Archer says Romo has 2 fractures ***Merged***

Romo is a friggin warrior that's for sure. He may be the toughest player of our time.

Really, who else has played with:
Busted throwing hand
Busted ribs
Busted lungs
Broken back

I'm curious -- did any of those happen before he turned 30?
have u lived in a bubble last two years. You realize multiple back surgeries don't make your back stronger. Talk to anyone who has had back surgery. And yes I work in heath care field

You're dodging the question. You cannot just make claims without producing evidence if you want to be taken seriously.

My feelings hearing this news, I just want to grab a sledge hammer and just start smashing stuff. I realize it's not a "broken back", but why can't it be a freaking bruise? Romo and the boys' never catch freaking breaks man, even when it's going 'good'.
lol Dude spare me the BS. Going off of what is being reported, the injury is no big deal. It's not about being a doctor. It's about going with what we're being told and using common sense and knowledge of said injury.

Look who's talking. lol Going off of what was reported all he had was a bruise and now this. The injury is a big deal because he may have to sit for an extended period to allow the injury to heal and the Cowboys will be in trouble if that happens. Common sense would tell anyone that a 34 year old QB who's just come off back surgery a few months ago and now has sustained a couple of fractures to their back could put them on the shelf for a lengthy period until the injury has healed.
OK. You actually made a joke about our starting QB's broken back that was funny. You win the internet today sir.

I want to first thank everyone who helped me to win the internet today.
It's a tremendous honor, but I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for you.
Thank you. Seriously. I love you all.

Now- let's be serious for a moment.
I really want to thank myself.
Without myself I really wouldn't be here.
Thank me. Seriously. I love me.
Common sense would tell anyone that a 34 year old QB who's just come off back surgery a few months ago and now has sustained a couple of fractures to his back could put them on the shelf for a lengthy period until the injury has healed.

I don't know if that is true or not --- I trust the training staff / Doctors / etc.

Having said that, its really concerning that Romo barely made it 8 games before sustaining a different injury to his back.

Coincidence? Bad luck? Maybe....

Or he is nearing the end of the line from a physical perspective.
Romo is a friggin warrior that's for sure. He may be the toughest player of our time.

Really, who else has played with:
Busted throwing hand
Busted ribs
Busted lungs
Broken back

And for the "most" part he has played effectively.

Whatever else you might say about Tony he absolutely gives it his all and then some.

He has my eternal respect and gratitude for wearing The Star with such honor.


You can question his "clutchness" or his level of play, but its UNDENIABLE this guy is tough and is willingly to play through anything. No question at all.
he would have to play with so much supportive equipment to protect that area that his mobility would be limited. Romo is guy who relies on quick spins so I wouldn't even entertain playing him until he has 100% mobility back.

The thing is, Romo will never ever be 100%. From what I hear is that they can put some kevlar on his lower back but that would not be all bulky and stuff. Plus he could take the needle before the game.

I actually want Romo to start the game, I bet his team does too. But, he starts getting all busted up again, bench him.
mannn...... to those of you saying this injury being "close" to the spine is the reason for concern. thats like saying if a flagpole attached to a window of a building were to break, and you say now the buildings structure is not sound
mannn...... to those of you saying this injury being "close" to the spine is the reason for concern. thats like saying if a flagpole attached to a window of a building were to break, and you say now the buildings structure is not sound

what's the healing prognosis on a broken transverse process?
Look who's talking. lol Going off of what was reported all he had was a bruise and now this. The injury is a big deal because he may have to sit for an extended period to allow the injury to heal and the Cowboys will be in trouble if that happens. Common sense would tell anyone that a 34 year old QB who's just come off back surgery a few months ago and now has sustained a couple of fractures to their back could put them on the shelf for a lengthy period until the injury has healed.

Because you are normally consistently one of the more positive posters, especially during the winning streak, I'm going with your outlook that it's very likely far more terrible than others on here think.

Thanks for your levels headed fair opinion.
The poor bastid has been carrying this 8-8 team for years. Many QB's that came in when Romo did would have never survived what Romo has done in his time playing.

It is this FACT that makes me so nuts when people start bashing him.
You're dodging the question. You cannot just make claims without producing evidence if you want to be taken seriously.

let me try to explain it. Romo has structural issues in his back. This is why he has had two back surgeries. Those surgeries don't make it better. They try to prevent future breakdown. Dallas lets Romo skip practices on wed to do core strength training to those back muscles since they know spine needs additional help. They devise special strength and training programs for those back muscles. Those muscles he is doing extra training with anchor to transverse process. These little bones actually have a function. They anchor muscles and tendons that provide support to spine. So now we have a back that was surgical repaired because of a ruptured disc (remember these disc are never 100% again). And now we have fractures to transverse process that anchor these muscles/tendons he is taking off practice on wed to strengthen because he has chronic instability to his back due to chronic wear and tear from playing football. In all...its not good. But we knew this coming into the season.
I understand how tough Romo is, but I would strongly consider sitting him for the Cardinals game. Maybe even through the bye week.
The cumulative effect of the multiple injuries and surgeries to Romo's back has to be a major concern going forward. How could it not be?
With that said, Romo's previous history of back injuries appeared to have very little if anything to do with the injury he sustained Monday night. I'd imagine the probability of a fracture is relatively high to most humans given the force of the blow and the position of Romo's back at impact.

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