Anti Vaxxers are stupid

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A positive association found between autism prevelance and childhhod vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.
Delong G. J ToxicolbEnviron Health A. 2011

A positive and statistically significant relationship was found: the higher the population of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the HIGHER was the prevelance of AUT or SLI. A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having AUT or SLI. Neither parental behavior nor access to care affected the results, since vaccination proportions were not significantly related (statistically) to any other disability or to the number of pediatricians in a U. S. state. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted.

So to answer the rather ignorant OP statement, No, anti vaxxers are not stupid. I suggest you study more and stop swallowing (pun intended) the garbage big pharma and the paid off medical industry is feeding you.
As for anti-vaxxers, let natural selection take over. Society spends way too much time, money, and effort to protect the "stupid" people from themselves. Let them go and the genepool will benefit from it.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

If it was as simple as not vaccinating your kids means only your kid is as risk, it'd be a lot more cut and dry.
You have some scientific evidence of that?
Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet.

"A lot of published research is in fact unreliable at best, if not completely false."

'The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pusuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness...'
Here are a couple eye opening videos for you or anyone else to see.

Here is a list of 3,000 kids who died from being vaccinated. This is on the CDC site :

Or here is one on polio and measles and how data is doctored.

America has the lowest infectious disease rate in the world... Woohooo. That is good news. Oh but wait. Our kids are sick.

*over 54% of U.S. children have a chronic disease
*21% developmentaly disabled (1 in 4 kids)
* current rate of autism 1 in 45 children
* 1960 America ranked 12th in infant mortality (on avg 6 infant deaths per 1,000 live births)
* 2016 America is ranked 77th in infant mortality. This is horrible.

2016 1 in 45 kids have autism
2025: 1 in 2 children will. WOW. WHY?

btw. 1975: 1 in 5,000 kids had autism. The chart is a steep climb up from there. Oh I am sure they just diagnose these kids better now than back then lol. Vaccines have nothing to do with

According to William Thompson, a CDC whistleblower, admitted that the CDC had deliberately withheld crucial evidence proving that the MMR vaccine caused autism. Research carried out by the CDC in Atlanta revealed that when African American boys under the age of 36 months were given the MMR vaccine, the rate of autism in this group rose by 340 percent.

The CDC decided to fix the data and eliminated all African American boys without a Georgia birth certificate.

More stats:

How many vaccines do we get?
1986 - 23 doses of 7 vaccines
1997 - 33 doses of 9 vaccines
2016 - 69 doses of 16 vaccines
2018 - 72 doses of 17 vaccines

*1 child in 6 is learning disabled
*1 in 9 has asthma
*1 in 10 has ADHD
*1 in 45 develops autism
*1 in 400 has diabetes

But no worries, big pharma made sure they would no longer be held responsible for all the deaths, and other bad things their vaccines cause because in 1986 they had a law passed called The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) it was enacted to reduce the potential financial liability of vaccine makers due to vaccine injury claims.

So do you think they want to make a safe and healthy product? Lol. Why. They cannot be sued or held responsible anymore.

Will your MMR vaccine prevent you from getting measels?????? Nope. Kids still get measels who have been given the MMR shot. What....

I am sure the good doc here is not going to accept this info. So, you who are not indoctrinated to the medical "science" watch these videos and make your own decision. I made mine.

Sorry for your misinformed opinions.
Propaganda can be powerful. If a cure isn’t 100% reliable, then it should be discarded?
Should conspiracy theorists be able to clog up the courts and prevent life-saving action? Are you well-informed about the more than 100 years of vaccine research that has been scrutinized continuously by all academics in the field, that has saved millions of lives with almost no risk?

Are you unaware of the huge penalties that have been given to pharmaceutical companies if a drug is advertised to do more than it actually does or irresponsibly cause harm? Do you realize that the average cost in R & D for each approved Rx drug is $800,000,000?

Do you think anyone in the medical community is unaware of the large segment of the population that has poor access to healthcare and therefore has poor outcomes? Haven’t you noticed the data that shows that national healthcare systems in other countries have better outcomes? Have you noticed the high rate of obesity in our country, tied to poor dietary choices, and subsequent pathology?

