AP: Incident doesn't affect Adam Jones' probation


Lightning Rod
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jimmy40;2343450 said:
If your employer told you to not do something and you do exactly that then your a moron and deserve to get fired.

problem is, his employer is the Dallas Cowboys, not the NFL


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Hypnotoad;2343432 said:
Why the hell was he suspended then, cause he caused bad press?

Pacman should sue the league. He committed no crime, as an employer goodell has no authority to suspend pacman for the allegations of drinking in a private residence. No arrest was made, no charges were filed.

Imagine if your employer fired you for drinking at home. That's ridiculous.

Who was this Jim person who called the police? Was he actually a hotel employee? Was he a staff member of another team trying to cause trouble?

Seriously, I thought the fact that he'd violated his probation was the reason he was suspended.

I mean, I accepted it. I accepted it as completely legitimate, because if he had violated his probation, a suspension is quite obviously warranted.

What I've seen as a pattern from the Commissioner is that his line of reasoning for doing certain things seems to be lacking... reason.


That Guy
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CanadianCowboysFan;2343380 said:
of course, I'm sure the Goodell acolytes on this board will say who cares, the NFL issue is separate and he still deserves to be suspended indefinitely
Are there any of those left? Anywhere??


Messenger to the football Gods
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el_chevo;2343473 said:
Wow! Ok, let's hear it from the usual group how the state just let a thug go free. :rolleyes:

Better yet, let's hear it from the usual group that whines about the usual group, keeping the topic, that they so despise, alive.


Walmart. Full length mirror. $6.99.


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sonnyboy;2343485 said:
I'm no lawyer and would welcome the input of one, but I have had the same feelings you do on this situation.

I just can't agree with the Goodell decision here. Pacman was supposedly fully "reinstated into the league". Their words not mine. Well what does that mean?
It certainly doesn't or didn't mean he had the same rights as other players without a "track record".
This whole thing was BS from the start.

Reinstate the guy or don't. This rediculous probationary type deal was doomed from the start.

Not that it would have effected Jerry's decision, but I never would have been on board with this signing if I knew an incident like this would get him suspended.

I knew this was a zero tolerence policy, but I was under the impression Pacman had to actually do something wrong. Break a law, get arrested. Maybe a DUI or a D and D. Heck even a serious moving violation like reckless driving.

You really have to wonder if Goddell hasn't opened himself and the league to some sort of lawsuit.

Said perfectly.I just cannot understand how u can completely dictate a humans life like that.OK Pacman dont fart or u will get suspended.wow.I cannot stand Goodell ever since the Belicheat coverup.The guy may have drank and got into a private fight.What is this gradeschool?He didnt do anything illegal.


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sonnyboy;2343485 said:
I'm no lawyer and would welcome the input of one, but I have had the same feelings you do on this situation.

I just can't agree with the Goodell decision here. Pacman was supposedly fully "reinstated into the league". Their words not mine. Well what does that mean?
It certainly doesn't or didn't mean he had the same rights as other players without a "track record".
This whole thing was BS from the start.

Reinstate the guy or don't. This rediculous probationary type deal was doomed from the start.

Not that it would have effected Jerry's decision, but I never would have been on board with this signing if I knew an incident like this would get him suspended.

I knew this was a zero tolerence policy, but I was under the impression Pacman had to actually do something wrong. Break a law, get arrested. Maybe a DUI or a D and D. Heck even a serious moving violation like reckless driving.

You really have to wonder if Goddell hasn't opened himself and the league to some sort of lawsuit.
Pacman had choice of accepting or not accepting Commissioner's stipulations of reinstatement and he accepted those stipulation and apparently Pacman failed to live up to the agreement, therefore, Goddell can dish out the punishment.


Messenger to the football Gods
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juckie;2343737 said:
Said perfectly.I just cannot understand how u can completely dictate a humans life like that.OK Pacman dont fart or u will get suspended.wow.I cannot stand Goodell ever since the Belicheat coverup.The guy may have drank and got into a private fight.What is this gradeschool?He didnt do anything illegal.

The wife, children AND family of the fellow who now resides in a WHEELCHAIR more than likely cannot understand that either. Probably everytime he needs his arse wiped, clothes changed, in and out of the vehicle. The list goes on. I betcha even the carpenters that shopwed up to make their home handi-cap friendly, could not understand. It's very obvious to most........we know you don't understand, you aren't making headlines here.


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Seven;2343773 said:
The wife, children AND family of the fellow who now resides in a WHEELCHAIR more than likely cannot understand that either. Probably everytime he needs his arse wiped, clothes changed, in and out of the vehicle. The list goes on. I betcha even the carpenters that shopwed up to make their home handi-cap friendly, could not understand. Gee.......ya think?

Are u serious?The man who shot that guard was arrested and his name isnt Adam.wake up.


The Boognish
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03EBZ06;2343759 said:
Pacman had choice of accepting or not accepting Commissioner's stipulations of reinstatement and he accepted those stipulation and apparently Pacman failed to live up to the agreement, therefore, Goddell can dish out the punishment.

It could very easily be argued that Goodell coerced Jones into signing said agreement by unlawfully blocking him from employment.


