AP: Incident doesn't affect Adam Jones' probation


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Thanos68;2344128 said:
Pac didn't violate probation. therefore he should not be suspended.
Correction. Adam Jones violated the terms of the agreement between himself and the commissioner of the NFL to keep him reinstated.


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Hypnotoad;2343855 said:
That would be a fair argument except the NFL is afforded protection from certain interstate commerce laws. They function as a monopoly and have legal privileges given to them which a normal company would not.

The find another NFL really doesn't work in this situation.

The issue is whether Adam Jones can play football not whether he can play in the NFL.

If he wants to play in the NFL, he has to abide by its policies. If he doesn't, there's the Arena Football League and the Canadian Football League he's welcomed to join. I heard they love pot smoking, beer drinking players in the CFL. ;)


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Phantom;2344129 said:
Typical, every time a black athlete gets suspended or charged with a crime it is deemed "racist". Just shut up with that race card bull****, how was the suspension racist? That thug Pacman shot a man and paralyzed him. That thug has been charged numerous times for public intoxication, That thug spit in a young womens face, that thug committed a assault and felony vandalism at a night club, and that thug recently got into an altercation with his body guard while intoxicated.

I don't care what colour you are, when you're a criminal, abuse alcohol, hit women, paralyze people, vandalize private property, caught speeding, etc, etc, etc over and over again something is wrong and you deserve to be suspended, not for one game, not for eight games, not for sixteen but forever.

I'm black, and I approve of this message. ;)


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DallasEast;2344137 said:
Correction. Adam Jones violated the terms of the agreement between himself and the commissioner of the NFL to keep him reinstated.

Oh riiiiight..Those SPECIAL terms of the NFL which say he can't do certain things that are legal. :rolleyes:


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DallasEast;2344137 said:
Correction. Adam Jones violated the terms of the agreement between himself and the commissioner of the NFL to keep him reinstated.

Thanks. You saved me the trouble. :)


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Thanos68;2344150 said:
Oh riiiiight..Those SPECIAL terms of the NFL which say he can't do certain things that are legal. :rolleyes:

Well, if you're so concerned about the legality of the issue, then encourage PacMan to sue.

In the meantime, it is what it is. He signed the agreement. He broke the agreement. He's suspended.


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Phantom;2344129 said:
Typical, every time a black athlete gets suspended or charged with a crime it is deemed "racist". Just shut up with that race card bull****, how was the suspension racist? That thug Pacman shot a man and paralyzed him. That thug has been charged numerous times for public intoxication, That thug spit in a young womens face, that thug committed a assault and felony vandalism at a night club, and that thug recently got into an altercation with his body guard while intoxicated.

I don't care what colour you are, when you're a criminal, abuse alcohol, hit women, paralyze people, vandalize private property, caught speeding, etc, etc, etc over and over again something is wrong and you deserve to be suspended, not for one game, not for eight games, not for sixteen but forever.

PAC shot a man and paralyzed him? Really? Wow..Seems to me if he did that he would be in freaking jail. Right? Can you provide the link or ANY TYPE OF PROOF that says that pac shot a man? Or are you just taking the word of one of those other thugs who said it was Pac to save their own ***.


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DallasEast;2344137 said:
Correction. Adam Jones violated the terms of the agreement between himself and the commissioner of the NFL to keep him reinstated.

It's a bonefied policy. Personal Conduct. It's a damn good one too. I wear my NFL gear representing the league, affirmation of my support; I expect the same from the athletes.

Chuck 54

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CanadianCowboysFan;2343380 said:
of course, I'm sure the Goodell acolytes on this board will say who cares, the NFL issue is separate and he still deserves to be suspended indefinitely

I'm not sure what part of this some of you guys don't understand.

What do you want Goodell to do? If he and Adam agreed to a "no tolerance" policy that has nothing to do with the law, and if that included no alcohol related incidents, and if that agreement was so specific and so firm that Jerry Jones put Adam up in a provided apartment under a controlled environment and even hired 4 men to babysit and watch him 24/7 to avoid any situations that would breach that agreement, and if Adam Jones agreed to all of that as part of his reinstatement from what could have already been a lifetime ban,

Then what the heck is the problem? Should the head man of the NFL just say, "aww shucks...it was just a little alcohol and a fight...Adam shouldn't be held to the agreement...the rest of the players around the NFL will still respect my get-tough and save the league embarrassment policy."

