Because it's not personal when it's public. Besides I can prove you're calling the kettle black. I KNOW you gave "a damn about the personal life" of someone you "don't know".
(As well as every other Cowboys fan reading this)
His name is Ezekiel Elliot. There wasn't one member in here that didn't give their opinion in the numerous of threads about Zeke & his former gf etc....
Just making a point my friend. We all get involved in celebrities lives someway or another. The CZ is proof of that in itself. Whether it's a royal wedding or an NFL player making the news etc....We want to give our two cents. Blame it on the media. It's everywhere & one can't get away from it.
Tell it, sister! Tell it all!!
This is so dead on and when it's about something WE care about, it's all important and that Zeke crap and Hardy before that and now Irving's a thing and the resentment and vitriol displayed by some against women and our "innocent" Cowboys had to be as hard to take for our ladies as something as female oriented as a wedding is for the guys.
I won't watch because that's a sad remembrance for me but my clowning about it is just me being me. Far be it for me to criticize anyone's choice of entertainment or interest and there is a balance to this thread, there is one on guys watching blacksmithing and that's a hairy knuckled alternative.
daboyz, you've always been one of my favorites and this response is one of the best things, and a real face slam, I've seen on either forum in some time. As much as we all rail at the media and all they do, we are all consumers of it. And far be it for me understand the attraction of this event that has captured a lot of the world's attention but I do realize I am probably in the minority as it will dominate American TV and even HBO.
Sam, I feel for ya brother. This is like standing by and watching one of my buds being taken to the principal's office for a reprimand. Consider yourself lucky she didn't call your parents to come pick you up.