Anti Vaxxers are stupid

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I'm sure you all know one or more.

Always using quack fake medical websites for unproven research based on opinion.
They have crazy conspiracy theories about the pharmaceutical companies holding back cures and poisoning their vaccines.

Claiming "Holistic" natural cures work while in fact most never do.

And the wacko I am talking about has a degree from Montana State University.

Some people are just stupid.


Quota outta absentia
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Oh great first the thread about how we didn't really go to the moon and now you opened up another can of worms. :banghead:


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Well, considering DARPA is heavily into research into viruses capable of wiping out specific clans of the human race( that Asian bird flu epidemic , was a data collection of spread rate& infection % trial balloon)
Then that whole nano technology,where nodule casing-liners of the unknown can be introduced into the body small enough to transfer thru the eye of a hypodermic needle, that CERN/ dark matter / dimensional portal & that HARP Ionospheric sound Resonance agitator, expanding it,then having it bounce back into shape focusing into a directed vector anyplace on the globe causing earthquakes EVERYTIME they putzed around within a specific range,,,ya,know? Nicola Tesla broke wide with that to the New York A.O. way back when, it's probably why some water aquafiers have 'disappeared' & why they kind of quit tooting it's horn,,, the anti- gravity tech being withheld is beyond a criminal act against mankind,,, & I can't even interface the recharge capabilities of my 40 watt death ray tie clasp anymore since I ,,,,shhhh! do you hear the "whoosh-whoosh" sound,TOO?o_O

* STAY FROSTY& BEST OF 'luck' IN Y'ALL'S Opinion of superior smugness:thumbup:



Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Although I do think big pharma takes advantage of some things, including pricing....I hate the anti-vaccination movement. I would also say that if any of the children develop

any of the diseases or conditions that the vaccines could have prevented I would not be opposed to the parents getting into legal trouble over it.

Most in the medical field will tell you that preventative medicine is the best, and often cheapest, way to help people in the long run.


Original Fan
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I'm sure you all know one or more.

Always using quack fake medical websites for unproven research based on opinion.
They have crazy conspiracy theories about the pharmaceutical companies holding back cures and poisoning their vaccines.

Claiming "Holistic" natural cures work while in fact most never do.

And the wacko I am talking about has a degree from Montana State University.

Some people are just stupid.

Yeah, it's frequently people who have fringe knowledge yet really don't understand fundamental concepts, who make conclusions that seem logical to them, but are actually nonsense. We're seeing the return of common risky childhood viruses like varicella (chicken pox) that have significant morbidity and some mortality, after nearly eliminating many such diseases worldwide through vaccination. Hear anything recently about smallpox and polio? Horrific levels of widespread pathology have been avoided, not to mention epidemics of influenza that previously killed millions.

The scientific process is deliberate, objective, truth-seeking, and peer-reviewed. In this age of disrespect, disdain, and distrust, this is exactly the process that should be embraced.


Kellen Moore baby
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Although I do think big pharma takes advantage of some things, including pricing....I hate the anti-vaccination movement. I would also say that if any of the children develop

any of the diseases or conditions that the vaccines could have prevented I would not be opposed to the parents getting into legal trouble over it.

Most in the medical field will tell you that preventative medicine is the best, and often cheapest, way to help people in the long run.
Yup, let someone tell me not to vaccine my son. Or actually hold him back from receiving them...

(I do agree with your Big Pharma take, too, BP)


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Although I think the conspiracy thing is way overdone, i still think issues like this should be debated..This is the way we learn about different perspectives..

SO here is mine.

Vaccinations work..The proof of that should be painfully clear...The reason why there is any doubt is some opinions that autism is a result of bad vacs..

NO data exists proving this, I am not sure how a large portion of this movement came to that conclusion..

My opinion has a pro on one issue..Combining vacs into one vaccination is a recipee...The Measles, and the other vaccs they combine (i cant remember all, to me, is mind boggling.

As is the most common, the alleged Flu Vaccine..I have never taken one, and never will..The idea of thinking one could be able to have long term immunity success with a constantly mutating virus is An ego pump...

Further the opportunity to strengthen viruses, to the point that nothing works seems lost on the pro side of this point..I believe the public is starting to figure that out..

ALOT of the con side of Vacs i believe stems from not being part of the generations born in the 50s and 60s that had the benefit of seeing Polio, smallpox, and others almost completely eradicated...

History is still the decision maker lost to opinion in a lot of things!

Reverend Conehead

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There was that one bozo who came out with a report that used bad science to claim that vaccines cause autism. He lost his medical license over that and his paper was totally discredited. But it started this bogus movement. Now people are scared of vaccines.


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There was that one bozo who came out with a report that used bad science to claim that vaccines cause autism. He lost his medical license over that and his paper was totally discredited. But it started this bogus movement. Now people are scared of vaccines.

I agree other than the combination of vaccines the health department requires for children.
Yeah. This thread has the potential to go down hill pretty fast.

YOU read about the guy from Yahoo pulling the boosters from the Saturn Rocket out of the Atlantic? LOL. I think the truth there is that we went to the moon alot more than we know!!


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I believe autism will be linked to the chemical cocktail most people intake daily that causes mutations at the genetic level. In this day and age of advanced medicine plus the supplements, GMOs, chemicals in the air, food, and water, over prescription of medication with little in the way of how this drug interacts with this other drug or supplement or energy drink.

As for anti-vaxxers, let natural selection take over. Society spends way too much time, money, and effort to protect the "stupid" people from themselves. Let them go and the genepool will benefit from it.

I do not believe a perfectly healthy person should be get flu vaccines. I do believe really young children, elderly and immune system compromised people should.


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Well, my sister is a med doctor, her son is a doctor, my two best friends in Dallas are doctors....and when they speak honestly, they have real debates on this issue.

Its not so cut and dry when discussing ALL of the vaccines and the timing.

I get it though; the surest way to prevent a mass spread of something known is through vaccination. The theoretical side issues of what it actually does to the recipient’s body is not even relevant (right or wrong) to the CDC, the pharmaceutical industry, or the masses in general.

Two different debates


Well-Known Member
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I believe autism will be linked to the chemical cocktail most people intake daily that causes mutations at the genetic level. In this day and age of advanced medicine plus the supplements, GMOs, chemicals in the air, food, and water, over prescription of medication with little in the way of how this drug interacts with this other drug or supplement or energy drink.

As for anti-vaxxers, let natural selection take over. Society spends way too much time, money, and effort to protect the "stupid" people from themselves. Let them go and the genepool will benefit from it.

I do not believe a perfectly healthy person should be get flu vaccines. I do believe really young children, elderly and immune system compromised people should.

Idn about that on the Flu vaccine
..If you look at the demographics for the last Five to seven years you see something unusual..As with most years The demographics children and the elderly are most prone to die from complications from the flu, however there was a indication a few years ago of the demograpic changing to group from 25-45 in either another wave of the same flu virus or a mutation of one.

I Am not claiming this as fact, just what I noticed from reviewing the numbers @ the Cdc at the time..
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