Why does anyone give a damn about the personal lives of people they don't know? If you do, you need a hobby or something as their personal life has no barring on yours and therefore you're wasting your own time and energy.
Why does Google have a fascination with everything Kardashian? There are far too many people that actually care about them and all of these other celebrities. But this is nothing new. The gossip magazines have been around forever.
Think this is bad, go to Graceland during death week. My irreverent morning show did a broadcast from there one morning and I fielded hate calls for 2 weeks and one of their cars was keyed about 100 times and had to be painted, had to be more than one person. A large part of the local population hates that crap and my guys thought they would capitalize on that and had a record label make Elvis bath mats, resembling a crime scene drawing, with Elvis on his side, and we gave them away on the show. Most of the listeners got it and thought it was a riot. I brought mine home and my wife would not allow it in the house and thought I was a sick individual and wouldn't speak to me that night. She also accused me of putting them up to it. The fact is we had this idea in a brainstorm meeting and I was just screwing around but they ran with it.
And Eric, if you read this do not get pissed at me. I like Elvis, this was just a crazy idea that became a reality.