Do you think the reporting of disease and our knowledge base of that hasn’t risen steadily over the last several decades, especially with the advent of electronic health records? Many conditions are now more often reported, so the incidence seems to be much higher in the population. People are living much longer due to the more successful treatment and prevention of cancer and heart disease, so the incidence of dementia has skyrocketed (dementia is a geriatric disease); do you think that’s because there’s something in the water or the air or the food or medication? And if so, why are we living so long?

The advancement of science, rigorous and objective, is to be applauded for saving and improving so many lives. I hope that no one is deprived of proper care, either from lack of access or fear of treatment.

Best wishes to you.
Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet.

"A lot of published research is in fact unreliable at best, if not completely false."

'The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pusuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness...'

And if you look at the context of this statement, you’ll understand my point — scientific opinions have to survive the rigorous scrutiny of academic experts. He is doing exactly that, referring to products which are not prescription medication, and pointing out how common it is for these companies to claim “proof of research”, when in fact they may have perhaps done one study, poorly constructed, with only a few subjects, and biased to get the result they want so that it can be marketed how they want. This is not proper science.

Clinical research on prescription drugs is done in large double-blind placebo-controlled trials at many sites nationwide and/or worldwide with thousands of subjects over several years.
The FDA doesn’t approve anything whose benefits don’t far outweigh its risks.
Go to this site:

A positive association found between autism prevelance and childhhod vaccination uptake across the U.S. population.
Delong G. J ToxicolbEnviron Health A. 2011

A positive and statistically significant relationship was found: the higher the population of children receiving recommended vaccinations, the HIGHER was the prevelance of AUT or SLI. A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children having AUT or SLI. Neither parental behavior nor access to care affected the results, since vaccination proportions were not significantly related (statistically) to any other disability or to the number of pediatricians in a U. S. state. The results suggest that although mercury has been removed from many vaccines, other culprits may link vaccines to autism. Further study into the relationship between vaccines and autism is warranted.

So to answer the rather ignorant OP statement, No, anti vaxxers are not stupid. I suggest you study more and stop swallowing (pun intended) the garbage big pharma and the paid off medical industry is feeding you.
This post is exactly what I was referring to when I called out the anti-vaxxers. See the fake medical website and the big pharma propaganda?
Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

If it was as simple as not vaccinating your kids means only your kid is as risk, it'd be a lot more cut and dry.

Over simplified I agree but, the comment of society protecting stupid people from themselves has gotten us to this point.
Or the really bogus "studies" that show their safe. Haha. It is so easy to fool people. It takes a lot to wake up in our society to the truth and to see what is going in. Big pharma is one of the most corrupt industries there is. Thankfully people are waking up and want nothing to do with their poisons.

You mean the studies completely passed scientific peer review while the one I spoke of was totally discredited? There's plenty wrong with pharma companies, but they're not lying about vaccines. In fact, they would make more money if people didn't vaccinate and thus more people would get sick and need their meds. Pharma has done plenty that stinks, including inflating prices, but they didn't fake vaccines. Vaccines have nearly wiped out fatal diseases like smallpox. The people who believe the anti-vax propaganda are the ones who have been fooled.
You mean the studies completely passed scientific peer review while the one I spoke of was totally discredited? There's plenty wrong with pharma companies, but they're not lying about vaccines. In fact, they would make more money if people didn't vaccinate and thus more people would get sick and need their meds. Pharma has done plenty that stinks, including inflating prices, but they didn't fake vaccines. Vaccines have nearly wiped out fatal diseases like smallpox. The people who believe the anti-vax propaganda are the ones who have been fooled.
Oh please. The scientific community has been discredited numerous times over. Wake up. These pharma companies pay huge sums of money to politicians to enact laws that help them as I already outlined earlier. They pay large sums to researchers and scientists to test their products. Apparently you chose to ignore the example I posted about the CDC falsifying evidence showing that the MMR vaccine does lead to autism so their "tests" results would look better.

