AP: Incident doesn't affect Adam Jones' probation


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CanadianCowboysFan;2343818 said:
got a link to that case, seems pretty draconian if you ask me.

what's next, companies telling you that you cannot play with yourself while watching porn?

I found quite a few have not found the one I read last fall but there is more than one case some of them date back to 2005



Here is one that charges money and suspend ones for lying about smoking



an excert from one article

Westgate Resorts, the largest private employer in Central Florida, has banned smoking and won't budge from a policy of not hiring smokers and firing employees who do smoke. "When I found out it was legal to discriminate against smokers, I put the policy in place," Westgate president and CEO David Seigel said.


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FuzzyLumpkins;2343845 said:
And as many people have said there needs to be a respect for privacy in this country. My company just like anyone else has no business intruding in my private life as long as I remain within the law.

According to you its okay for companies to prohibit employment based on race etc. If you don't like the rules go work somewhere else right?
We are not talking about any players or employees within the NFL.
We are talking about a player who has had 13 brushes with the law over the past 2-3 years. Of course he will be placed under extra scrutiny and examination. In fact, the extra scrutiny is clearly stated in the clause for his reinstatement.

My personal opinion is this. Adam Jones was making progress (comparatively to his days in Tennessee) on making proper decisions. However, he relapse during this incident. Unfortunately, given his prior history, he has no room for error. And he is rightfully suspended as a result.

Hopefully, Adam Jones can pull his act together, act like an angel for the next few weeks, and pray for reinstatement again.


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links18;2343853 said:
The issue isn't that the league can't legally suspend him. The issue is that by arbitrarily suspending without disclosing the precise reason and without disclosing the nature of the investigation that dtermined pac actually did what he has alleged to have done, the league loses credibility and legitimacy. We still don't know what really happened other than someone called the police. Anyone can call the police that doesn't mean anything. People are going to lose respect for the league if it keeps suspending players, thus affecting the quality of play on the field, without fully disclosing the process that led to the suspension. This is about the league being accountable to the fans not defending pacman.

Another issue that should be brought up is the Fines towards Hines Ward.

Ward was fined $5,000 for the Ravens game, and he said the letter notifying him of that action explained why. But as to the $10,000 fine following the Steelers 26-21 win over the Jaguars, Ward said he got no explanation. Ward said he will appeal the fines.

The league offered no explanation for its actions.

“If anything, I want to see what they're fining (other players) for personal fouls against me,” said Ward. “It would be kind of weird that I get fined and some of those players aren’t getting fined. If I’m the only one getting fined and other players aren’t getting fined, that brings up a huge question for me.”

Where exactly is the accountability here for the league.

Should players just accept whatever the league says? Should they just find another league to play with like everyone is saying?

There has to be openness in penalties and suspensions.


Lightning Rod
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Kangaroo;2343857 said:
I found quite a few have not found the one I read last fall but there is more than one case some of them date back to 2005



Here is one that charges money and suspend ones for lying about smoking



an excert from one article

Westgate Resorts, the largest private employer in Central Florida, has banned smoking and won't budge from a policy of not hiring smokers and firing employees who do smoke. "When I found out it was legal to discriminate against smokers, I put the policy in place," Westgate president and CEO David Seigel said.

damn that is harsh


The Boognish
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soccerbud;2343867 said:
We are not talking about any players or employees within the NFL.
We are talking about a player who has had 13 brushes with the law over the past 2-3 years. Of course he will be placed under extra scrutiny and examination. In fact, the extra scrutiny is clearly stated in the clause for his reinstatement.

My personal opinion is this. Adam Jones was making progress (comparatively to his days in Tennessee) on making proper decisions. However, he relapse during this incident. Unfortunately, given his prior history, he has no room for error. And he is rightfully suspended as a result.

Hopefully, Adam Jones can pull his act together, act like an angel for the next few weeks, and pray for reinstatement again.

Sorry but reread your post. you were speaking in general terms. do i really need to quote you?


Messenger to the football Gods
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FuzzyLumpkins;2343825 said:
If you really want to get regressionist then you could just as easily say that if the promoter hadn't stole the money then Jones would have never gotten mad or that if the owner had never hired the promoter it wouldnt have happened or if the bank hadnt lent the owner the money it wouldnt have happened or if you hadnt deposited money in the bank it would have never happened.

So its your fault.

Regressionist? Mmmm-k. Not a word but whatever poofs your chest out.

So with your theory, asinine as it is..................it's Gods fault? Think your theory will stand up in court?


