Areas of Expertise

Cowboyfan81 said:
PC hardware/software, printers and networks. Iv'e worked for AOL, Gateway, several PC shops, and now own my own business

Be glad to help any way I can.

I saw your rates on your site. (Nice site thinking of doing something like that here in Anchorage). Best Buy just brought in Geek Squad the other day. This Geek Squad is a joke. Im not kidding. Nice Beetles tho. Cute car for the girlfriend. But some of these guys I wouldnt let glance at my PC let alone crack it up and start working on it. Its sad really. This goes to show you just how confusing it is for normal PC users to get anything legit/fair done to fix PC problems. They will turn to anyone. They will stand in line for 40 minutes to drop off the PC at CompUSA or BestBuy, to only pick it up a week later and pay them 180$ for whatever powersupply they replaced. Thats money baby. I can do that. Ill do it alot cheaper to.

The places around town charge a 75$ bench fee just to tell you whats up w/ your PC. Then they charge you 60$ an hour to fix it. Thats on the cheap side.

Where are you folks located?
Dallas said:
I saw your rates on your site. (Nice site thinking of doing something like that here in Anchorage). Best Buy just brought in Geek Squad the other day. This Geek Squad is a joke. Im not kidding. Nice Beetles tho. Cute car for the girlfriend. But some of these guys I wouldnt let glance at my PC let alone crack it up and start working on it. Its sad really. This goes to show you just how confusing it is for normal PC users to get anything legit/fair done to fix PC problems. They will turn to anyone. They will stand in line for 40 minutes to drop off the PC at CompUSA or BestBuy, to only pick it up a week later and pay them 180$ for whatever powersupply they replaced. Thats money baby. I can do that. Ill do it alot cheaper to.

The places around town charge a 75$ bench fee just to tell you whats up w/ your PC. Then they charge you 60$ an hour to fix it. Thats on the cheap side.

Where are you folks located?

My wife bought a notebook from Best Buy earlier this year.

The HD crashed and she took it back under warranty. What should have been a 1 hour turnaround ended up being a 1 week ordeal. I personally went up there the following Saturday. The Geek Commander said "This a difficult repair"... I got right in his face "A HD swap? I could do it in 10 minutes if it didn't void the warranty. I'm going over to the Home Theatre section to check out the USC/ND game. I will be back in 20 minutes and the PC better be ready".

It was... :D
trickblue said:
My wife bought a notebook from Best Buy earlier this year.

The HD crashed and she took it back under warranty. What should have been a 1 hour turnaround ended up being a 1 week ordeal. I personally went up there the following Saturday. The Geek Commander said "This a difficult repair"... I got right in his face "A HD swap? I could do it in 10 minutes if it didn't void the warranty. I'm going over to the Home Theatre section to check out the USC/ND game. I will be back in 20 minutes and the PC better be ready".

It was... :D

Ahh...the mean side of trickblue. :p:
BrAinPaiNt said:
Ahh...the mean side of trickblue. :p:

It's aggravating when they talk to you like a mechanic talks to a woman about a car repair...

I happen to have turned a PC on a couple of times in my life... ;)
trickblue said:
It's aggravating when they talk to you like a mechanic talks to a woman about a car repair...

I happen to have turned a PC on a couple of times in my life... ;)

Yes you are a big tough guy being mean to self described geeks. ;) :p:

Chances are I would not have been as nice as you, then again chances are I would have said screw the warranty and did it myself.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Chances are I would not have been as nice as you, then again chances are I would have said screw the warranty and did it myself.

REBEL !!!! You are such a tough guy. I knew it all along. The beanie the goatie the glasses the rebel flags.

People around here actually think your some teddy bear.

I know different mister....YOUR PSYCHO!!

I would also cower at TrickBlue if he ever got in my face. Can you imagine the spittle effect his grumpiness could spew? I would need a salad bar safty hood just to be covered. ;)
LOL...for the record you will find NO rebel flags in my possession.
Dallas said:
I would also cower at TrickBlue if he ever got in my face. Can you imagine the spittle effect his grumpiness could spew? I would need a salad bar safty hood just to be covered. ;)

My grumpiness knows no bounds!!!
Thanks for the kind words on the site. (I know just enough to get done what I need to! :eek:: )

We are located in Merced, Ca.

