Antonio Bryant has a Cowboys offer?


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I'm sick of talking about Belicheat. He's a no class scumbag nd I can't believe anyone would defend him. His team is too good and he beats his opponents by too many points. He's everything that's wrong with football. That's all I have to say about that.

Now, let's get back to talking about the Cowboys...... I vote we bring in the guy who's fought with every head coach he's ever played for, is currently serving a year's suspension for drug violations, refuses to take drug tests and recently had to be subdued by police with leather restraints for getting belligerent when he was caught driving while intoxicated at 100+ mph. Who's with me?


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lspain1;1736784 said:
I think the most important thing about this story is that the Cowboys were concerned enough about the WR position to entertain Bryant. What does this say about our current crop outside of Owens?

IMO it says:

Glenn - done
Crayton - #3
Hurd - #4
Austin - done
Stanback - will replace Austin


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zrinkill;1736782 said:
Huh? you smoking some weed right now?

Anyway ..... drug testing is a lot harder to beat nowadays ..... If half the NFL were doing it many more would get caught.

Did I not say off-season? How many people get randomly drug-screened in the off-season? And the NFL has certain restrictions in time-period allowed for a drug test? And frequency of testing only becomes an issue when intervention is specifically initiated.


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zrinkill;1736789 said:
Says Terry Glenn was hurt and Crayton had yet to prove himself? How long ago was that offer made?

It also says Crayton is inconsistent and better suited for the slot.......the offer had to be made on last month after Bryant was reinstated


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lspain1;1736784 said:
I think the most important thing about this story is that the Cowboys were concerned enough about the WR position to entertain Bryant. What does this say about our current crop outside of Owens?
It's all speculation, we don't know whether Bryant have an offer sheet sitting on his table, he could easily made that up to make others believe some team actually want him. There is no reliable source to validate the comments made by Fox.


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InmanRoshi;1736790 said:
I'm sick of talking about Belicheat. He's a no class scumbag nd I can't believe anyone would defend him. His team is too good and he beats his opponents by too many points. He's everything that's wrong with football. That's all I have to say about that.

Now, let's get back to talking about the Cowboys...... I vote we bring in the guy who's fought with every head coach he's ever played for, is currently serving a year's suspension for drug violations, refuses to take drug tests and recently had to be subdued by police with leather restraints for getting belligerent when he was caught driving while intoxicated at 100+ mph. Who's with me?

All the evil doings of Parcells.;)


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03EBZ06;1736859 said:
It's all speculation, we don't know whether Bryant have an offer sheet sitting on his table, he could easily made that up to make others believe some team actually want him. There is no reliable source to validate the comments made by Fox.

I don't think that Bryant would put that in his lawsuit if it wasn't true......


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InmanRoshi;1736790 said:
Now, let's get back to talking about the Cowboys...... I vote we bring in the guy who's fought with every head coach he's ever played for, is currently serving a year's suspension for drug violations, refuses to take drug tests and recently had to be subdued by police with leather restraints for getting belligerent when he was caught driving while intoxicated at 100+ mph. Who's with me?

Let's march to Dallas and DEMAND Jerry get-r-done ! Who's with me !


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Damn does everyone in the NFL do drugs????!!!! I'm sick of hearing about players and drugs...geez, why??? :banghead: Why do people feel the need to get high?? I've lived 39 years, completely drug free and have been very happy. Tried weed in high school once, wasn't a big deal, never did it again. Doing drugs is so juvenile and lame. Sorry for the rant.


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JPM;1736891 said:
Let's march to Dallas and DEMAND Jerry get-r-done ! Who's with me !

How about we just do a reenactment:

Bobby Brown starring as Antonio Bryant


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DC_Addict;1736899 said:
Damn does everyone in the NFL do drugs????!!!! I'm sick of hearing about players and drugs...geez, why??? :banghead: Why do people feel the need to get high?? I've lived 39 years, completely drug free and have been very happy. Tried weed in high school once, wasn't a big deal, never did it again. Doing drugs is so juvenile and lame. Sorry for the rant.

