, no skill involved, just half arsed marathon runners etc. (not all of those claims are being laid at your door by the way just a few things i've picked up in the thread)

whatever it takes
bbgun;3435774 said:

whatever it takes

if i remember correctly that guy broke his nose doing that
daschoo;3435754 said:
yip, not much point in arguing with you really. you're only going to get defensive, exagerate the side of the argument that backs up your claim, downplay what you have said and then make a snide remark to the effect that i'm just not inteligent enough to understand you.

you don't like "soccer" i get that, i don't care. all i ask is that people when bashing the sport at least try and have some basis in reality for their opinions. if it bores you thats fine but theres no need to then turn round and make claims about anyone can play it, no skill involved, just half arsed marathon runners etc. (not all of those claims are being laid at your door by the way just a few things i've picked up in the thread)
And all we ask is that people let us decide the reality of why we hate it.

I didn't make any of those claims, so no need to point that finger at me is there?
Hostile;3435786 said:
And all we ask is that people let us decide the reality of why we hate it.

I didn't make any of those claims, so no need to point that finger at me is there?

i just think its strange to hate something when the basis of your hatred is flawed. like i said in the post you quoted if you hate it because it bores you thats fine with me. regarding the claims i clearly said i wasn't accusing you of making them - the bit in brackets - and felt that by seperating it into the two seperate paragraphs i had made the distinction between responding specifically to you and a general response to the thread.
daschoo;3435798 said:
i just think its strange to hate something when the basis of your hatred is flawed. like i said in the post you quoted if you hate it because it bores you thats fine with me. regarding the claims i clearly said i wasn't accusing you of making them - the bit in brackets - and felt that by seperating it into the two seperate paragraphs i had made the distinction between responding specifically to you and a general response to the thread.
It is flawed in your opinion. I do not subscribe to your opinion since I am quite comfortable in my own skin.

Why do you get to decide that someone's reason for feeling any given way is flawed? Why can't I have that same power? Why can't we all?

I don't think it is strange to love or hate anything. It is called "we are all different." It is an incredible concept that has actually been around for a long time. Longer than you and put together.

There are people who do not like cheese. I do not understand this. Are their opinions flawed simply because I don't? On the contrary it is their opinion and they are entitled to it.

I would rather you think my opinion is stupid than to think my reasons are flawed. I find that arrogant and unfortunately very common among soccer fans. It only drives my hate level higher to be condescended to in that manner.
Hostile;3435823 said:
It is flawed in your opinion. I do not subscribe to your opinion since I am quite comfortable in my own skin.

Why do you get to decide that someone's reason for feeling any given way is flawed? Why can't I have that same power? Why can't we all?

I don't think it is strange to love or hate anything. It is called "we are all different." It is an incredible concept that has actually been around for a long time. Longer than you and put together.

There are people who do not like cheese. I do not understand this. Are their opinions flawed simply because I don't? On the contrary it is their opinion and they are entitled to it.

I would rather you think my opinion is stupid than to think my reasons are flawed. I find that arrogant and unfortunately very common among soccer fans. It only drives my hate level higher to be condescended to in that manner.

i'm not saying your opinion is flawed. i'm saying that people who don't like the sport for some of the reasons given in this thread which are false are basing their opinion on flawed information. if you don't like the sport because it bores you or there aren't enough "scores" for your liking then thats your opinion. i would disagree, as i said earlier one of the reasons i don't like basketball is the exact opposite ie i find that the number of scores diminishes their indivdual importance, but again thats opinions.
saying football is rubbish because theres not enough contact again is a personal preferance but saying you don't like it because its just kicking, jogging and luck is as factually accurate as saying american football is just throwing catching and running. thats the comments i'm reffering to when i'm talking about people basing their opinion on false information and if that makes me arrogant then so be it.
daschoo;3435798 said:
i just think its strange to hate something when the basis of your hatred is flawed. like i said in the post you quoted if you hate it because it bores you thats fine with me. regarding the claims i clearly said i wasn't accusing you of making them - the bit in brackets - and felt that by seperating it into the two seperate paragraphs i had made the distinction between responding specifically to you and a general response to the thread.

daschoo;3435830 said:
i'm not saying your opinion is flawed. i'm saying that people who don't like the sport for some of the reasons given in this thread which are false are basing their opinion on flawed information. if you don't like the sport because it bores you or there aren't enough "scores" for your liking then thats your opinion. i would disagree, as i said earlier one of the reasons i don't like basketball is the exact opposite ie i find that the number of scores diminishes their indivdual importance, but again thats opinions.
saying football is rubbish because theres not enough contact again is a personal preferance but saying you don't like it because its just kicking, jogging and luck is as factually accurate as saying american football is just throwing catching and running. thats the comments i'm reffering to when i'm talking about people basing their opinion on false information and if that makes me arrogant then so be it.
Apparently there is a disconnect here. That is exactly what you are saying whether you say it about me or anyone else.

