What a bunch of silky little girls. So in our area they're broadcasting a Dr. Seuss movie instead of football. It's a suitable replacement for a Mickey Mouse team like the Foreskins.
Meanwhile, they're all crying the blues over at ES.
I acctually live in Maryland, the storms around here have been rediculous. Huge lightening storms all night long, so sorry guy all teams would be delayed in lightening.
I live in Alexandria, my power went out just before the game came on and it rained like crazy. I think they are going to delay it again because another storm is running through Alexandria again and heading up to Landover with alot of lightning and thunder.
Let's not be silly here, they shouldn't screw around with lightning... it's not only the players at risk, it's the fans in the stands... I saw bits of that game before I went to work, and it WAS pretty brutal there...