Anyone notice Garre..err Romo's game management at the end?

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He's clearly trying to call a timeout. I don't see what the big deal is, though. That was a critical point in the game, and it sure looked like the Commander had taken off his helmet in real time. That's the kind of thing you'd want him to do. It's also no surprise that Tony either had a better view of the incident or heard the officials discussing why it wasn't a penalty given that he was actually on the field. This is more-ado about nothing in my book.
This is wrong. You do NOT want a timeout there, in either situation. If the penalty is called on the DLineman, the clock will stop and we'll get the yards. If there is no penalty, you want the clock to run, leaving Washington with less time.

When your HEAD COACH is confused at what to do, I certainly wouldn't call it 'more-ado about nothing'. That extra time could very well have cost us the game.


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This is wrong. You do NOT want a timeout there, in either situation. If the penalty is called on the DLineman, the clock will stop and we'll get the yards. If there is no penalty, you want the clock to run, leaving Washington with less time.

When your HEAD COACH is confused at what to do, I certainly wouldn't call it 'more-ado about nothing'. That extra time could very well have cost us the game.

Ohhh, And those same exact kind of mistakes HAVE cost us games.......GB, Det, etc etc


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If you recorded the game, go check back after Murray was stopped on 3rd and goal. After the referee announced no penalty for the helmet removal, Garrett ran up to the official to call timeout with about 1:42 left on the clock, but Romo ran up between them and stopped Garrett, who had an utter look of confusion on his face.

A minute later, the camera pans back and Garrett is staring blankly at Romo's face. We only see the back of Tony's head, but you can tell he is very sternly yelling at Garrett and using a lot of hand movements to hammer home his point. I can only imagine he's telling him that there were still about 25 seconds left on the play clock, because after that they let about 25 more seconds bleed off the clock before calling that final timeout.

Thank God the camera's caught it all.

That's your "walk around coach" folks. That's your game manager. In the grand scheme of things, may not have made a difference, but he's so oblivious he was going to just go right ahead and give Washington an extra 25-30 seconds at the end of the game before Romo stepped in and made the right call. Amazing he is still this clueless three years into the job.

The lack of feel for the game or the lack of managing the game was always his problem since he started here as a OC. And he did not get better at it.

He talks alot about getting better and that its a process. Where he's is right. But its one thing to listen to smarts words another thing is to judge his doings by his words. And he failed time after time.

But the problem is not with Garrett alone. I think Romo has also alot to do with it too. Its the combination of both of them. They both suck at game planning/play calling and the feel for game situations.


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He's not inept. He's done a good job and I hope we win next Sunday. The ineptness is found in a group of fellow fans who have a single narrative that they play no matter how a game turns out.

Your post simply you're just as inept as Garrett. No wonder you defend him. You're apparently just like him. LOL

Yakuza Rich

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They can say what they want, but there's little doubt in my mind that at least some of the playcalling is being done by Garrett now. Coaches don't hold a play card and visibly call the play unless they are calling the plays. We are using the # system with the wrist pad and it's pretty obvious that at least some of the plays were called by Garrett.

So I don't know how much walking around was going on.

With that said, I have more problems with the playcalling than I do the scheme. . Guys are getting open quite often, but Romo doesn't always see them. However, we run out of the shotgun way too much and use too much empty backfield, particularly on 1st and 2nd down. You have a good tailback, so they need to run from under center more. They don't need to use play action, but if they can get the safeties and linebackers to cheat up it makes Romo's job easier.

This and the game management is what is really frustrating about Garrett.



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All I know is, we had like 217 passing yards this game, 87 of them coming in the last drive. One of our TDs, our return man ran it to within scoring distance. One TD was a third and nine where Romo had to evade an open rusher on a blitz.

Our play calling absolutely sucks.


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It's kinda unfair to critsize JG after each loss and make him the scapegoat for everything bad and using the line "He is the reason we lost" and when we win he gets no credit at all…

Many can go back and give you millions of examples where a player on the field CLOSE TO THE REFS explains things to the HC's not the first time and not the last time..don't try to attribute everything to your boy Romo. He threw an INT, he missed some wide open receivers…I guess based on OP logic those were JG fault too….

Be reasonable people and try to be a little fair…don't let hate sway your opinions



Deadly Claws of Death
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It's kinda unfair to critsize JG after each loss and make him the scapegoat for everything bad and using the line "He is the reason we lost" and when we win he gets no credit at all…

Many can go back and give you millions of examples where a player on the field CLOSE TO THE REFS explains things to the HC's not the first time and not the last time..don't try to attribute everything to your boy Romo. He threw an INT, he missed some wide open receivers…I guess based on OP logic those were JG fault too….

Be reasonable people and try to be a little fair…don't let hate sway your opinions


The Cowboys also started to be pass happy after half-time AGAIN. The announcers were incredulous about the play calling after what happened last week. Now, they did balance it out later on, but it was almost too late. We got lucky.

So the time out wasn't even the only bad coaching call this game.

Garrett is just plain bad.


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The clock was stopped because of the penalty flag. It had not been re-started yet and the 40 sec play clock could have been running. I'm pretty sure that Garrett and Romo wanted the clock to be re-started, but didn't want a delay of game in the mean time. With out seeing all of the variables, it's hard to criticize. But they did mange to get the 25 sec clock re-started and called a TO when it hit one second.
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