Many of these players end up crippled later in life because of the physical nature they endure. It is reported that Marijuana is a strong reliever of pain, hence it's medicinal use. Other forms of pain medication are addictive. Given these facts, I can see how an NFL player may use it for these benefits, however, I seriously doubt many if any of these cases were for pain relief.


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DC_Addict;1736899 said:
Damn does everyone in the NFL do drugs????!!!! I'm sick of hearing about players and drugs...geez, why??? :banghead: Why do people feel the need to get high?? I've lived 39 years, completely drug free and have been very happy. Tried weed in high school once, wasn't a big deal, never did it again. Doing drugs is so juvenile and lame. Sorry for the rant.

funny someone by the name of "addict" decries drug use. : )

so don't get high if you don't want to. do you drink? this could now become a completely different convo not really suited for this forum. you don't want to smoke, don't. but denoucning everyone who does as "juvenile and lame" because it doesn't fit YOUR views is pretty narrow in scope and mind.


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iceberg;1736921 said:
funny someone by the name of "addict" decries drug use. : )

so don't get high if you don't want to. do you drink? this could now become a completely different convo not really suited for this forum. you don't want to smoke, don't. but denoucning everyone who does as "juvenile and lame" because it doesn't fit YOUR views is pretty narrow in scope and mind.

Well, I am with him there, juvenile and lame about fits it. I will even add stupid for you.


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aikemirv;1736941 said:
Well, I am with him there, juvenile and lame about fits it. I will even add stupid for you.

and i'll stand by what i said. it's kinda funny someone who's never done it (but once) can know enough about to make that kind of call, but whatever. we're a lemming based society.


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Was there ever any drug use with Antonio Bryant, or just this one time arrest for speeding......The alcohol charges were dropped against Bryant because he was not intoxicated over the limit (but he was drinking).......If I am wrong, please correct me


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If pot were legal ..... I would feel the same way about it as I do Alcohol.

While it is illegal I think its stupid to do.

But I do not think it is any more harmful (probably less) than Alcohol.


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zrinkill;1736964 said:
If pot were legal ..... I would feel the same way about it as I do Alcohol.

While it is illegal I think its stupid to do.

But I do not think it is any more harmful (probably less) than Alcohol.

I won't get into a debate over this with you zrinkill but in my (extended) family I've seen alcohol use and marijuana use. The marijuana use ended up being a lot more destructive. YMMV.


rock music matters
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zrinkill;1736964 said:
If pot were legal ..... I would feel the same way about it as I do Alcohol.

While it is illegal I think its stupid to do.

But I do not think it is any more harmful (probably less) than Alcohol.

fair enough. but it is funny modern day man is the one who said it was evil and bad. indians did it all the time in a spiritual sense. you think regular tobacco was in the peace pipe? there's a reason it brought peace - no one had the energy to fight high. just eat things they'd not normally eat. : )

i think it's stupid to talk on the cell phone w/o driving unless you're bluetooth or on a headpiece, yet people do it all the time. legal? maybe not but i had one officer tell me more often than not they go to wrecks because some dork was on the phone and suddenly realized they were about to miss an exit and went zooming on over...

...right into someone.

i guess we all have our pain/hot points. someone sitting at home getting high just doesn't rankle my feathers.


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lspain1;1736973 said:
I won't get into a debate over this with you zrinkill but in my (extended) family I've seen alcohol use and marijuana use. The marijuana use ended up being a lot more destructive. YMMV.

I do not want to get into that either my friend .... but in my family it was the exact opposite.

I have a dead first cousin and a Uncle dead from alcohol.

I have a lazy deadbeat little brother who is a pothead.

I wish a had a lazy deadbeat cousin and Uncle.

Addictive personalities will destroy themselves with anything.