Flawed according to you. YOU!

Why do you even care if someone feels as you describe there at the end of the post?

I will try this again. For every thing, person, place, or idea in this world there is someone who for whatever reason hates it. I am sure that there are people who hate sex. Are their opinions flawed?

No. Just because I don't agree with their reasons does not make them flawed.

The problem is soccer fans are not satisfied with the incredible world popularity of their sport and take incredible offense to jerks like me who hate their sport. It is monumentally arrogant to want 100% love and adoration of anything. Be happy with the worldwide support you have and let me and my "flawed" hatred wallow in my misery for missing out on this beautiful game.
Hostile;3435848 said:
Apparently there is a disconnect here. That is exactly what you are saying whether you say it about me or anyone else.

Flawed according to you. YOU!

Why do you even care if someone feels as you describe there at the end of the post?

I will try this again. For every thing, person, place, or idea in this world there is someone who for whatever reason hates it. I am sure that there are people who hate sex. Are their opinions flawed?

No. Just because I don't agree with their reasons does not make them flawed.

The problem is soccer fans are not satisfied with the incredible world popularity of their sport and take incredible offense to jerks like me who hate their sport. It is monumentally arrogant to want 100% love and adoration of anything. Be happy with the worldwide support you have and let me and my "flawed" hatred wallow in my misery for missing out on this beautiful game.

You're not allowed to simply hate the sport; you have to hate it for the right reasons, which don't exist in the minds of its supporters anyway. In short, you can't win.

Had you lived in late-1960s China, youda been sent to re-education camp for an "attitude" adjustment.
Hostile;3435848 said:
Apparently there is a disconnect here. That is exactly what you are saying whether you say it about me or anyone else.

Flawed according to you. YOU!

Why do you even care if someone feels as you describe there at the end of the post?

I will try this again. For every thing, person, place, or idea in this world there is someone who for whatever reason hates it. I am sure that there are people who hate sex. Are their opinions flawed?

No. Just because I don't agree with their reasons does not make them flawed.

The problem is soccer fans are not satisfied with the incredible world popularity of their sport and take incredible offense to jerks like me who hate their sport. It is monumentally arrogant to want 100% love and adoration of anything. Be happy with the worldwide support you have and let me and my "flawed" hatred wallow in my misery for missing out on this beautiful game.

the two bits you highlighted don't contradict each other. had you chosen to highlight the next sentence in the second quote that would have been shown even clearer.
Well, I tried to stay out of this thread because I knew it would not be a topic received well. Having said that, I guess I would just say this. I never played Soccer as a kid. In fact, there wasn't even a league in which to play until I got into HS. I grew up playing Football and Baseball, traditional sports I guess. I wouldn't trade one minute of that for anything in the world. I am now at an age and place in my life where it is not so easy to get up and start the day with nothing hurting. Same when I hit the sack. I long for the days when I could play sports and play well. For me, those days are gone but I have the memories and I wouldn't trade em for nothing. I never really appriciated Soccer until many years later. I guess I'd have to say that I never really understood the game or payed much attention to it until about 15/16 years ago. That's when my oldest started playing Soccer. Over the years, I have watched it, learned it, even coached it at one time. That was all because of my oldest boy. It's not an easy sport. I know that for those of us who played more physical sports, we don't really look at it as a real tough sport but it really is a pretty tough sport. Not going to try and talk anybody into it. It's not for everybody and it probably wouldn't have been for me except that I had an opportunity to really get involved with it for an extended period of time. There is a reason much of the world calls it their sport. I will never love it more then I love Football, Baseball or Basketball but, I do have a significant appreciation for it. It's a good sport and I would recommend it to anybody who might want to give it a go.
I love soccer and I love football. I respect both sets of athletes.

I don't think it is fair to compare players in the sports because a different skill set is required.

Hos, I respect your decision to dislike soccer. I disagree, but I'm probably biased because I'm a former soccer player, coach, and trainer.

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