(BTW, I agree Geek Squad is a Joke! They wouldn't hire me, so now I'm taking their business!)
Another fun thing to do at best buy; circuit city etc is go in and start looking at the PC's like you want to buy it or something.

When the guy ask can I help you with something start asking him high end questions and watch them get flustered. Ones like is this the prescot chipset on this P-4.

On the laptop ask if it is shared video memory or discrete most will look at you and try to feed you a line of BS because they do not know.

It is quite fun to pick on the young pimpled face teenagers :); I have become a mean old man and prod of it :chainsaw:
Seems like most peoples skills here are bringing a thread off topic :p

I can rub two twigs together and make a mess :)
Databases. Oracle and MySQL primarily

Linux distributions such as Fedora and Ubuntu. (might try rolling my own with gentoo on my next server) Recently been getting into Mac OS X due to it's Linuxy goodness underneath the hood. (and thanks to a Mac Mini for my bday from the bro in law)

Apache and PHP. Wrote a site for my friends and I to log in and make our weekly College and NFL picks. Have written various other minor scripts for displaying random weather or quotes (you can see them in action at along with an outdated version of my resume)

qMail mail server.

Pretty much any and all PC/Mac problems.
Solaris/AIX/Linux administration
Shell scripting, Perl, PHP
SAN and NAS; scsi,fibre channel and filers
desktop pcs to a component level
various linux distros: mandrake/driva, redhat/fedora, suse, ubuntu.
home theater systems and setup

and ummm bowling(180+ average), flag football(ok before i got old), weight lifting/training(I am at 202 with 17% bodyfat and working towards 13 at 210).

i aim to be good at vacationing and polygamy by my finances and wife have not allowed those.

Dallas are you a member of the ASNP? I joined recently. Great networking and info.
Well I have a pretty good knowledge of computer compnents(guess I touched a hot wire and fried my "how to spell" brain cells). I have built myself 3 computers.

I have a little knowledge in Javascript, HTML, C++, JAVA, and SQL. I am going to school to be a programmer, or a DBA.
Well I know a little about lots and lots about little... I am sorta a Jack of all trades but a master of none sadly:(

I worked with a Wang... not your Wang and not my Wang but the computer Wang... the giant killer... I worked on a Phillips computer of course most of these are before the MS-DOS... the C-64 and 128 and the atari and amiga cobal, cobal II, pascal, fortran(self taught)

I worked in the medical field in geriatrics...

Drove a semi

Worked on a dairy Farm and a Cattle Ranch

Raised in both the big city and on a farm

Did auto body work along with auto repair

worked at a Dock and did some work as a Diver

did some sky diving and repelling and hang gliding

I play/have played a little golf, baseball, football, basketball, hockey, soccer

I rode a bull in a rodeo (3 times), been on top of the Zugspitz, Mt. Helens and Mt. Baker...

I have see the Atlantic and the Pacific and the Indian Oceans...

I have been in all the states of the United states except Hawaii

I have been to France, England, Scottland, Wales and Ireland and the isle of man, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Saudia Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq, Mexico and Canada

I've been fishing in creeks, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans and I have done a good bit of hunting though now mostly with binoculars or a camera

I've been married and divorced and am raising 2 boys on my own

I am a self taught guitar player but it is confined mostly to rythm guitar and by ear as I can't read a note or rather I can read a note but it is slow going and I wouldn't know where that note should be played...however I am able to read those chords where they show where your fingers should be so I know quite a few chords by heart now...

I have been on Fossil finds and enjoy history

oh and I know pain emotional/physical and mental but I also know joy just as well...

If you think I can help you feel free at anytime to contact me
This thread reminds me of that scene from Napoleon Dynamite:

"Nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills."

trickblue said:
It's aggravating when they talk to you like a mechanic talks to a woman about a car repair...

I happen to have turned a PC on a couple of times in my life... ;)

How'd you do that? This is the right forum......right? ;)

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