Anyone Ever Have Kidney Stones?

Mike_45;4993521 said:
They also have a guy at the practice who is Dr. Chopp. He does vasectomies. I kid you not.

I would find a different practice before you come across a Dr. Oops.
McLovin;4993359 said:

I down about 8-12 Diet Cokes a day. Nothing yet, but if I have to cut out my DC, Im in trouble

You are begging for problems.
Cajuncowboy;4993592 said:
You are begging for problems.

The Dr. told me there's not much you can do, or much they have proven, regarding diet. He did say cokes are theoretically bad because of sulfate or something. I was on morphine and don't remember exactly.
CowboyMcCoy;4993911 said:
The Dr. told me there's not much you can do, or much they have proven, regarding diet. He did say cokes are theoretically bad because of sulfate or something. I was on morphine and don't remember exactly.

When your stones are caffeine trust me, it's bad to drink a bunch of it.
Cajuncowboy;4994433 said:
When your stones are caffeine trust me, it's bad to drink a bunch of it.

I see. I honestly don't know as much as I should about it. I'll be doing some reading about it as soon as I get caught up with my life.
So I'm scared. I missed my appointment this morning for the stent removal. I thought it was later today. So they're telling me I have to have it removed next week unless I want to try to get it removed at the E.R.

I'm terrified of the pain and I don't know what I should do at this point. On one hand, I think my stuff may heal a bit more and it won't be as painful. On the other, I just want the thing out so I can go about my business.

Suggestions and/or inputs from those who have experienced this?
I've psyched myself out enough. I'm going to the E.R. to get this done, hopefully. Called the nurse and she said I may have another kidney infection. Yay! I'm so looking forward to this. I can't wait.
CowboyMcCoy;4995167 said:
I've psyched myself out enough. I'm going to the E.R. to get this done, hopefully. Called the nurse and she said I may have another kidney infection. Yay! I'm so looking forward to this. I can't wait.

IF you are due to get it out, do so. The faster the better and you can get on with life.
Cajuncowboy;4995168 said:
IF you are due to get it out, do so. The faster the better and you can get on with life.

I'm trying. If they don't take it out here at the E.R., I'm going to take it out myself. Everything I've found says that I can take it out. I don't see why not. I would be more comfortable doing it myself. I don't remember ever being such a weenie about something--no pun intended.
CowboyMcCoy;4995179 said:
I'm trying. If they don't take it out here at the E.R., I'm going to take it out myself. Everything I've found says that I can take it out. I don't see why not. I would be more comfortable doing it myself. I don't remember ever being such a weenie about something--no pun intended.

You must have something different from what I had. It has been 20 years when I had my stent and there was no way I was removing it. Heck, I couldn't even see it. Doctor had to use some kind of scope and fish it out. If this is something you can remove yourself then it might not be as bad or as painful as mine was. Again, probably something different.
I shouldn't have googled anything about removing the stent. It really freaked me out. The worst part is having your woman dump you on your ride home from having it implanted. I'm not sure which was more painful. Joking aside, I really think if they don't remove it here, I'm going to pull it like a lawn mower string and see what happens.

McCoy has seen better days, ladies and gentlemen.
Cajuncowboy;4995188 said:
You must have something different from what I had. It has been 20 years when I had my stent and there was no way I was removing it. Heck, I couldn't even see it. Doctor had to use some kind of scope and fish it out. If this is something you can remove yourself then it might not be as bad or as painful as mine was. Again, probably something different.

Yes, I've read that some don't come with a string attached to them. Mine, fortunately, has a string attached. So if something doesn't happen quick, I'm going to hit the whiskey bottle, the pain meds and get to work on it (as bad as that sounds).
CowboyMcCoy;4995191 said:
I shouldn't have googled anything about removing the stent. It really freaked me out. The worst part is having your woman dump you on your ride home from having it implanted. I'm not sure which was more painful. Joking aside, I really think if they don't remove it here, I'm going to pull it like a lawn mower string and see what happens.

McCoy has seen better days, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm not a doctor but I have started a few lawn mowers in my day and that does not sound like the proper procedure to remove it. You may need more than a bottle of whiskey.
Cajuncowboy;4995236 said:
I'm not a doctor but I have started a few lawn mowers in my day and that does not sound like the proper procedure to remove it. You may need more than a bottle of whiskey.

