Antonio Brown to Patriots


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Patriots remain head and shoulders above everyone else. And no doubt he will be a model citizen for them for the next 3 to 4 years and help win Brady another 2 or 3 titles.

I would never want that loser on the Cowboys. But the Patriots can deal with these kind of guys.


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So, Antonio Brown signs a contract with the Patriots about TWO HOURS after being cut by the Raiders? Yeah... I smell some bullcrap. This screams of tampering, but Belichick and the Patriots will again escape any punishment for wrong doing.

Funny how Brown is standing in front of his Raider teammates with team captains at his side, begging forgiveness for his behavior. Then later that night posts on social media that he wants his release? I wonder who called him and said the Patriots would sign him if he could force his way out of Oakland. Belichick? Kraft? Maybe Brady himself. We all know how his phones disappear if any questions arise.

Makes you wonder if this wasn't the plan all along. You KNOW that the Steelers would never have traded him to a playoff rival like the Patriots. But the Raiders? Not much of a threat. So Brown plays the long game, and ends up as a Patriot anyway.
All this does is set precedent for other meatheads that don't like their current contract/team. Act like a complete arsehole, get your release, and sign with whoever you like almost immediately. The league should step in and suspend his *** for conduct detrimental to the league. And they actually mighty have. If he'd have signed anywhere else. But now that he's a Patriot? ~crickets~


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--------If the Cowboys make this move, the media would destroy them. Patriots will get a pass as usual.

Wanted to race home and post this same thought, at the time I heard the news. Not only would we get destroyed, the league and National Media would be crying out for an investigation. I'm guessing that The Goon would have come up with "some reason" to have him sit 4-6 games....for being "a detriment of some kind".....BTW, if we weren't saddled with The Clapping Carrot and had a coach with some real ballz, I'm pretty certain Jerry would have went after him....he knows damn well that he would be made to look like a P.


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--------If the Cowboys make this move, the media would destroy them. Patriots will get a pass as usual.

Wanted to race home and post this same thought, at the time I heard the news. Not only would we get destroyed, the league and National Media would be crying out for an investigation. I'm guessing that The Goon would have come up with "some reason" to have him sit 4-6 games....for being "a detriment of some kind".....BTW, if we weren't saddled with The Clapping Carrot and had a coach with some real ballz, I'm pretty certain Jerry would have went after him....he knows damn well that he would be made to look like a P.

That's what happens when you win.

Everything is "genius" when you win, and everything is "foolish" when you lose.


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Are you really that stupid

Apparently, so let's hear the conspiracy theory you are working with.

Serious. Lay it all out out for me. Tell me about how you just put everything together about 5 hours ago, and how you are the absolute authority on the matter.


Chris in Arizona
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--------If the Cowboys make this move, the media would destroy them. Patriots will get a pass as usual.
Antonio Brown would chew up Garrett and spit him out.

It's not the Pats are getting a pass. The media knows that Belichick will have zero problem moving on from Brown if he pulled the same shenanigans. Plus, Brown will be motivated by playing with Brady and for a legit shot at a ring.


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Gordon, Brown, Edelman....

Well guess we have the answer to the best receiving group in the NFL...

Brown won't do anything there... Almost feel like they had it planned...

What do you do with 3 receivers you need to double cover?


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Andy Reid seen ordering 6 Cheeseburgers instead of his usual 3.