Also, the notion that big pharma companies would make more money by not having vaccines is as il-informed as possible. The same companies who make the vaccines make the meds. Duh. That is like saying Ford would make more money if they stopped making the F150. Apparently you have not been paying attention to how this racket works. Dr's are salesmen for phamaceutical companies. They sell err, prescribe a med, said med causes another problem, Dr sells ..or prescribes another med to address the new issue the previous med created. They then sternly warn you not to stop taking these drugs till they tell you. They then sell you on a vaccine through fear porn, etc. On and on and on it goes. Meanwhile evidence continues to surface showing the lack of results from said meds by real researchers, even medical journals will publish these results, but they are ignored and glossed over with other "studies" showing how well these drugs work. Except when those studies are analyzed, evidence of falsification arises.("4 out of 5 dentists agree." Haha.) It is all a game that the big pharma companies play because they always win. You and me are the losers.

The good news is that our bodies are wonderful machines that can regulate themselves if provided with the right nutrition and energy. Rather than relying on the false premise of Allopathic medicine, rely rather on food, herbs, prayer, and exercise as what heals you and you will be a much healthier person for the rest of your life.

The choice is quit clear once your eyes are open.
"Oh please. The scientific community has been discredited numerous times over."

Not worth reading after that point. Pick up a science text book. The value of vaccines has been proven many times over by a mountain of evidence. No one can help you if you insist on being a scientific illiterate.
Yet I frequently have patients who won’t try a statin
My old Dr. suggested a statin.
I asked "Couldn't I just stop eating at Wendy's 2-3 times a day?"
He replied "You won't. Just take a pill, it's easier"

It's been 10 months since I've had any fast food.
While I agree that medication is needed. I find it hilarious that some medications can create even worse conditions then the one it treats. I know it is a small subsection of people taking the meds where the odds say a person that is susceptible to the side effects are minimal. But that is the issue. How many different meds does a person have to take before they are a ticking time bomb. I highly doubt Big Pharm has tested every possible mix of drugs and their interactions together. I like the one warning, "Do not take this drug if you are allergic to whatever is in this drug." If I have never been prescribed this drug how would I know if I am allergic.
While I agree that medication is needed. I find it hilarious that some medications can create even worse conditions then the one it treats. I know it is a small subsection of people taking the meds where the odds say a person that is susceptible to the side effects are minimal. But that is the issue. How many different meds does a person have to take before they are a ticking time bomb. I highly doubt Big Pharm has tested every possible mix of drugs and their interactions together. I like the one warning, "Do not take this drug if you are allergic to whatever is in this drug." If I have never been prescribed this drug how would I know if I am allergic.

I agree that many meds have worse side effects than what they're trying to prevent. A doc had me on an anti seizure med to prevent my migraines, which it did, but it made me so tired I slept all day and gained a bunch of weight. There's plenty wrong with a lot of meds, but vaccines are a huge success story. Vaccines have wiped out or nearly wiped out many killer diseases like smallpox.
I truly hope that it never happens, but if your kid developed a severe illness, is that really going to be your cure?
100% yes. It is the most effective cure on Earth. Believing medicine is better means you just don't know. Look into the Budwig protocal. She discovered a way to cure cancer in the 1950's. Of course since it is all food based, the medical industry rejects it since they can't make money from it. Yet in her practice she had a 90% cure rate.

When you understand how the AMA, and big pharma operates you will understand.

To be clear, I appreciate trauma based Dr's and hospitals. I respect and am thankful for that. My issue is with the medicines that are allowed to be given to people. Tylenol is ectremely toxic and wouldn't even be approved today if it were new. Ibuprofen is also dangerous and should be avoided.
I truly hope that it never happens, but if your kid developed a severe illness, is that really going to be your cure?

Vaccines aren't a cure. They're no good after someone is already sick. They prevent disease by making you immune in advance.
Vaccines aren't a cure. They're no good after someone is already sick. They prevent disease by making you immune in advance.
I never specified an illness
I was just wondering about his general attitude towards medicine.
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