Any news on Henson?

I will never do it again........I will never make another homeristic prediction.

I will also seek medication for my fits of satirical outrage.

I also will not reply to another Bledsoe, Henson, or Romo thread until after preseason.

I put my agenda to bed until such time it needs to be awakened.
Ben, look at your sig pic. However adorable Henson may be in your nephew's skunk costume, the under lying intent is clear to everyone.

You don't like Henson and you boarder on unrational in the evaluation of this player.

You asked if I would be surprised if he were cut. The answer is yes. I would be surprised. I would not be shocked but I would be surprised. Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither will the future QB of the Dallas Cowboys.

Even I don't think he'll be cut this summer. That would be admitting failure too soon, but eventually I do think he will be cut or traded. Ben, I feel is jumping the gun a bit, but I think he is right overall. Guys who played extensively in college and in good programs(see Terreta,Leaf,Mirer,Schuler) struggle early on and sometimes don't make it. We haven't seen anything in Henson yet to indicate he will be any better than those guys. The odds are just not in Henson's favor. It just makes more sense to focus on a qb who's had more experience in the college game, a 3-4 year starter would be nice
kartr said:
Even I don't think he'll be cut this summer. That would be admitting failure too soon, but eventually I do think he will be cut or traded. Ben, I feel is jumping the gun a bit, but I think he is right overall. Guys who played extensively in college and in good programs(see Terreta,Leaf,Mirer,Schuler) struggle early on and sometimes don't make it. We haven't seen anything in Henson yet to indicate he will be any better than those guys. The odds are just not in Henson's favor. It just makes more sense to focus on a qb who's had more experience in the college game, a 3-4 year starter would be nice

You know, I have no problem with anything you've just said. I agree. There are a good 10 guys I could name right now that didn't make it from baseball to football. On the other hand, there are guys I could name that did. I mean, most guys don't make it as an NFL QB, baseball or no.

The talent is there. Who knows about the rest. I just think that it's entirely to early to throw away the investment in this QB, at this point. When/if BP decides that this experiment is over, I'll support that decision and look to who might be next. I am just not as convinced as some that this experiment has run it's course. Henson is a gamble. You might even call him a long shot. Having said that, 50/50 odds pay out 10 bucks. 10/90s pay out big, when they hit. That's why it's called gambling.

I just can't see Parcells keeping a guy on who he feels has no chance to hit. I don't believe that Parcells does things to keep Jerry quit. I think he runs his team the way he runs his team and that's his job. Jerry's job is different. I don't kid myself about who is responsable for what decisions. Henson will be here as long as Bill wants him here. No longer then that.
Cbz40 said:
I will never do it again........I will never make another homeristic prediction.

I will also seek medication for my fits of satirical outrage.

I also will not reply to another Bledsoe, Henson, or Romo thread until after preseason.

I put my agenda to bed until such time it needs to be awakened.
Or at least until tomorrow when you have forgotten this post.
Banned_n_austin said:
Yeah, I read what Dale said and I have respect for a guy who will come here and share with fans what he sees ... it shows he's as deranged as we are about the Dallas Cowboys.

And honestly ... and I'm being serious here ... I wouldn't expect Parcells to be negative ... he's not going to crush the guys confidence ... he may be trade worthy ... but just because he doesn't say negative things to him in practice or ride on him real hard, doesn't mean that Parcells has any real intentions for him, other than to keep him as a 3rd guy or something ...

I won't be shocked at all if he is cut ... would that surprise any of you?

You made the comments that he is dissatisfied.

Per Dale, that has been debunked.

Honestly, you, Nors and anyone who bashes Henson has virtually nothing to go on. Other than either a hackneyed act or simple foolishness.

Come Saturday, you will either have ammunition or some crow to dine on.
blindzebra said:
That never did not last very long, since you just replied in a QB thread.:D

I was baited BZ.......Do I get a mulligan?
Alexander said:
You made the comments that he is dissatisfied.

Per Dale, that has been debunked.

Honestly, you, Nors and anyone who bashes Henson has virtually nothing to go on. Other than either a hackneyed act or simple foolishness.

Come Saturday, you will either have ammunition or some crow to dine on.

Parcells is too SMART to tell you his true feelings....... on this matter.

Read his books - If Football is not top 3 in your priorities he has an issue with you. Henson chose baseball, and quit.

Bledsoe signing spoke volumes.....
Nors said:
Bledsoe signing spoke volumes.....
About both Drew and Tony.

Neither is ready to start, and we see soon who is ready to back up.

If neither is, it's the speed dial, :lmao2:
Nors said:
Parcells is too SMART to tell you his true feelings....... on this matter.

And you know his true feelings?

Read his books - If Football is not top 3 in your priorities he has an issue with you. Henson chose baseball, and quit.

Golf is pretty big priority for Romo. Uh oh.

Bledsoe signing spoke volumes.....

It confirmed only what Coach Parcells said last year. He was not ready.

Most people are perfectly fine with that. You want to ascribe some dumb assumption that Parcells "hates" him or secretly wants nothing to do with him. Nobody has more invested in Henson. Coach Parcells was very involved with us trading for him. It is was not like he inherited him like he did Hutchinson and Carter. He wants it to work out as badly as anyone.

It is just completely presumptuous for you to assume he is "hiding his true feelings".

That is just you speaking out of your backside. Again.
blindzebra said:
You just replied again...never say never.

Drew Henson has stolen more money than any athlete I can recall - He was a horriffic bust w/ my Yankees- couldn't hit a curveball to save himself - struck out at Ruthian like levels....took a chunk of money...realized everyone was onto his Overblown status and said...hay..I really miss Pigskin;it's in my heart...this after telling everyone he was a Baseball "first guy" Now, he's being exposed Chad HutchinsonPart Deux....
Nowhere to run now Drew...drop the money and leave...maybe the CFL would be interested in an Ex Yankee - Big 10'er who played a handful of college footbal games...
Go get me Billy Joe Tolliver....Eric Hipple.....Anyone but this clown.

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