Anybody Watching the Saturday Royal Wedding? *MERGE*

I still down give a damn!!!

Actually, while you may be right in some cases, Ezekiel Elliot isn't one of them. Sadly, I have lost all connection with the Cowboys and the NFL. It was the exact same reason I no longer watch the NBA also and I was a HUGE NBA fan. Hell, the NBA and Mavericks are how I met my ex-wife. Pretty much the only professional sport I watch today is the NHL. I pray they don't follow the same route of corruption the NBA and NFL did. Otherwise they are out on their *** too.
POST OF THE DAY!!!! :clap::flagwave:
I will pitch in if @dallasdave is not available. Prince Charles's face literally screams 'punch me'
The account is a good idea but I am not so sure about involving @YosemiteSam. Sure, he is CLASSY without a doubt but you may end up wanting to punch him in the face.
Waitasec... Sam does remind me of Prince Charles!!!
:facepalm: :lmao2:
The account is a good idea but I am not so sure about involving @YosemiteSam. Sure, he is CLASSY without a doubt but you may end up wanting to punch him in the face.

Waitasec... Sam does remind me of Prince Charles!!!

EDIT: Princess Eugenie NOT Princess Eugene :rolleyes:

Now, I'm going to go start a ******** page for funding anyone who punches you in the face!
Okay everybody. I think we all know by now typing a particular website name will only net you with asterisks. The website name is censored on CowboysZone so let us get control of the situation before it devolves into


...which, incidentally, has nothing to do with asterisks at all. :oops::p
Oh Yeah!!! I want to see Asuka back kick The Iconics,and Braun Strowman make Roman Reigns look like jello....Ugh??? Oh wait ,I thought you said Royal Rumble...
I will pitch in if @dallasdave is not available. Prince Charles's face literally screams 'punch me' so I will help simply for an opportunity to punch him once or twice or 50 times.

Not sure if she fits your babe criteria but here is Princess Eugenie, 28, daughter of Prince Andrew and Sarah:


Best get to Fonzing fast though. The website I took the pic from says she's getting hitched in October! :p
The account is a good idea but I am not so sure about involving @YosemiteSam. Sure, he is CLASSY without a doubt but you may end up wanting to punch him in the face.

Waitasec... Sam does remind me of Prince Charles!!!

EDIT: Princess Eugenie NOT Princess Eugene :rolleyes:

The sisters looking lovely I am fine with either one of them not too picky .
Eugenie is the voluptuous one.
Question is who is this guy disguised as a guard in the middle?

The wedding got a little more interesting now that the father isn't walking her down the aisle.
The wedding got a little more interesting now that the father isn't walking her down the aisle.
Rumor is William AND Charles may walk the bride. Just two days ago, the father decided to go. Yesterday, the father said he can't go. Today, the father had open heart surgery. Don't you just love the media. They make the father sound like a track & field medalist.o_O
The sisters looking lovely I am fine with either one of them not too picky .
Eugenie is the voluptuous one.
Question is who is this guy disguised as a guard in the middle?

I'd take the PAWG in white.
Well I say that, the actual vows weren’t that fancy, but the afterwards sure is.
Still a waste of money they could have gone to Elvis Chapel in Vegas and done it for nothing.
600 People were at the wedding compared to 2,000 for Prince William and Dutchess Kate and 3500 For Prince Charles and Princess Diana!
600 People were at the wedding compared to 2,000 for Prince William and Dutchess Kate and 3500 For Prince Charles and Princess Diana!
You can tell it is fading with time

This marriage I don't think it will last.

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