Idn about that on the Flu vaccine
..If you look at the demographics for the last Five to seven years you see something unusual..As with most years The demographics children and the elderly are most prone to die from complications from the flu, however there was a indication a few years ago of the demograpic changing to group from 25-45 in either another wave of the same flu virus or a mutation of one.
I Am not claiming this as fact, just what I noticed from reviewing the numbers @ the Cdc at the time..
The CDC chooses our proposed flu vaccine each year based on a guess— which usually is based on what flu strand proliferated the most in the Southern Hemisphere the year before. It may be a strand that was 27% vs 24% in another part if the globe. So, so ething to help prevent that strand, and maybe a combo to help an anticipated variation.
A total crap shoot.
And even if the dominant strand in the US ends up being something entirely different (so flu shot has no affect for that strand)...they shamelessly push for people to get the shot anyway.
Even if they get the guess right, the flu shot only covers a certain strand (or minor variation) , so maybe 25-30%.
I get it though.
Some mass protection better than none by their view.
Personally. I had a flu shot in 1987 and got the flu that year.
I have never had a flu shot in 30 years since, and have never had the flu.
Just me though..