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This is what I was trying to say earlier..The guy did nothing wrong..but apparently..he violated the SPECIAL rules by the NFL imposed on him which states that PACMAN must act like a cub scout forever. Goodell is trash. And the suspension is racist garbage.


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CanadianCowboysFan;2343421 said:
or those who are holier than thou

fine him, suspend him a game etc but come on, indefinitely?

it is clear Robespierre has it in for him

Yeah, it's being holider than thou to hold somebody to a standard they agreed upon. :rolleyes:

Enablers, enablers everywhere. :)


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Thanos68;2344092 said:
This is what I was trying to say earlier..The guy did nothing wrong..but apparently..he violated the SPECIAL rules by the NFL imposed on him which states that PACMAN must act like a cub scout forever. Goodell is trash. And the suspension is racist garbage.

Not the old racist trump card. :laugh2:


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Our society is so screwed up. We actually impose restrictions on adults to say they cannot drink. Even though it is perfectly legal to do so. Our govt and our society is just so lame. We allow alcohol, but disallow marijuana when it is painfully obvious that alchohol is so much more dangerous. Ever see someone slam into another car after smoking a joint? Go watch someone really drunk and someone really high on pot and then tell me who is the coherent one. </rant >


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FuzzyLumpkins;2343796 said:
It could very easily be argued that Goodell coerced Jones into signing said agreement by unlawfully blocking him from employment.
Is it really that easy?

Was A. Jones coerced into signing an agreement?

Did A. Jones freely signed the agreement?

Did A. Jones ever announced to media or to whoever that he'll do whatever it takes to be reinstated?

With he said/she said cases, it's never easy.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Thanos68;2344092 said:
This is what I was trying to say earlier..The guy did nothing wrong..but apparently..he violated the SPECIAL rules by the NFL imposed on him which states that PACMAN must act like a cub scout forever. Goodell is trash. And the suspension is racist garbage.
While it may be debatable whether Goodell has acted fairly towards Adam Jones, it is basically a cop-out to state that he is a racist for enforcing disciplinary measures.


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Hypnotoad;2343464 said:
Don't drink any alcohol at a private party.

Don't smoke at home cause it causes our healthcare costs to go up.

Don't eat fast food because its unhealthy for you.

Where does it stop?

I question the authority of someones boss to tell an employee what to do in their home or a private area. The commissioner is out of line here.

Of course, you question it. Because you act as if an addict merely does these things in private.

If it's truly private, it won't be an issue.

But addicts can't keep their habits private. And that's the point.

So you tell them to go COLD TURKEY because if they don't, they'll put themselves in a situation where their conduct filters into the public.

Exhibit A: Pacman.

Why the heck wouldn't he just do this in private as you suggest?

Because, his problems are so deep that they will invariably manifest themselves in public.

Surely, you're not using Adam "Pacman" Jones as an example because his very situation contradicts your entire premise.


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Thanos68;2344105 said:
Our society is so screwed up. We actually impose restrictions on adults to say they cannot drink. Even though it is perfectly legal to do so. Our govt and our society is just so lame. We allow alcohol, but disallow marijuana when it is painfully obvious that alchohol is so much more dangerous. Ever see someone slam into another car after smoking a joint? Go watch someone really drunk and someone really high on pot and then tell me who is the coherent one. </rant >

Apple and orange comparison.

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand.


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links18;2343481 said:
I hear you, but don't try to tell that to the lench mob that resides around here. He caused bad press, that's enough to can him for life for most people. Doesn't matter that there are no checks and balances on the media and they can basically make a PAC suspension a self-fulfilling prophecy if he is going to be judged by those standards.

The media made PacMan drink alcohol? :eek:


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03EBZ06;2343759 said:
Pacman had choice of accepting or not accepting Commissioner's stipulations of reinstatement and he accepted those stipulation and apparently Pacman failed to live up to the agreement, therefore, Goddell can dish out the punishment.

Oh come on dude...that is BS..Pac had no choice but to sign if the guy wanted to earn a living. He has no other skills but football. Your argument is lame.


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Thanos68;2344092 said:
And the suspension is racist garbage.

Typical, every time a black athlete gets suspended or charged with a crime it is deemed "racist". Just shut up with that race card bull****, how was the suspension racist? That thug Pacman shot a man and paralyzed him. That thug has been charged numerous times for public intoxication, That thug spit in a young womens face, that thug committed a assault and felony vandalism at a night club, and that thug recently got into an altercation with his body guard while intoxicated.

I don't care what colour you are, when you're a criminal, abuse alcohol, hit women, paralyze people, vandalize private property, caught speeding, etc, etc, etc over and over again something is wrong and you deserve to be suspended, not for one game, not for eight games, not for sixteen but forever.