AP: Incident doesn't affect Adam Jones' probation


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links18;2344268 said:
No, but the only proof I as a fan have been offered that he actually drank alcohol is that the media is reporting it. Whether or not he really did it, I still have no idea. Do you think there might be a conflict of interest there? The media blows the "incident" out of proportion so it can continue to report on the "incident." Where is the NFL to release the findings of their investigation so we as fans can sort out the media rhetoric from the facts?

The NFL doesn't have to release its findings. In fact, it's not a public investigation.

Second, I guess I would ask you what "proof" do you have that the media is making this up? I don't hear any denials from PacMan or Deion Sanders that PacMan wasn't drinking.

In fact, I think Jerry Jones said that PacMan has to undergo alcohol-related treatment as part of his reinstatement process.

The media are what they are. The way you avoid the media - particularly if you're a person with a negative history like PacMan - is that you stay out of situations which generate media attention.

PacMan didn't do that. Sorry, but it's his fault and his fault alone.


The Boognish
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Seven;2344079 said:
Regressionist? Mmmm-k. Not a word but whatever poofs your chest out.

So with your theory, asinine as it is..................it's Gods fault? Think your theory will stand up in court?

Obviously it wouldnt which is my point. Neither would yours. In essence your calling your take asinine. Bravo.

Oh, and who is to say its not a word? I hope not you.


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Fighting is bad for the NFL's image but wife beating and murder is ok. What's wrong with this picture. Try explaining this to the family members of the people Leonard Little killed while driving drunk.


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Thanos68;2344105 said:
Our society is so screwed up. We actually impose restrictions on adults to say they cannot drink. Even though it is perfectly legal to do so. Our govt and our society is just so lame. We allow alcohol, but disallow marijuana when it is painfully obvious that alchohol is so much more dangerous. Ever see someone slam into another car after smoking a joint? Go watch someone really drunk and someone really high on pot and then tell me who is the coherent one. </rant >

Yes they slam into other cars after smoking a joint.

We had a Bus driver in Texas put a bus full of school kids in a ditch because she smoked a joint right before she started her route and saw an imaginary car they drug tested her and she was busted for smoking weed no alcohol

So you are blowing smoke out your arse


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Boys4Life;2344392 said:
Fighting is bad for the NFL's image but wife beating and murder is ok. What's wrong with this picture. Try explaining this to the family members of the people Leonard Little killed while driving drunk.

Wrong commissioner.


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Boys4Life;2344392 said:
Fighting is bad for the NFL's image but wife beating and murder is ok. What's wrong with this picture. Try explaining this to the family members of the people Leonard Little killed while driving drunk.

Good grief. Would you guys stop with the lack of context. :bang2:

Leonard Little's situation happened BEFORE Goodell's tenure.

Goodell is trying to clean up the league's image. Now, when some player kills or murders another and Goodell does nothing, then complain.

But these comparisons are faulty because they compare issues not even in the picture with those that are currently in the picture.

P.S. killing someone while driving drunk would not be considered "murder" legally. It would be deemed something else - I think negligent homicide. Murder, by definition, is a deliberate, intentional act to kill someone without just cause. (Forgive me lawyers among us, I'm paraphrasing.)

You would have to prove that Leonard Little got in that car and deliberately, intentionally intended to kill someone. That you couldn't do.

That's not to say what he did wasn't a terrible, terrible, terrible crime. But as far as the law is concerned, he did not commit murder.


The Boognish
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Kangaroo;2344401 said:
Yes they slam into other cars after smoking a joint.

We had a Bus driver in Texas put a bus full of school kids in a ditch because she smoked a joint right before she started her route and saw an imaginary car they drug tested her and she was busted for smoking weed no alcohol

So you are blowing smoke out your arse

I call BS. i want some evidence of this. Pot doesn't cause solid hallucinations like DMT or its ilk.


The Boognish
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Youre right Tags had clear guidelines that he adhered to. Goodell just makes it up as he goes along.


