Every fan base suffers from some delusion, but Cowboys fans have a rare case of it. They've spent over a quarter century blaming players, usually QBs their dysfunctional team was lucky to even fall into in the first place, rather than the real culprits.
The Cowboys have plodded along in mediocrity for over 25 years because of two constants - Jerry and Stephen Jones playing fantasy football - but keep on blaming the products of their work. They are the problem, no matter your scapegoats. Imagine how bad the 21st century would've been if Romo wasn't signed as a free agent, or Dak chosen as a 4th round afterthought, after failed attempts to draft Paxton Lynch and Connor Cook.
These two rich bozos haven't a clue, yet some of you still think they're going to deliver a SB. Those two happy accidents are why the 21st century Cowboys are about a .500 team, rather than a perennial last place team. Recognize the real problem.