I plan on doing it myself if the e.r. Dr. won't do it. They just brought me back. I haven't seen a doc yet, but I hope it's over soon. I think I'll just use some meds and whiskey and, from what I've read, it's easier to take it out yourself than to have someone else do it.
CowboyMcCoy;4995194 said:
Yes, I've read that some don't come with a string attached to them. Mine, fortunately, has a string attached. So if something doesn't happen quick, I'm going to hit the whiskey bottle, the pain meds and get to work on it (as bad as that sounds).

Mixing booze with those pain meds is not the way to go.....unless you are looking for a peaceful way to go.

That stuff will shut you down quick. Pass out and never wake up and it's far more common than you would imagine.

You really shouldn't mix the two and for your sake, I hope you don't.

I'm not sure why you would go tugging on that thing. Sure it sucks but consider the alternative if you aggravate something. You could at least call the office and ask if it's okay to remove it at home. At the beginning of this thread you were talking about the worst pain you could imagine and now you want to jerk something out?
CowboyMcCoy;4995240 said:
I plan on doing it myself if the e.r. Dr. won't do it. They just brought me back. I haven't seen a doc yet, but I hope it's over soon. I think I'll just use some meds and whiskey and, from what I've read, it's easier to take it out yourself than to have someone else do it.

Are you still in the ER? Geez, seems like you've been there all night.
Hoofbite;4995252 said:
Mixing booze with those pain meds is not the way to go.....unless you are looking for a peaceful way to go.

That stuff will shut you down quick. Pass out and never wake up and it's far more common than you would imagine.

You really shouldn't mix the two and for your sake, I hope you don't.

I'm not sure why you would go tugging on that thing. Sure it sucks but consider the alternative if you aggravate something. You could at least call the office and ask if it's okay to remove it at home. At the beginning of this thread you were talking about the worst pain you could imagine and now you want to jerk something out?

I was a boozer for the first 27 years of my life. I wasn't saying I was going to get all out drunk, just a little something to give me the courage. But I'm taking what you're saying very seriously.
Cajuncowboy;4995271 said:
Are you still in the ER? Geez, seems like you've been there all night.

Yeah, I was just chatting with the really hot 4th year med student. I'm hoping she's not in here while I'm getting it taken out, if they in fact do that.
Hoofbite;4995252 said:
Mixing booze with those pain meds is not the way to go.....unless you are looking for a peaceful way to go.

That stuff will shut you down quick. Pass out and never wake up and it's far more common than you would imagine.

You really shouldn't mix the two and for your sake, I hope you don't.

I'm not sure why you would go tugging on that thing. Sure it sucks but consider the alternative if you aggravate something. You could at least call the office and ask if it's okay to remove it at home. At the beginning of this thread you were talking about the worst pain you could imagine and now you want to jerk something out?

Also, the reason for the string, at least according to some, is so that you can take it out at home. That part I'd never think about unless it was meant for that. On the other hand, I wish they'd put you under for this. It's really taking a toll on me--even psychologically now.
Mike_45;4992972 said:
I have had them three times.

First time it seemed like it took months for them to pass, once the first one passed I fished it out of the toilet with a plastic spoon and had it analyzed. It was a calcium stone, the second one broke up and passed in small pieces. Both were not huge, under 4 millimeters.

I did not make any dietary changes at this time, I was young and dumb at 25.

The second time I was on vacation at the beach and I went to the bathroom and it was like firefire and I pissed blood. Went to the doctor and ended up having a procudere where they were broken up. I made some dietary changes but didnt stick with it.

This past September I woke up in the middle of the night in extreme pain and started vomiting up blood. Went to the ER and got a stomach tube, morphine, cat scan and vomited a few more times. Turns out that a decent sized stone was passing, about 4 millimeters again and it caused some irritation which caused the vomiting. I was given Rapaflo which from what I have read is a cousin of flomax that really relaxes things down there. I ended up passing the stone with that.

This time I did some research and a 24 hour urine collection. Based upon the results of that and my research I cut down on eating as much animal protein, I cut out almost all sodas and energy drinks, cut back on whiskey, started to drink a lot more water and at least twice a week I have a glass of real lemonade.

In my case since I was not producing enough urine, the urine was sitting stagnant in my kidneys allwoing the stones to from. Sine it was stagnant and since I was eating a lot of red meat and flushing my fllushing my kidneys out effectivley I was just asking for trouble. Plus where I live is in the kidney stone belt.

So far so good on my changes, I am five months in and have not had a recurrence. I go every six months for xrays and a follow up with the Urologist.

On a side note, the guy that did my surgery was Dr. Wang. :)

LOL. You're here in Austin. I just saw the Dr. Chopp guy. And Dr. Wang. I'm trying to find something, anything, to make me laugh in the midst of this.

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