I'm no lawyer and would welcome the input of one, but I have had the same feelings you do on this situation.
I just can't agree with the Goodell decision here. Pacman was supposedly fully "reinstated into the league". Their words not mine. Well what does that mean?
It certainly doesn't or didn't mean he had the same rights as other players without a "track record".
This whole thing was BS from the start.
Reinstate the guy or don't. This rediculous probationary type deal was doomed from the start.
Not that it would have effected Jerry's decision, but I never would have been on board with this signing if I knew an incident like this would get him suspended.
I knew this was a zero tolerence policy, but I was under the impression Pacman had to actually do something wrong. Break a law, get arrested. Maybe a DUI or a D and D. Heck even a serious moving violation like reckless driving.
You really have to wonder if Goddell hasn't opened himself and the league to some sort of lawsuit.