It's not about the seriousness of this latest incident...college kids do worse than this every weekend. It's not about his play at CB (which in coverage has been nothing special). And it's not about his example for the young CBs or how he gets along with his teammates or his effort on the field.

It was a simple agreement that he violated...period. If you want to say the original agreement was stupid and Pacman should have never been put in that situation, fine. But how can anyone expect Goodell to just look the other way?


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Seven;2344173 said:
It's a bonefied policy. Personal Conduct. It's a damn good one too. I wear my NFL gear representing the league, affirmation of my support; I expect the same from the athletes.

God....what a dork.


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Thanos68;2344155 said:
PAC shot a man and paralyzed him? Really? Wow..Seems to me if he did that he would be in freaking jail. Right? Can you provide the link or ANY TYPE OF PROOF that says that pac shot a man? Or are you just taking the word of one of those other thugs who said it was Pac to save their own ***.

You must work in the CSI department. Shows up after all the shooting. Read the whole post.


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jobberone;2343337 said:
The state doesn't want to incarcerate him over that. Good for them.

Doesn't want to? more like they can't. Unlike Goodell they actually have to prove he did something wrong


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Thanos68;2344150 said:
Oh riiiiight..Those SPECIAL terms of the NFL which say he can't do certain things that are legal. :rolleyes:
The NFL commissioner originally suspended Adam Jones because he determined that Jones' past actions violated the NFL's personal conduct policy.

He reinstated Jones with the provision that he would not do so again. One of those provisions was that he would not drink alcohol due to either the perception or fact that he abuses alcohol; and that by doing so he would create a negative public incident which Goodell believes impacts the league.

Adam Jones drank alcohol at a party. Strike one.

Adam Jones was involved in a fight after drinking alcohol at a party. Strike two.

Adam Jones drinking at a party which led to a fight created the attention of law enforcement; which, in turn, was reported in the media; which, in turn, created an incident that the NFL commissioner impacted negatively on the league.

Strike three. He's out. Luckily, he hasn't been kicked out of the stadium. He could work his way back into the lineup, BUT it's up to him. If the commissioner of the NFL does reinstate Jones sometime in the future, he will not interfere in Jones' personal life IF Jones doesn't break any agreements with the NFL commissioner. In truth, Jones can control his own future IF he really wants to. The only question is, "Will he?"


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Thanos68;2344124 said:
Oh come on dude...that is BS..Pac had no choice but to sign if the guy wanted to earn a living. He has no other skills but football. Your argument is lame.
I really don't care what you say, he had a choice. If he didn't like the stipulations then he could have filed litigation against NFL but he didn't and he agreed to the stipulations for reinstatement.

What's lame is when he knew that he was on a lime light with last of his nine lives but he couldn't control himself and you enabling people like him.

Earn a living? He could dig a ditch to make a living for all I care, I really don't give a **** how he makes a living.


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03EBZ06;2344224 said:
I really don't care what you say, he had a choice. If he didn't like the stipulations then he could have filed litigation against NFL but he didn't and he agreed to the stipulations for reinstatement.

What's lame is when he knew that he was on a lime light with last of his nine lives but he couldn't control himself and you enabling people like him.

Earn a living? He could dig a ditch to make a living for all I care, I really don't give a **** how he makes a living.

Wow..what a coincidence...I don't care what you say either. :rolleyes:


El Serrano
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:laugh2: ok, a little confusing, but ok...
Seven;2343715 said:
Better yet, let's hear it from the usual group that whines about the usual group, keeping the topic, that they so despise, alive.


Walmart. Full length mirror. $6.99.


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tyke1doe;2344120 said:
The media made PacMan drink alcohol? :eek:

No, but the only proof I as a fan have been offered that he actually drank alcohol is that the media is reporting it. Whether or not he really did it, I still have no idea. Do you think there might be a conflict of interest there? The media blows the "incident" out of proportion so it can continue to report on the "incident." Where is the NFL to release the findings of their investigation so we as fans can sort out the media rhetoric from the facts?


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Let me start by saying when you have a bullseye on your back....STAY YOUR BUTT AT HOME.

But the league is wrong if he was not in violation.


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Thanos68;2344255 said:
Wow..what a coincidence...I don't care what you say either. :rolleyes:

Now how did I know you'd start the "I'm rubber, you're glue" Schtick.

Raise the bar, son. We didn't buy into your weak attempt at the race card either.

This all you got?