Anybody Watching the Saturday Royal Wedding? *MERGE*

Why does anyone give a damn about the personal lives of people they don't know? If you do, you need a hobby or something as their personal life has no barring on yours and therefore you're wasting your own time and energy.
I agree (and since I don't know You, I don't give a damn at the same time, WOW, this paradox is hurting My Cider soaked brain)
Why does anyone give a damn about the personal lives of people they don't know? If you do, you need a hobby or something as their personal life has no barring on yours and therefore you're wasting your own time and energy.
Why does Google have a fascination with everything Kardashian? There are far too many people that actually care about them and all of these other celebrities. But this is nothing new. The gossip magazines have been around forever.

Think this is bad, go to Graceland during death week. My irreverent morning show did a broadcast from there one morning and I fielded hate calls for 2 weeks and one of their cars was keyed about 100 times and had to be painted, had to be more than one person. A large part of the local population hates that crap and my guys thought they would capitalize on that and had a record label make Elvis bath mats, resembling a crime scene drawing, with Elvis on his side, and we gave them away on the show. Most of the listeners got it and thought it was a riot. I brought mine home and my wife would not allow it in the house and thought I was a sick individual and wouldn't speak to me that night. She also accused me of putting them up to it. The fact is we had this idea in a brainstorm meeting and I was just screwing around but they ran with it.

And Eric, if you read this do not get pissed at me. I like Elvis, this was just a crazy idea that became a reality.
Hey DABZ, please let Harry know we are celebrating his wedding in style at Coach's house. I plan to arrive an hour after his rendition of God Save the Queen.
I am tailgating it, fried baloney sammiches, Hostess fried pies, spicy pork skins, sardines and pickled eggs. I will be farting God Save the Queen and underarming Scotland the Brave and asking everyone within earshot, "why don't we do this more often"?
Probably will DVR it as really not a morning person. But heard that it will begin on the networks at 5AM EST and in the cable stations like CNN to air it all day long!
I will catch the during and after ceremony parts on my DVR. I am not ashamed that I watched Harry's parents get married live. As young as I was, I knew that marriage was doomed already while seeing that idiot crying like a baby during his own wedding. Poor Diana.

Regardless, I considered watching the Charles/Diana wedding as a historical 20th century event during my teenage years. Saturday's marriage? Not as important to me.
I will catch the during and after ceremony parts on my DVR. I am not ashamed that I watched Harry's parents get married live.
As young as I was, I knew that marriage was doomed already while seeing that idiot crying like a baby during his own wedding. Poor Diana.

Regardless, I considered watching the Charles/Diana wedding as a historical 20th century event during my teenage years. Saturday's marriage? Not as important to me.
I could tell from day one, you are a class act!:)
Can't wait to see the Royal Pudding and the Prince have the Princess remove the pudding from his arm. Followed of course by the Prince ripping off the Princess' arm and shoving it up his own ***, as is tradition.
If those are my only two choices, I'll take the wedding.

Those aren't your two choices. You could also watch paint dry, or watch grass grow, or stare at the back of your eyelids. Options are limitless, and all superior to watching two strangers get married.
The only positives about this is it is almost over and this will take her off Suits as she can't act.

Before all of this 'hoopla', as some folks have called it, I thoroughly enjoyed watching her on Suits. I'm not one to admire/criticize acting skills so I spend most of time admiring the female body. She received 3 out of 5 thumbs-up from this guy!
Before all of this 'hoopla', as some folks have called it, I thoroughly enjoyed watching her on Suits. I'm not one to admire/criticize acting skills so I spend most of time admiring the female body. She received 3 out of 5 thumbs-up from this guy!
Yeah but Donna's pulling a 4.4 and so was Jessica. And next to Lewis in a mud bath, they all look good.
Those aren't your two choices. You could also watch paint dry, or watch grass grow, or stare at the back of your eyelids. Options are limitless, and all superior to watching two strangers get married.
Count, you are just not offering many good options here. And they're not strangers, they know each other pretty well.

How about you throw some options out there that aren't boring or painful? C'mon, you can do better than that. Like sitting on South Beach with a mojito and having the tie breaking vote in the Hawaiian Tropics tan lines contest.....and having all night to decide...…..and entertaining all bribe offers.
I will catch the during and after ceremony parts on my DVR. I am not ashamed that I watched Harry's parents get married live. As young as I was, I knew that marriage was doomed already while seeing that idiot crying like a baby during his own wedding. Poor Diana.

Regardless, I considered watching the Charles/Diana wedding as a historical 20th century event during my teenage years. Saturday's marriage? Not as important to me.
And here I was just beginning to like you.

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