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Seven;2343810 said:
Read the whole news page. IF not for Jones there never would've been a meylay. No fight. No shooting. No "who dun it". I've gone down this road with folks at a much higher mental apptitude so I'm NOT wasting my time doing it with you. One could dip themselves in chocolate and roll in crushed nuts and you'd still say...........Hot Dog?

Do yourself a favor and find out the whole story. Not just who took the fall, Einstein. You're really looking silly at this point, tho I doubt you could look any less intelligent than you already have. Good luck with that.

Ok hold up there Clint.First off,you are coulda shoulda woulda the situation.You could say that about any situation in life.Bottomline he did NOT shoot the man.Second off dont talk down to me and question my intelligence.You are a big man behind your lil screen.Mr.Hot Dog.


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Phantom;2344129 said:
Typical, every time a black athlete gets suspended or charged with a crime it is deemed "racist". Just shut up with that race card bull****, how was the suspension racist? That thug Pacman shot a man and paralyzed him. That thug has been charged numerous times for public intoxication, That thug spit in a young womens face, that thug committed a assault and felony vandalism at a night club, and that thug recently got into an altercation with his body guard while intoxicated.

I don't care what colour you are, when you're a criminal, abuse alcohol, hit women, paralyze people, vandalize private property, caught speeding, etc, etc, etc over and over again something is wrong and you deserve to be suspended, not for one game, not for eight games, not for sixteen but forever.

Do you feel Bill Belicheck should have been banned from the NFL for getting caught cheating for many years?


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Seven;2344173 said:
It's a bonefied policy. Personal Conduct. It's a damn good one too. I wear my NFL gear representing the league, affirmation of my support; I expect the same from the athletes.

Dont wear any Dallas Cowboys gear that represents our SB wins in the 90s because it was filled with real criminals.Not one who had minor brushes and this time around did absolutely nothing.


Messenger to the football Gods
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juckie;2344507 said:
Dont wear any Dallas Cowboys gear that represents our SB wins in the 90s because it was filled with real criminals.Not one who had minor brushes and this time around did absolutely nothing.

:lmao2: :lmao: :laugh1: and.....and....:lmao2: HE'S serious!!! :lmao: :lmao2:


Messenger to the football Gods
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juckie;2344462 said:
Ok hold up there Clint.First off,you are coulda shoulda woulda the situation.You could say that about any situation in life.

No. I go to work. I feed my family. I enjoy my time off. I have many hobbies, none of which include, let's say, beating up my very own body/security guard CAUSE I HAVE NO NEED FOR ONE!!!!

DOH!! Large dose of reality.......paging DR. Lewis. We've got a flatline here.....................

juckie;2344462 said:
Bottomline he did NOT shoot the man.

Ohhhh. Bottom line? Like the one Adam has had three of? You can have them BUT in the real world Adam can't. Goodell is a crapbag? WHAT are you? No need, I already know.

juckie;2344462 said:
Second off dont talk down to me and question my intelligence.You are a big man behind your lil screen.Mr.Hot Dog.

Cyber-chest thumping is so 90's. Apologies, Mr. Meyer. Or can I call you Oscar?


Messenger to the football Gods
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tyke1doe;2344576 said:
Give it up. There's no reasoning with some people.

I know. You're right, tyke. I'm done with him.


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All the Bellicheater zzealots realize Jimmy Johnson admitted to stealing signs also when at Dallas....and gave up on it as no advantage!

Pacmans NFL Career is over. He's been boozing for a while now. He has checked out - sad


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AdamJT13;2343326 said:

The Associated Press

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

IRVING, Texas — Twice-suspended cornerback Adam “Pacman” Jones won’t have his probation revoked in Georgia after an alcohol-related scuffle with his bodyguard in Dallas.

Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard said Wednesday that probation officers had decided not to pursue revocation proceedings because Jones wasn’t arrested after police were called to an upscale Dallas hotel Oct. 7.

Jones was suspended indefinitely by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on Tuesday for the latest disturbance. It was the 13th incident for Jones involving police since Tennessee drafted him in 2005. He was weeks removed from Goodell lifting a 17-month ban over personal conduct.

Goodell even more of a tool......