Are you witnessing the swagger being displayed by the Niners today?

seahawks have been my playoff bandwagon team.

love their smack talk and backing it up. love how they pick up when a team mate has a bad game...and they just crush people.
Swagger is not something that you can fake to make you feel stronger and play better.

Swagger is earned, period. When the Cowboys start winning swagger will come automatically. But, to pretend that you have it when you really don't is useless and just makes the person look stupid.

But, I do agree somewhat that this team needs some "nasty" because right now this team seems to just go through the motions during the games. They need more aggressiveness if anything else, which may lead to more wins, which will lead to the swagger that a champion carries.
yeah the panthers were the only NFC team left that I could stomach. Now I have to root for the Broncos to win it all. Can't stand the thought of the 49ers, hawks, or Pats winning it all....gag
Some of that YOLO swag is exactly what we need. Maybe the Bieber can be our next HC...
Funny how you question the rest of our fan base when you're the one gushing over another team.

Having swagger has nothing to do with yapping after every play and otherwise acting like a jackass.

Neither SF or Seattle have swagger. Both teams are full of punks. Both teams are coached by D-bags and their teams follow their lead.
I agree with you but just to present the other side look at the Patriots. They don't do much of all that stuff, BB would cut any player like that and still are consistent winners. So it can be done.
I agree with you but just to present the other side look at the Patriots. They don't do much of all that stuff, BB would cut any player like that and still are consistent winners. So it can be done.

on the contrary.. Wilfork and Harrison = dirty players
Randy Moss, Aaron Hernandez, Rob Gronkowski = constantly taunted their opponenets / acted like douches after scoring, etc.
Antonio Bryant, T.O., Tank Johnson, Pacman, etc. all had what most consider swagger. How did that work out for us?

They don't need talkers, jerks or *******s. They need LEADERS.

They haven't had a leader of men since Darren Woodson walked out the door.
i can agree with you on this point. the player leadership is lacking. romo/witten/ware...we just need fresh blood at the forefront.
He doesn't get the spotlight put on him because he shows emotion. He gets the spotlight put on him because he shows emotion and plays for the Dallas Cowboys. If he played for the Browns no one would give a damn either. The national media, as well as the local media in Dallas love to create drama around this team.

I never once heard Jason Garrett or anyone else on the team criticize Dez for his level of passion.
garrett was critical of him. also did you forget ware's comments after dez went off in the lions game? he said "we're going to make sure that never happens again." could you imagine any niners players saying that about boldin today? yeah....when hell freezes over. if anything they are going to back boldin up. i'm just sick of the country club atmosphere around this franchise.
I agree with you but just to present the other side look at the Patriots. They don't do much of all that stuff, BB would cut any player like that and still are consistent winners. So it can be done.

i don't think you've watched a lot of the patriots this year then. they've been a very chippy team this year. the epicenter of it is the dallas native aqib talib, cowboys wanted no part of him b/c of garrett's RKG philosophy.

Neither SF or Seattle have swagger. Both teams are full of punks. Both teams are coached by D-bags and their teams follow their lead.

you are part of the country club problem jimmy was referring to.
Cam is throwing to garbage, Smith is past his prime, Ginn can't catch, Olson is the only bright spot. Cam needs a receiver like Dez!
There is a mindset here that teams cannot expect to be at the top consistently and expectations should be lowered for the Cowboys because none of the teams that were hot in the early 90's are hot now. This is the cyclical nature of the game.

I suggest this is a losers mentality to assuage the pain of realization the people running the Cowboys are inept and mismanaging the team and have been for over seventeen years.

The Niners are a team that fits the early 90's description and they are headed to the NFC championship game for the third straight time.

That contradicts the loser mentality of accepting mediocrity.

Thanks Jerry.

Huh. I'm not necessarily disputing you on this, but who here celebrates the mediocrity?
I see differing opinions of how the team needs to be fixed and who should be the team's QB and who should be coaching them and what should be going on in the front office, but

I haven't seen too many people celebrating the .500 seasons.

Maybe I've missed it. I do that from time to time.

Maybe you could enlighten me so I can watch out for those posters.
Huh. I'm not necessarily disputing you on this, but who here celebrates the mediocrity?
I see differing opinions of how the team needs to be fixed and who should be the team's QB and who should be coaching them and what should be going on in the front office, but

I haven't seen too many people celebrating the .500 seasons.

Maybe I've missed it. I do that from time to time.

Maybe you could enlighten me so I can watch out for those posters.

Have you never seen these fans who build their season on hope, that at some point when reality begins to shine through start telling the fans who are skeptical that we have too high an expectation?

I assure you they walk among us.
Have you never seen these fans who build their season on hope, that at some point when reality begins to shine through start telling the fans who are skeptical that we have too high an expectation?

I assure you they walk among us.

WTH! lol

Yeah, maybe those fans should build their season on despair!
i can agree with you on this point. the player leadership is lacking. romo/witten/ware...we just need fresh blood at the forefront.

garrett was critical of him. also did you forget ware's comments after dez went off in the lions game? he said "we're going to make sure that never happens again." could you imagine any niners players saying that about boldin today? yeah....when hell freezes over. if anything they are going to back boldin up. i'm just sick of the country club atmosphere around this franchise.

You're taking Ware's comments out of context. He wasn't referring to Dez's being passionate. He was referring to Dez's passion ending up as a distraction. You can't find any evidence of Garrett, or any other Cowboy criticizing Dez for his passion. Know why? Cuz it didn't happen. No Cowboy ever said Dez shouldn't be passionate.

You're way off base on this one. The only critical comments made by any Cowboy were in regards to Dez's passion boiling over to the point where it could affect the focus on the task at hand. Which is a valid criticism.

Passion during the game does no good if it causes a lapse in focus. That would apply to just about every sport.
Have you never seen these fans who build their season on hope, that at some point when reality begins to shine through start telling the fans who are skeptical that we have too high an expectation?

I assure you they walk among us.

Yes sir.
I do see that.

I don't fault a "fan" for having hope.
I think many of us here are more than "fans"-
I believe many of the posters here are "fanatics": people who consume knowledge about their chosen team like it's food and water.

I just may be one of them.
I'm like you- I see the Naive.
I want to tell them it's wasted hope. Sometimes.

Sometimes I want to believe like they do- it's a wonderful feeling, that "Hope".
But dashed hopes are a true bummer. Better to steel your heart than to open it to hurt once again, right?

This is a difficult time to be a Cowboys Fanatic. Only the True will stay.
I count you amongst them just as I count myself.

I will continue to Hope as that's all that's left in this ocean of Evidence of Concern.

Hope with discretion, as I'd like to call it. I know the fundamental flaws, like you.

Until things change at it's foundation- what else do we as fans have?
BTW, I can't wait till the word "swagger" goes away.
You know what I gots?

I gots SWAGGAH...

Whatcha gonna do?

Yeah watching the playoffs makes me realize how big a joke our franchise is. These teams would destroy us and make us look stupid doing it.

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