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Hypnotoad;2343464 said:
Don't drink any alcohol at a private party.

Don't smoke at home cause it causes our healthcare costs to go up.

Don't eat fast food because its unhealthy for you.

Where does it stop?

I question the authority of someones boss to tell an employee what to do in their home or a private area. The commissioner is out of line here.

Acctually yes an Employer has said you can not smoke at home and you can be fired for it they do drug test for Nicotine it was up held in court. The company Reynolds and Reynolds does not allow their employees to use Tobacco products. It helps them keep there health care cost down

So yes they can if you do not like it go work somewhere else


Messenger to the football Gods
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juckie;2343775 said:
Are u serious?The man who shot that guard was arrested and his name isnt Adam.wake up.

Read the whole news page. IF not for Jones there never would've been a meylay. No fight. No shooting. No "who dun it". I've gone down this road with folks at a much higher mental apptitude so I'm NOT wasting my time doing it with you. One could dip themselves in chocolate and roll in crushed nuts and you'd still say...........Hot Dog?

Do yourself a favor and find out the whole story. Not just who took the fall, Einstein. You're really looking silly at this point, tho I doubt you could look any less intelligent than you already have. Good luck with that.


Lightning Rod
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Kangaroo;2343808 said:
Acctually yes an Employer has said you can not smoke at home and you can be fired for it they do drug test for Nicotine it was up held in court. The company Reynolds and Reynolds does not allow their employees to use Tobacco products. It helps them keep there health care cost down

So yes they can if you do not like it go work somewhere else

got a link to that case, seems pretty draconian if you ask me.

what's next, companies telling you that you cannot play with yourself while watching porn?


The Boognish
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Seven;2343810 said:
Read the whole news page. IF not for Jones there never would've been a meylay. No fight. No shooting. No "who dun it". I've gone down this road with folks at a much higher mental apptitude so I'm NOT wasting my time doing it with you. One could dip themselves in chocolate and roll in crushed nuts and you'd still say...........Hot Dog?

Do yourself a favor and find out the whole story. Not just who took the fall, Einstein. You're really looking silly at this point, tho I doubt you could look any less intelligent than you already have. Good luck with that.

If you really want to get regressionist then you could just as easily say that if the promoter hadn't stole the money then Jones would have never gotten mad or that if the owner had never hired the promoter it wouldnt have happened or if the bank hadnt lent the owner the money it wouldnt have happened or if you hadnt deposited money in the bank it would have never happened.

So its your fault.


The Boognish
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CanadianCowboysFan;2343818 said:
got a link to that case, seems pretty draconian if you ask me.

what's next, companies telling you that you cannot play with yourself while watching porn?

Its being litigated.


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CanadianCowboysFan;2343818 said:
got a link to that case, seems pretty draconian if you ask me.

what's next, companies telling you that you cannot play with yourself while watching porn?
like many people said before you.
If you don't like the rules the company has set forth for you, don't work for them. If Adam Jones doesn't like the rules that Goodell (which was fair and clearly stated given Adam Jones' past history) has set forth for him, don't play for the NFL. He can pack up his bags and go play for the Canadian Football League.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm nearly to the point where I do wish to see Adam Jones sue the league, lose the suit, and then wait in anticipation for the revised "PacMan has been unfairly screwed" comments. The less accountability given to Adam, the better.


The Boognish
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soccerbud;2343836 said:
like many people said before you.
If you don't like the rules the company has set forth for you, don't work for them. If Adam Jones doesn't like the rules that Goodell (which was fair and clearly stated given Adam Jones' past history) has set forth for him, don't play for the NFL. He can pack up his bags and go play for the Canadian Football League.

And as many people have said there needs to be a respect for privacy in this country. My company just like anyone else has no business intruding in my private life as long as I remain within the law.

According to you its okay for companies to prohibit employment based on race etc. If you don't like the rules go work somewhere else right?


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Kangaroo;2343808 said:
Acctually yes an Employer has said you can not smoke at home and you can be fired for it they do drug test for Nicotine it was up held in court. The company Reynolds and Reynolds does not allow their employees to use Tobacco products. It helps them keep there health care cost down

So yes they can if you do not like it go work somewhere else

The issue isn't that the league can't legally suspend him. The issue is that by arbitrarily suspending without disclosing the precise reason and without disclosing the nature of the investigation that dtermined pac actually did what he has alleged to have done, the league loses credibility and legitimacy. We still don't know what really happened other than someone called the police. Anyone can call the police that doesn't mean anything. People are going to lose respect for the league if it keeps suspending players, thus affecting the quality of play on the field, without fully disclosing the process that led to the suspension. This is about the league being accountable to the fans not defending pacman.


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soccerbud;2343836 said:
like many people said before you.
If you don't like the rules the company has set forth for you, don't work for them. If Adam Jones doesn't like the rules that Goodell (which was fair and clearly stated given Adam Jones' past history) has set forth for him, don't play for the NFL. He can pack up his bags and go play for the Canadian Football League.

That would be a fair argument except the NFL is afforded protection from certain interstate commerce laws. They function as a monopoly and have legal privileges given to them which a normal company would not.

The find another NFL really doesn't work in this situation.