Are you a Zeke fan, a Dak fan, or a Cowboys fan?


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I am a Cowboys fan, first and foremost. I gripe about certain players, or coaches but as long as they wear the Star, I will be rooting from them every Sunday to win. I hated Jimmy Johnson before he became the coach of the Cowboys, hated him being the coach of the Cowboys, and I still hate him today and refuse to watch any show he is on. If he ever gets put in the ROH, I will never step foot in the stadium again (this is a personal issue with him). But that doesn't mean I wasn't rooting every Sunday or enjoyed those SB any less because it.

There have and probably always will be players that I don't like on the team: Dion Sanders, TO, Hardy all come to mind. But I can't root against any player as a Cowboy, because they must do well for the Cowboys to do well. And that is really all that matters.


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Then 95% of threads shouldn't be commented on, because they are also fantasy.

And I agree, most people(non-cowboy forum guys) would take Barkley over Zeke like they would take Mahomes over Dak.
Where did I say those threads shouldn't be commented on? I'm just saying I personally don't partake. Threads about other team's players being better is obviously gonna be controversial.

95% of threads aren't fantasy based. Most have to do discussions regarding real matters. Like news, player performance, player matchups, injury, previews, ect.

And Zeke obviously isn't as talented or efficient as Barkely, but I'm still happy to have him produce the most every year.


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I'm a Cowboys fan. I hoped that both Zeke and Dak got the smallest possible contracts. Not because I hate them but because that would help the team the most. On the field, I hope that both Zeke and Dak play great. That extends to people like Garrett, who I am not particularly high on. I would rather be "wrong" on Garrett and see the team succeed than have the Cowboys come up short and be right on Garrett.

Lots of people should ask themselves this question: Pick a player or coach that you don't like. Would you rather be right on them and have the team fail as a result or be wrong and have the team succeed? If you are rooting for player success or failure in outright spite of team success, are you really a fan?

Personally, a player has to be an instrumental part of a super bowl win before I view them as anything other than just another player. I have my heroes. Someone has to be pretty special to sit next to guys like Emmitt, Troy, Roger, TD, Randy White, etc. Until someone gets to that status, they are expendable in my book if doing so makes the team better.


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There are a lot of die hard Dak supporters on this site, more so than Zeke supporters. Which is understandable given the amount of haters Dak has. I mean, I get it. I understand defending Dak, especially at this point in his career. Dak is balling out and everything is falling into place.

But what I don't understand is the shade getting thrown at Zeke in the process of defending Dak. We shouldn't downplay Zeke's success in defense of Dak's own. Zeke and Dak fans are turning on each other. Whatever happened to being a "Cowboys" fan?
:thumbup:First & above all else I Am A Cowboys Fan


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I don't think many fans want a player to get top dollar. I think some fans can understand why a player would want top dollar though.
We have too many fans that vilify a player for the business side of the sport. Yet we don't vilify the billionaires for the gouging they do to the fans. Some of the NFL practices are borderline illegal. Exclusive Directv contract, Exclusive EA Sports contracts ect. Most of the increases in your cable bills come from professional sports tv contracts. Owners threaten cities to have taxpayers subsidize stadiums that are handed off to the owners. How is this ok? We pay taxes to a private business to build them a billion dollar asset that they can then charge us to access?

I do see fans wanting their favorite player to be the highest paid like he is going to cut them in on the money. Back when Dez was up seen people say give him a blank check.

I go after players and owners both have raised the cost so much that it’s hard for a family of four to go to a game park have some food and watch in decent seats. I don’t go I’ll watch on TV and spend my money on stuff to improve my life.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I'm a Cowboy fan but I'm also a fan of the players. Never understood how some can treat them like something so expendable. If they go to another team and they aren't playing the Cowboys I'll root for them. That's what I did with Ware when he went to Denver and I don't even like Denver.


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Does the CBA give the player the right to renegotiate
after 3 years?

What does the salary cap have to do with any individual’s negotiations? That’s seems like a management problem which you should know if you ran a business.

Again, explain to me how my saying that Zeke was simply taking advantage of his leverage to get more money was in anyway whining?

Do you understand what whining means?
(Hint it’s what you’re doing about Zeke hurting your feelings)

Why are you so angry about it?:)
Guy you might as well try to talk to the wall, want some real fun just mention Dak.


Regular Joe....
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Why do you gotta pick sides? I'm a fan of the team which includes Dak, Zeke and the team itself. I don't always like what I see from all phases but I'm still a fan.


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I’m a fan of the Cowboys. I’m more critical of some aspects of the team/franchise over others but in the end, all I want is for them to win.


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Im a Cowboys fan.... period. I was so down on Dak..... but he has won me over. It looks like we actually may just have that Franchise QB.... and I couldnt be happier. But I root for all Cowboys players the same.


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There are a lot of die hard Dak supporters on this site, more so than Zeke supporters. Which is understandable given the amount of haters Dak has. I mean, I get it. I understand defending Dak, especially at this point in his career. Dak is balling out and everything is falling into place.

But what I don't understand is the shade getting thrown at Zeke in the process of defending Dak. We shouldn't downplay Zeke's success in defense of Dak's own. Zeke and Dak fans are turning on each other. Whatever happened to being a "Cowboys" fan?
why do people insist on using that ignorant word "hater" ? Just because you find fault with someone or something, at times, doesnt mean you hate it. Cant you make a critical comment from time to time without it being dismissed as "hatred" I freakin hate that term probably more than any other over used and wrongly used word of our times. Its not hate man, its not hate. And yes I am aware I just used the word, but I used it correctly


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There are a lot of Cowboys fans on this site. There are also a fair # of people that are just fans of themselves. So they like to pick sides, defend things, and be "right". Even if its just trolling because it makes them feel good. IE fans of themselves.

Nail right on the head. It drives me nuts. I saw a guy wearing a Cowboy hat the other day and he saw me wearing a Cowboy hat as well. We chatted for a second and for some reason out of nowhere he says "I knew Romo was never gonna win us a championship" I said, "well he didn't have much of a defense his whole career" He then said.."yea but he would of still fumbled it during a big moment" I instantly smiled and said. "Yea" . I had no need to talk to him about football as I knew exactly the type of "Cowboy" fan he was. I very rarely meet a Cowboy fan that seems to actually root for the Dallas Cowboys TEAM.

I hated what Zeke was doing all offseason. Talked **** towards him, but the second I heard he was coming back I was pumped. I realize that my football teams needs him to win games. Some people get so much thrill out of being able to say "I told you so" when this team does something bad. It's really weird to me.